[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" Glad to hear you're doing good this league and enjoying the build :) I got the idea of using the Hungry Loop because I started to get severely socket starved considering what I wanted to do. A benefit of the Hungry Loop is that it frees up the Feeding Frenzy slot meaning we can boost the damage of our Zombies and Spectres with another support gem. I really wanted to go all out with my AG this league and the Hungry Loop allows me to run a 5-link AG which is super fun. Is this the most optimal setup for higher budgets? I don't know, maybe? A problem is that I'm sacrificing so much Life and resistances running many of these items. I literally have to get all it from my boots, belt and 1 ring. So I'm considering if maybe Mageblood is the optimal belt for the endgame as we can remove Resistance from the equation. I'm barely res capped right now and that's with 80% elemental resistance from my Helm meaning I could not get a BiS helm if I wanted to. I suggest that you build a Hungry Loop and try it out. It's very fun. That would mean that you have to fix your resistances somewhere else though, like from a Stygian vise. The lightning/fire dmg on ring could be fixed with a Lab enchant on boots. In lab you can get 1-160 lightning damage to spells if you haven't killed recently (which you haven't). Scorch boots are defintely better than +1 curse. Curses are around ~30% resistance pen. Boss Curse reduction reduces the effect by 66% down to ~10%. The scorch on the boots is a passive -15% removal so it's stronger. You also get another source of Explode which is insane for clearing. Since you're running BV with EE I suggest not getting a Crown of the Tyrant. Crown of the Tyrant is very expensive and reduces all Ele resistances by -10%. Why you can't use it is because it gives ~70 flat cold damage to everyone around your AG. That includes you, so you'd deal cold damage making you unable to apply Cold Exposure with EE. You're higher budget than me so I'd actually keep running 2 curses. I'd do this by adding +1 curse to chest on your AG instead. What I'd do is craft a Explodey Chest with +1 Curse.
To do this you want a Crusaders Body armour with T1 Explodey (~30% chance to explode dealing 10% of enemy HP as phys). If you're super rich you could Elevate this with Maven Orbs even. You then Awakened Orb this chest with a Hunters chest with +1 Curse and finally give it to your AG. Since Triad grip converts all phys damage to Cold damage this would make the chest deal Cold Damgage explosions which would scale with all your cold modifiers in the build. This is for sure the endgame chest we want to run on the AG but it's pretty costly. Losing him would feel pretty bad so you want to make sure he's very tanky. If I were you personally I would look into cleaning up all my gems if I were you. This means getting atleast 20/20 quality on ALL your gems. There's no reason for them to not have it. For alternate quality upgrades I'd get DIvergent Bonechill and Divergent Skitterbots. You should also look into getting 21/20 gems for some skills. - Zombies should be 21/20 normal qual - Spectres should be 21/20 Anomalous (This is expensive and can be a later priority) - Skeletons should be 21/0 Vaal (21/20 is super expensive) - AG should be 21/20 Anomalous. Alternate quality gems are pretty expensive to straight out buy as 21/20. What I did was buy x6 anomalous AGs and level them up in my offhand. The cost ~20 chaos each. Then just level them to 20/20 and corrupt yourself. Now I'm currently doing the same for Raise Spectres for my own build. Gearwise, your next upgrades will probably be very expensive upgrades. This would include getting a Wand upgrade with Hatred Aura effect, a Mirror helm or a HH/Mageblood. |
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Thanks for the quick reply!
I changed my gems, except the Anomalous Spectre, i saw your profile earlier during the day that you were leveling 9 of them in the offhand, so I did the same, when I get a 21 one, I'll do the same for the Anomalous AG. I won't change my rings n stuff, I'll do the craft you mentioned for the exploding+1curse chest since it's not expensive at all roughly 1-2ex. I'll try to see if i can add some resistance to it if I'm lucky for the AG. so I'll get the chest and switch the boots for the scorched boots. As far as I can tell, I can probably get 2 better rings with %Minion dmg on both of them since it feels nice. I'll try to buy a wand with, +1+1, Minion DMG%, Minion Attack Speed%, and 2 open suffixes so I can slam Redeemer hope to get Hatred% and then Trigger craft, if it doesn't hit I'll just sell & try again. For the helm/shield I can see it's reaching mirror tier upgrade, so I'll keep checking for good items that are being sold cheap and keep flipping until I can afford the Mirror Service. Overall I'm grateful and happy for the build, I didn't realize how strong it actually was with so little investment until I made a new character for fun and poured 50ex into him and he was still struggling. So now I have a different appreciation for this necro. |
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" Hi Deadandlivin saw your youtube video last leauge and currently following this build guide! currently having blast! Changes some stuff here and there gaining more dps in exchange for losing some defence. Im currently using Crown of the tyrant and didnt even realize the drawback! Im now gonna craft and change my helmet to a rare one with a budget version of your end game AG Helm with the stats: Nearby Enemies have -9% to Cold Resistance Nearby Enemies take 6% increased Elemental Damage I dont have enough Currency for the Higher one but for future reference: if i use awakining orb on two helemet both having elevated mod. Does the new helmet get both elevated mods? Also wanted to ask if my AG is using gravebind: isnt it better to equip it with sporeguard instead of inpulsa? MistakenSmile#7870 님이 2022. 3. 9. 오후 1:49:34에 마지막으로 편집
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" Yes, if you Elevate both helms: One to -12% cold resistance and one to 9% increased elemental dmg and Awakened Orb them together it will retain those values. That's the BiS helm at play. It's SUPER expensive to make though, but depends on your Maven Orb rng. You should expect a ~5% dps increase with double elevated mods compare to not having it. Sporeguard doesn't work on AG, i've tested it. The AG can't use "triggered spells". So whenever an item says Trigger X when Y happens or whatever it won't work. The explodey and stationary thing work. But Contaminate doesn't work, and contaminate is the most important thing. The issue with Sporeguard is that your AG has to stand still for ~2-4 sec to spread the Fungus thing on the ground. When he moves it dissapears. This makes it so monsters rarely stand on it since your AG never will stand still. If Contaminate had worked, Sporeguard would be better. What contaminate does is spawn a pool of fungus on the ground when something is killed by the wearer of the chest. This means that, had it worked, a monster would've died which would've triggered the chest. Fungus would spawn in a big circle under the monster affecting nearby monsters. From here the chest would trigger the explosions spawning more fungus causing a chain reaction. Unfortunately, the chest does almost nothing on the AG cause he runs around too much. |
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" Yeah, it's kinda unfortunate that the jump in price for upgrades is so extreme for minion builds. The 3 most important dps upgrade rares all jump from 15 ex to 200+ ex out of nowhere. That being said, you should still be able to find a wand and shield upgrade without it being too much. It depends on if people are crafting the shield though and putting it on the market. |
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Some more footage of the current version of the build I'm running.
Decided to do some bosskilling here and test the speed when farming guardians :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb67hi85hIY&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m Deadandlivin#2745 님이 2022. 3. 9. 오후 4:19:40에 마지막으로 편집
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" Thanks for the reply! ive read sporeguard mods multiple times but for some reason ive missed the mod "Enemies on Fungal Ground you Kill Explode". I guess I was focusing too much on the other stats and ignored that completely. learned that The AG can't use "triggered spells" which is nice :D last question: about brittle ground, my shield dont have "inflict brittle ground on block" but i have the new mod in my boots that drops brittle ground while moving. In your opinion, should i look into a new shield so that i can roll something better to my boots like "Increase carrion buff effect". The only upgrade i can think for my current character aside from mirror tier gear is Awakened Multistrike which is i am currently saving for and a helmet with either Crit chance or deal more elemental damage which is priced at 80+ ex. NICE Video btw! looking forward to the upcoming ones! MistakenSmile#7870 님이 2022. 3. 10. 오전 2:01:20에 마지막으로 편집
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I'm glad you're back, do you have any mid budge or high ideas in mind?
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" I'm not sure. Right now I'm thinking that Brittle Ground on your own boots actually is better than Brittle on Block for minions. This means that you can preplace the Brittle ground before bosses are attackable. This would also allow us to swap to Sap on Block on the shield instead. Mostly because the base (TRANSFER-ATTUNED SPIRIT SHIELD) is an Int base and can roll better prefixes like 100% increased cold dmg, 13% cold as extra chaos et.c. The sap is also nice. If you want to keep the brittle on block and get something else on the boots, I think Flesh Offering effect is your best implicit to go for. You can also try to fix up your rings. I looked alittle bit into your skilltree and saw that you don't run Death Attunement. If I had to guess, I'm wondering if maybe it's possible for you to ditch the 25% determination mana reserve mastery and the entire wheel there and put those points into Death Attunement too. I would also look into getting a really strong Stygian Vise if I were you I think. Save Mageblood for later or another league :) |
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" With my current playing right now I'm working on the Intermediate/medium budget right now. It's not finalized yet though. As for ideas: As I mentioned earlier I'm thinking of dropping the Brittle on Block on shield and go with Sap on block instead cause we have Brittle Ground boots. Problem with Brittle Ground boots is that we really want to get a high tier of it cause 2 sec is pitiful. I'm also thinking of experimenting with a new Medium Cluster, Curse effectiveness in particular letting us run 1 Curse and 1 Minion medium. The mods I have in mind are Victim Maker and Evil Eye. Victim Maker applies Malediction on Cursed targets (10% more damage taken and 10% less damage dealt). Evil Eye increases damage taken by cursed targets by 6%. 16% more dps from a medium cluster could be big. Other options could maybe be Blizzard Caller if we run with Frostbite or Hound's Mark if we use Assassin's Mark, but I'd have to PoB them. This requires us to selfcurse though. Currently, I'm self cursing cause I have a free socket slot opened up by running a Hungry Loop. Self Curse Assassin's Mark in particular is extremely strong. Not only cause you can get a max level assassin's mark, but also since you get the quality which gets buffed by Ashes of the Stars. This makes Marked targes have a 11% chane to generate a Power Charge when hit. So now I actually get Power Charges for bosses with my Victario's Charity. Even with a higher budget shield this would be useful as it means our minions will have 3 and not 2 Power Charges consistently against bosses. This is my current PoB: https://pastebin.com/ekG6cJW2 I would consider it about 50% done to be considered my finished intermediate/medium budget. Thinking the budget will be ~40-50 ex. Deadandlivin#2745 님이 2022. 3. 10. 오전 9:53:36에 마지막으로 편집
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