[ 3.20 ] KissMeQuick's 💀 Assassin Reap 💀 — T16 100% No HH 💸 1 Shot Sirus in 1 Click 💸 Feared Done

nomorecoc 님이 2021. 8. 10. 오후 12:47:54에 마지막으로 편집
Adrazazael 님이 작성:

I saw that the atziri's glove went to 1.8 ex and more. Are those mandatory for the build to work? What other choice do u recommend? Or what kind of option would be okay as a replacement?


Nope, not mandatory (:
Just rares are fine.

Houyami 님이 작성:

Started using this build and had a quick question on the reap gem swaps since it's not actually detailed to where I can figure it out. What gems are required on reap and what can you swap for more boss damage if needed? Currently I am swapping out Increased AoE for Conc effect and spell cascade for brutality but feel that isn't quite right.

You should never swap out spell cascade, it's the highest DPS multiplier.
Swapping AOE to CONC is fine.

FedeS 님이 작성:
Just starting maps... tried lightning traps but felt horrible. I'm thinking in doing this build. Can this farm currency comfortably in low tier maps on a budget (no aw. spell cascade ofc)? thanks in advance

Yeah of course, with just a 6L staff and 1c rares I farmed yellow maps with ease.

nomorecoc 님이 작성:

I apologize if I ask too many things, but the damage in the provided pob seems to be rather on the lower side?

These are answered in the first post and you have plenty of videos to go from (:

You can also check the gameplay from my time limited stream.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
Kiss_Me_Quick 님이 2021. 8. 1. 오후 12:34:11에 마지막으로 편집
nomorecoc 님이 2021. 8. 10. 오후 12:48:08에 마지막으로 편집
Kiss_Me_Quick 님이 작성:
Yeah of course, with just a 6L staff and 1c rares I farmed yellow maps with ease.

Thanks for your answer! Could you post PROS and CONS in the guide? And basically what makes the build powerful?
FedeS 님이 2021. 8. 1. 오후 3:49:34에 마지막으로 편집
looking to make a new character after getting REALLY lucky with currency the first week.

Is about 20-30ex investment good enough to map and boss quickly?
Could you please explain where do the defences come from, im playing it right now and im dying all the time.
Fayanel 님이 작성:
Could you please explain where do the defences come from, im playing it right now and im dying all the time.

I didn't even reach maps with this build yet, but from what I read, this build relies on life from spell hit, phy damage leech on rings, high life regen and high life. Your gear has little life, you are even using a Tabula. A Kaom Heart would be a big improvement.
Kiss_Me_Quick 님이 작성:
You should start using Reap at maps, before that use the CA leveling build.

For those who has already bored in leveling with CA/TR you can use tabula rasa with life leech gem and reap.
My leveling has started from lvl 38 with such items

saved. reading this now. so far i really like the theory and also the sick DNB music in your video ♥
Hi, when I try to put your build in POB it shows me far too little damage. As in base hit damage at only 70k. This can not possibly be right.

I do have the community fork installed and updated so am I missing something here?

I am aware that unleash and the shotgunning from (awakened) spell cascade aren't being taken into consideration, but even so this just doesn't seem remotely right.

I do apologise if this question has already been anwsered before, however I haven't been able to find the reply if so.

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