[3.14] [Raider] Mahuxotl's Machination Hybrid Trapper

This build is actually relatively SSF viable if you get the correct uniques. I have a pretty neutered version of this right now in SSF without Tinkerskin (how did I manage to not get one of these). I wanted to test out both Slavedriver's Hands and Eternal Youth, as well as the new shield so this build managed to check all of those boxes surprisingly well.
My damage feels kinda lacklustre in red maps especially with bosses, am I missing anything? the characetr name is BrickedSkid, here are some of the items im using
AntiSkid#5505 님이 2021. 5. 17. 오후 10:36:37에 마지막으로 편집
How can survive with negative cold and lightning resistances?

Your chance to hit "Socketed Gems are supported with lvl X Hypothermia" is very high this way (you will hit more than 50% of the time on average)

Me after 20 imprints worth 10ex and zero Hypothermia slams:

It's fine...

xDeicidium 님이 작성:
If I'm going to use Ball lightning? What's the best 6-link? Also can BL carry the single and clear if I'm lazy to use another trap setup? I'm fine if it's a bit slower on clear vs arc

Nothing special: Ball Lightning - Trap - Divergent Cluster Trap - Slower Projectiles - Awakened Lightning Pen - Awakened Added Lightning.

AntiSkid 님이 작성:
My damage feels kinda lacklustre in red maps especially with bosses, am I missing anything? the characetr name is BrickedSkid, here are some of the items im using

I looked at your character profile - as far as I can tell, your attributes are not balanced which you need to activate leaderships price. Get your stats balanced and it will be fine.

Geraki2019 님이 작성:
How can survive with negative cold and lightning resistances?

You're maybe referencing the part where I face tank shaper balls and stand in the beam. Only Fire and Chaos resistance are needed in this build, thanks to the Interaction between Divine Flesh and Tempered by War keystones (read the section in the guide if you need more info)

Baddgulf 님이 작성:
Your chance to hit "Socketed Gems are supported with lvl X Hypothermia" is very high this way (you will hit more than 50% of the time on average)

Me after 20 imprints worth 10ex and zero Hypothermia slams:

It's fine...

Oh man, I am sorry, this sounds like an awfully bad luck streak here. If you want, check Craft of Exile website for this. Since there are only 2 possible cold tag suffixes to be rolled, it is super likely to happen... 20 in a row sounds really rough to never hit a single Hypothermia roll.
I will try this build in a few days, still acquiring the gear.
Just two quick question:
what are your thoughts about wicked ward? Would the recharge cannot be interrupted be useful?
Forbidden taste? The degen shouldn't be noticeable with the amount of chaos res we have, meaning it's just a better instant flask for the build. Or will it stop the recharge?
Wiesl_1404 님이 작성:
xDeicidium 님이 작성:
If I'm going to use Ball lightning? What's the best 6-link? Also can BL carry the single and clear if I'm lazy to use another trap setup? I'm fine if it's a bit slower on clear vs arc

Nothing special: Ball Lightning - Trap - Divergent Cluster Trap - Slower Projectiles - Awakened Lightning Pen - Awakened Added Lightning.

AntiSkid 님이 작성:
My damage feels kinda lacklustre in red maps especially with bosses, am I missing anything? the characetr name is BrickedSkid, here are some of the items im using

I looked at your character profile - as far as I can tell, your attributes are not balanced which you need to activate leaderships price. Get your stats balanced and it will be fine.

Geraki2019 님이 작성:
How can survive with negative cold and lightning resistances?

You're maybe referencing the part where I face tank shaper balls and stand in the beam. Only Fire and Chaos resistance are needed in this build, thanks to the Interaction between Divine Flesh and Tempered by War keystones (read the section in the guide if you need more info)

Baddgulf 님이 작성:
Your chance to hit "Socketed Gems are supported with lvl X Hypothermia" is very high this way (you will hit more than 50% of the time on average)

Me after 20 imprints worth 10ex and zero Hypothermia slams:

It's fine...

Oh man, I am sorry, this sounds like an awfully bad luck streak here. If you want, check Craft of Exile website for this. Since there are only 2 possible cold tag suffixes to be rolled, it is super likely to happen... 20 in a row sounds really rough to never hit a single Hypothermia roll.

It is actually, I have 5% inc strength from my lethal pride
Wacciah 님이 작성:
I will try this build in a few days, still acquiring the gear.
Just two quick question:
what are your thoughts about wicked ward? Would the recharge cannot be interrupted be useful?
Forbidden taste? The degen shouldn't be noticeable with the amount of chaos res we have, meaning it's just a better instant flask for the build. Or will it stop the recharge?

Wicked Ward: I thought about it and tried it for 20 maps - did not notice any difference since you won't get hit often anyway. If you want to invest in that direction I would rather invest into "faster start of recharge" and "recharge rate"

Forbidden Taste: Would not use it personally, any instant life flask does the trick (also the degen applied would stop recharge from Eternal Youth, which you don't want to happen)

If that is the case and your stats are well-balanced, it is just about improving gear, as it is with every build. Try to stack more crit multi (yours is rather low, especially if you are not using Assassins Mark), get the higher version of the double damage while focussed craft and use focus/flask on your rotation correctly (it takes some practice).

The key is to get your initial base damage high enough to start the ailment ramp (if your initial damage is too low to start the ramp against high health targets, you will struggle).

Your character is only lvl 87, 5 more levels and some investment will do wonders for you in high tier maps. Until then, stick to T13/T14 and try to improve where you can.

Edit: Here is a lower level PoB from someone I helped out today to fix his issues; with a similar setup and some practice with the rotation you should be good: https://pastebin.com/xwzu4Zew
Wiesl_1404#1448 님이 2021. 5. 18. 오후 1:35:59에 마지막으로 편집
Hay, i was trying to build this, but for some reasons i dont get those dmg numbers

https://pastebin.com/9D3PfBq6 thats my PoB

i could need some advice what i should change to or prioritize
Bqkq 님이 작성:
Hey, I was trying to build this, but for some reasons i don't get those dmg numbers

https://pastebin.com/9D3PfBq6 thats my PoB

I could need some advice what I should change to or prioritize

Sir... I don't know if this is a funny meme or if you are just a relatively new player (if so, I apologize, I try to help you figure it out):

- Your gems in the PoB you posted here are lvl 14 and your supports are level 9; please level up your gems in level appropriate content before you trying to do endgame or buy high level gems, your choice. No wonder you have no damage!

- Your stats are not balanced from what I can see in the PoB (if they are, please edit the stats from your timeless jewel into PoB next time) If you two highest attributes are not balanced, Leadership's Price does not work, and you miss out on a lot of damage

- Your weapon lacks a double damage craft from the bench, which is huge for bossing and ramping damage - get that. If you can't fit it on your weapon, get a new weapon with an open suffix to craft it

- Get an alternate quality Cluster Traps Support gem (Divergent) for your Explosive Trap (very important to get!), huge damage increase on single target.

Okay - with these adjustments red maps up to T14 should be easily doable with good clear speed; you do not have to change anything else. Level up more and get better gear when you can afford it.

Just to mention it another time:
This is not a good build for inexperienced or newer players and is not aimed at that group of players, since it revolves around rather complicated mechanics and multiple interactions. It is also not a 1 button build; it requires doing a well-timed rotation which takes some practice learning (but it is very rewarding and becomes automation once you get it).
Gear progression gets steep and expensive in endgame - If you are a rather inexperienced player I recommend playing one of the meta builds instead before you attempting something snowflake off-meta like this build.

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