[3.19] ⚛️ Qosmoz's 🔥 Blazing Salvo Mines Saboteur 🔥 League Start to Uber Bosses!

Sawtyss 님이 작성:
Quick question about switching to LL...

Considering 6L Shavs is absolutely bonkers-expensive right now...

I tried to see what would happen if we used a much worse wand and a 5L Shavs and switch to LL, and it seems like it would still be a considerable improvement over the life version.

Would you say its worth it to switch to LL with a 5L Shavs as long as you can afford a decent wand and max out your resistances?

yes, that's what i do every league. I level to 85 and make a switch. Good thing is that on the 3rd day or so, Chayula got cheaper. Right now;

5L Shavronne: 75c
Prism Guardian: 15-20c
Presence of Chayula: 60-70c
Crystal Belt with Str: 5-10c
Regret Orbs: 20-40c (depends on how much you invested in life version)

Total cost of life to low life conversion: ~200c (2ex)

The conversion makes the damage easily 10x at start. From there on potential is 100x more damage with investment. I've just updated the build guide and PoBs for the low budget versions.
xbryguyx 님이 작성:
Gem levels in the 16s. I thought clarity was a no go since i assumed it took a percentage of mana instead of flat so im going to level that up some. I ditched my quicksilver for a mana flask. Right now i have double life flask, jade flask, Wise Oak, and mana flask. Ill snag coldhearted calc and/or deep thoughts. Im also kinda squishy so im thinking of dropping HoA for Purity of elements or grace.

yeah, i built my char tankier life version. Right now i have about the enough currency to convert to low life. Check my previous post for the life to low life conversion.
QosmozGaming 님이 2022. 2. 8. 오후 4:24:06에 마지막으로 편집
Just made the switch to LL and I have to say I am amazed at the difference.

Very shoddy gear brings me up to 5k ES and enough damage to delete bosses in a few seconds...

This is a really really great league starter! :D

Note for others... Remember to get Soul of Brine King and Freeze Immunity, or you're going to have a BAD TIME!
Sawtyss 님이 2022. 2. 9. 오전 9:01:02에 마지막으로 편집
QosmozGaming 님이 작성:
Sawtyss 님이 작성:
xbryguyx 님이 작성:
Im uh... having major issues.

I just got to maps. First I dont know what gems I should be using, The guide has different gems than both the LL pob and the Life pob. I cant sustain mana.

I was having similar issues, so I ended up swapping into Tremor Rod. Take a look at what I'm running. Its doing white maps okay-ish, but I feel I'm going to struggle in reds.

right now, i am doing red maps with shitty gear. What gem levels do you have? Also, what are you doing to sustain mana? If you are not low life, probably there is no clarity in your build, probably you did not take any mana regen in the passive tree or gear, and if you dont have a mana flask - there is no way you can sustain mana.

I run life flask - granite - quicksilver - diamond - eternal mana.

Tremor rod is a good option especially with kaoms heart. If you like to go that way, that's perfectly good. My idea is always to go dirt cheap self found gear - get currency going to convert to low life as soon as possible. I should be doing that already today.

Thanks for the build btw, I was able to convert to LL on day 3, bought my shavs 13 hours into the league and then just farmed some currency for the rest. Build feels pretty nice
Hi everyone, I'm currently stucked at tier 2-3 maps which I am barrely finishing.I've choosen the non tankier version of the build, running a tabula rasa and goldrim but my damage is rubbish and I am dying very fast, I've capped all my elem resistances and I'm used to play 2 buttons detonating builds( been playing bladefall+bladeblast previously). I can't run any heist contents close to my level or rituals since I'm dying instantly. Should I dual wield for more damage?

Any advices what better items to use for levelling up?I am aware the build will rock once I'll switch to LL but in this rythm it will take me a week to do it.

mircica 님이 작성:
Hi everyone, I'm currently stucked at tier 2-3 maps which I am barrely finishing.I've choosen the non tankier version of the build, running a tabula rasa and goldrim but my damage is rubbish and I am dying very fast, I've capped all my elem resistances and I'm used to play 2 buttons detonating builds( been playing bladefall+bladeblast previously). I can't run any heist contents close to my level or rituals since I'm dying instantly. Should I dual wield for more damage?

Any advices what better items to use for levelling up?I am aware the build will rock once I'll switch to LL but in this rythm it will take me a week to do it.

You are hiding your character so I can't see, but for me what started to push me through maps was a 5L Tremor Rod. Putting that on changed the game until I swapped to LL.

Try that? :)
mircica 님이 작성:
Hi everyone, I'm currently stucked at tier 2-3 maps which I am barrely finishing.I've choosen the non tankier version of the build, running a tabula rasa and goldrim but my damage is rubbish and I am dying very fast, I've capped all my elem resistances and I'm used to play 2 buttons detonating builds( been playing bladefall+bladeblast previously). I can't run any heist contents close to my level or rituals since I'm dying instantly. Should I dual wield for more damage?

Any advices what better items to use for levelling up?I am aware the build will rock once I'll switch to LL but in this rythm it will take me a week to do it.

just getting your resistances up wont cut it. The non tanky version is really squishy early, stay away from the mobs and use your range. Make sure to get as much life and evasion on gear as you can.
okay the build quite good with like 6.4k es but 7k in the future. im asking is it better to skip the second thread of hope for forbiddden flesh and flame jewel because any time i die is from ignite or shock and sometimes dot. so getting free pyromaniac would be a big life quality and alot of alot of es regen which would be awesome to have
kronikal_order 님이 작성:
okay the build quite good with like 6.4k es but 7k in the future. im asking is it better to skip the second thread of hope for forbiddden flesh and flame jewel because any time i die is from ignite or shock and sometimes dot. so getting free pyromaniac would be a big life quality and alot of alot of es regen which would be awesome to have

I suggest pyromaniac always to be taken if there is no purity of elements. If you opt in for purity then there is no point of taking it since mastery can cover the regen.

Currently I have determination setup and I have pyromaniac and blind and bomb + demo specialists.
QosmozGaming 님이 2022. 2. 10. 오전 6:33:19에 마지막으로 편집
right right i got confused cuz i followed the poe version cuz it didnt have pyromaniac then when i switched to hoa i thought u keep explosive experts

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