[3.16] HollyPhantom's Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder

Hey, are the uniques in the PoB best in slow? Is it worth going for Dendrobate and Leper's? Thanks in advance.
@Hollyphantom Very nice idea with block and Frenzy. One of my favorite builds from the past was Acid Molten Strike Assassin, I think you can get similar playstyle with this skill. More projectile -> more poison stacks -> huge LoH, I think LoH is crucial in such a build. I will definitely look at this treat and if you don't mind, I will post my thoughts because I like to test things :)
loczek123 님이 2021. 10. 23. 오전 7:18:37에 마지막으로 편집
What of the bandits? Kill them? Its in PoB..kek
LuckyCrook 님이 2021. 10. 23. 오전 10:47:28에 마지막으로 편집
If you could update the PoB with all the gems you should have on every item I'd appreciate it cause I am stupid and I don't know what works with what.
Enjoying the build so far; facetanked Brutus, so I got that goin' for me. Why Dread Banner?
Hey man, lvl 50 here, and im enjoying the build..

i got only 2 questions.

first, how about use fork or chain in to the 6l to improve clear speed?? and why we use stone golen, since we dont recover HP because the petrified blood??

and if we are able to add chain/fork, what support should we take out?

oh, and by last, how are you able to get 100% chance to poison without poison suport at lvl 30?? my tooltip tell me im with only 40% chance to poison with main hand weapon.

thx alot
andrelb1 님이 2021. 10. 23. 오전 11:16:26에 마지막으로 편집
Hey i cant play much this weekend, but check my character here


i decided petrified blood isnt worth it yet, since it makes it harder to sustain flasks

im using all those gems slotted, except for despair since it is on my flask now

30% ailment avoid shield is easy to get and it will get u to 100% avoid, so i think thats better than lepers

i had no damage issues, so getting aoe was nice

u should be at 100% poison chance with tree + gem + herald of agony

oh also, spell suppression is very easy to get on ev gear, so maybe go for that once u have enough life/res
chain/ fork doesnt work i think cuz the skill aims the ground
JeremiahMarshe 님이 작성:
Enjoying the build so far; facetanked Brutus, so I got that goin' for me. Why Dread Banner?

for the less accuracy, which is same as more evasion for u. its not essential tho
LuckyCrook 님이 작성:
What of the bandits? Kill them? Its in PoB..kek


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