[3.16] LA/iceshot Deadeye by NKO | Clear everything | Videos

o ya, new video up! top of the thread check it out
Why do you not take the frenzy charges instead of the 2 extra points in the evasion wheel?

You get the same 1% evasion +5% dmg. Or is attacking faster bad? Thats the only thing i can think of logically.
Hello, really nice build enjoying it so far. Just one question, in your POB you have 48% unreserved mana, and you are running herald of ice, thunder, vaal grace and precision. With the same setup as you, and with enlighten lvl 3 im left with like 5% unreserved mana, which is sometimes kind of a pain. How? Are you not activating Grace, and only using Vaal Grace? If so, why take the grace reservation passive?
What's your thought on Fork vs Chain? poe.ninja shows 50/50 distribution, I have no idea what to consider comparing these two...
Is added lightning damage in your ice shot an oversight or is it acutally better than added cold damage?
nikitosinenka 님이 작성:
What's your thought on Fork vs Chain? poe.ninja shows 50/50 distribution, I have no idea what to consider comparing these two...

For clear setup

Lightning Arrow = Fork

Ice Shot* = Chain

*Ice Shot in this guide is obviously for single target, don't use Chain in single target setup.
BrettLee#6388 님이 2021. 11. 9. 오후 11:01:25에 마지막으로 편집
Yolein 님이 작성:
Hello, really nice build enjoying it so far. Just one question, in your POB you have 48% unreserved mana, and you are running herald of ice, thunder, vaal grace and precision. With the same setup as you, and with enlighten lvl 3 im left with like 5% unreserved mana, which is sometimes kind of a pain. How? Are you not activating Grace, and only using Vaal Grace? If so, why take the grace reservation passive?

U need to check your precision level bro
deimudda69 님이 작성:
Is added lightning damage in your ice shot an oversight or is it acutally better than added cold damage?

We need to shock and chill enemies and i honestly dont know which is better added lightning or cold
n1koee#2481 님이 2021. 11. 9. 오후 11:06:25에 마지막으로 편집
deimudda69 님이 작성:
Why do you not take the frenzy charges instead of the 2 extra points in the evasion wheel?

You get the same 1% evasion +5% dmg. Or is attacking faster bad? Thats the only thing i can think of logically.

Theres alsonlife and we are pretty much lacking on it already
if someone is looking to buy stuff, i can sell everything since im going to try something new :)

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