[3.24 STANDARD] 213/844 MF Solo 100% Deli T16 - Pound for Pound the Best MF in the game

Quick Update to 3.23

New Players using this build lost the enchant but you can still use tattoos for the loss or mirror any gear which keeps the enchants. we lost alt quality gems but nothing which hurts us much, it is still standard and we can use anything to counter the "nerf".

Showcase of what is possible in 3.23 !

Full Quant gear with 400% MS 100% delirium cake walk with minus max resistances to make it more difficult ;-)


jacked pob:
_TheQue_ 님이 2024. 1. 1. 오후 9:04:12에 마지막으로 편집
Hi, I have this bow and it's a free prefix, what should I put there, what craft?
jozefkrnac 님이 작성:
Hi, I have this bow and it's a free prefix, what should I put there, what craft?

+2 supp
+2 supp writes to me: This item already has a mod of this type.
jozefkrnac 님이 작성:
+2 supp writes to me: This item already has a mod of this type.

its either quality to gems or fire as extra chaos
wont recommend an ex slam

_TheQue_ 님이 2024. 1. 2. 오후 1:22:36에 마지막으로 편집
Here's an attempt at my build based on Pathfinder's. Plan to use this to farm currency and upgrade into a solid mf/all-rounder


Any tips/suggestions are greatly appreciated :)

final version: https://pobb.in/ndXkg8Avm6uU

decided to forego herald of ash and drop the mana reserve cluster becuase reservation tattoos are 10div a pop in standart. Instead replaced with a vaal sentencing jewel I had which gave around same dps. Added +1 int gem tattoo and flask cluster node mastery instead
illmtk 님이 2024. 1. 13. 오전 7:41:31에 마지막으로 편집
Nvm, question got answered earlier
Selvam 님이 2024. 2. 1. 오전 5:40:58에 마지막으로 편집
Hello Lads,

in 3.24 no changes regarding this build.

quick t17 boss showcase:


happy mfing!
_TheQue_ 님이 작성:
Hello Lads,

in 3.24 no changes regarding this build.

quick t17 boss showcase:


happy mfing!

How do you sustain souls on deadeye? I can sustain them on a pathfinder very easy, but not on a deadeye.
You need 140% increased effect of your flasks.
70% from enkindling orbs on your soul catchers.
70% from the rest of your gear, in his case : 32 from gear, 43 from tree + conqueror's potency jewel.
You could use Tatoo of the Tawhoa Makanga which provides 8 (or 16 with warrior's tale) increased effect.

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