[3.24 STANDARD] 213/844 MF Solo 100% Deli T16 - Pound for Pound the Best MF in the game

Am having a ton of fun with this build. I opted to change out the headhunter for a mageblood and specced into shrines on atlas tree for a huge boost during maps. Here are some clips of how it looks like currently.


just recombed this, sadly 3rd useful pre didnt make it, no legacy multi, but a lot of vaal crit ^^
also made some neat gloves if anyone is interested

and a quant ring without shatter, since leaderships price bricks shatter and there were none on the market ... still not sure on the last suffix ...
DerLages 님이 2024. 6. 18. 오후 2:27:12에 마지막으로 편집

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