[3.24] CWDT Ward Loop Scion, very easy guide [15 divines]

Akshay 님이 작성:
An update

71% duration and 95% charges gained required
72% duration and 85% charges gained required

I have not tested lower than these, we should then we can confirm other numbers.

I'm sitting on 75/101 and still can't sustain olroth 100%. Every 2-3 useage it'll get delayed by about a second not sure why. roll is 41% with 28% qual idk if 40% would make the difference.

Flasks setup is olreth, quicksilver/kiaras, suplhur/bismuth and dying sun. I swap the ones separated by /'s depending on if I boss or not but its the same no matter what combo I do.
Wyra 님이 2022. 6. 1. 오후 11:07:55에 마지막으로 편집
NarSix 님이 작성:
Hello, thanks for sharing the build, I love it! =)

I have some questions tho, cause PoB don't answer neither google xD

1) I want to change my flasks, but PoB always say that i don t have a 100% uptime for a 4th flask or just for a dying sun, how do I calculate this, is it the fact that everybody plays a balbala with charge gain or effect duration??

2)I play with the lvl 21 anomalous skely, but now i want to upgrade to a 2sd cluster maybe I replace it for divergent CWDT cause it will demand to many hp to run it?

3) The calculator says that I have a problem, but it does not seems so, maybe can somebody can check, if everything is going good :D

4)What would be the best for me now to upgrade?

Thanks for your responses!! Enjoy!

Here is my PoB : https://pastebin.com/mBS3U9pS

The calculator is correct, you need 2970 life or more
To verify just use 2 heartbound loop rings, your dps will double

So get 3000 life.

See upgrades section, too many options, see poe.ninja

impossible escape, sublime vision are some new upgrades this league.
Akshay 님이 2022. 6. 2. 오전 12:24:41에 마지막으로 편집
Wyra 님이 작성:
Akshay 님이 작성:
An update

71% duration and 95% charges gained required
72% duration and 85% charges gained required

I have not tested lower than these, we should then we can confirm other numbers.

I'm sitting on 75/101 and still can't sustain olroth 100%. Every 2-3 useage it'll get delayed by about a second not sure why. roll is 41% with 28% qual idk if 40% would make the difference.

Flasks setup is olreth, quicksilver/kiaras, suplhur/bismuth and dying sun. I swap the ones separated by /'s depending on if I boss or not but its the same no matter what combo I do.

that's interesting, I want to check on stream then, what's your discord name, i will add you
hello.. im currently at 23m dps with omni. i dont think its worth it since the omni price are damn high. im rly stuck on how can i improve my dps. can some1 pls help me on how to improve my dps pls.. thx

heres my pob https://pastebin.com/EV1vEajs
baltzar002 님이 작성:
hello.. im currently at 23m dps with omni. i dont think its worth it since the omni price are damn high. im rly stuck on how can i improve my dps. can some1 pls help me on how to improve my dps pls.. thx

heres my pob https://pastebin.com/EV1vEajs

Omni can scale to 100 million dps with lots of exalts
Anyone able to take a look at my POB and see what I'm missing to keep loop going? Probably something silly that I'm missing. Thanks!

POB: https://pastebin.com/Q92u1ZYq
aerfall 님이 2022. 6. 2. 오후 12:26:09에 마지막으로 편집
Akshay 님이 작성:
baltzar002 님이 작성:
hello.. im currently at 23m dps with omni. i dont think its worth it since the omni price are damn high. im rly stuck on how can i improve my dps. can some1 pls help me on how to improve my dps pls.. thx

heres my pob https://pastebin.com/EV1vEajs

Omni can scale to 100 million dps with lots of exalts

craft 9 cdr on belt, its in the belt section, what to do
u can message in in-game for this craft, it costs 1 divine orb
Akshay 님이 작성:
For anyone interested, I've done the following:

5 Flasks active permanently.
Not using The Traitor from Balbala.

2050 Omni.
203% perma movespeed.
27% breakpoint.


can you make a video?

Build highlight
Akshay 님이 작성:
Wyra 님이 작성:
Akshay 님이 작성:
An update

71% duration and 95% charges gained required
72% duration and 85% charges gained required

I have not tested lower than these, we should then we can confirm other numbers.

I'm sitting on 75/101 and still can't sustain olroth 100%. Every 2-3 useage it'll get delayed by about a second not sure why. roll is 41% with 28% qual idk if 40% would make the difference.

Flasks setup is olreth, quicksilver/kiaras, suplhur/bismuth and dying sun. I swap the ones separated by /'s depending on if I boss or not but its the same no matter what combo I do.

that's interesting, I want to check on stream then, what's your discord name, i will add you


Here ya go.

Haven't found the sweet spot yet but equipping the amulet with the annoint for 20% fixes it. I'm trying to farm 1% harvest jewels for flask duration to figure it out but I'm fairly sure its close to 80%.
Wyra 님이 2022. 6. 2. 오전 9:31:50에 마지막으로 편집
Wyra 님이 작성:


Here ya go.

Haven't found the sweet spot yet but equipping the amulet with the annoint for 20% fixes it. I'm trying to farm 1% harvest jewels for flask duration to figure it out but I'm fairly sure its close to 80%.

Reused at end of flask effect enchant is what works
The enchant used when charges full works only for 2 flasks as far as I know
I haven't tested that for 3 flasks and high stats

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