[3.24] CWDT Ward Loop Scion, very easy guide [15 divines]

Im currently trying to get into the build, but I am not level 100 - what we can cut in the skilltree due to lower amount of skillpoints?

EDIT: nvm I missed that there is a level 80 tree in it.
Hakairo 님이 2022. 6. 2. 오전 10:09:31에 마지막으로 편집
Akshay 님이 작성:
Wyra 님이 작성:


Here ya go.

Haven't found the sweet spot yet but equipping the amulet with the annoint for 20% fixes it. I'm trying to farm 1% harvest jewels for flask duration to figure it out but I'm fairly sure its close to 80%.

Reused at end of flask effect enchant is what works
The enchant used when charges full works only for 2 flasks as far as I know
I haven't tested that for 3 flasks and high stats

That seems to fix the living issue well, only issue now I have is my flask sometimes not being full uptime but that's probably cause im running inc effect less duration. Might wanna make a small notice of that on the guide so no ones makes the same dumb mistake I did haha.

edit: yep, put inc duration on my sulphur instead and got full flask uptime, been running for 5mins without any breaks.
Wyra 님이 2022. 6. 2. 오전 10:15:07에 마지막으로 편집
Anyone able to take a look at my POB and see what I'm missing to keep loop going? Fires off for a few seconds then stops. Probably something silly that I'm missing. Thanks!

POB: https://pastebin.com/NZgGELHq

helm: 11/20 anom skelly, 20/20 anom m.speed, rite 1, cwdt 5
0 armor, -60 chaos res
20/20/19 dust
81% duration
85% charges gained required

Edit: Was my belt! Thanks again!
aerfall 님이 2022. 6. 2. 오후 1:40:38에 마지막으로 편집
I have bad single target DMG, what I'm doing wrong? I know my gems in weapon low lvl, but is it the only reason? Also what will give me more boost in DPS, awakened multiple projectiles, or getting >27 CDR? char name "девочка_пипец"

btw mapping with this build feels very nice, tyvm for this guide :)
Okay I made this working now and played a bit with it but I am confused by something. It seems that the PoB and one of the cluster passives assume that we shock, but I do not see how we shock with these skills.

nvm the source seems to be the sigil of power. But since this is a ground effect, this feels very clunky. Or am I wrong? I mean even for boss fights you normally move around a bit.
Hakairo 님이 2022. 6. 2. 오후 1:46:12에 마지막으로 편집
Hakairo 님이 작성:
Okay I made this working now and played a bit with it but I am confused by something. It seems that the PoB and one of the cluster passives assume that we shock, but I do not see how we shock with these skills.

nvm the source seems to be the sigil of power. But since this is a ground effect, this feels very clunky. Or am I wrong? I mean even for boss fights you normally move around a bit.

You pick up 2 nodes eventually, Ash, frost and storm passive node + holy dominion giving you 20% chance.

As for moving around early on yeah you can one shot most map bosses on the earliest build setup but after a bit more investment and once you swap to annihilating light you just oneshot anything up to shaper. Once you get a 4th flask rolling with 27% cdr and the upgrades of the main post below that you just insta-phase all ubers and uber ubers in about 5-10seconds.

If you don't have awakened gmp and the divergent CWD setup do get them especially GMP its a massive DPS boost on your ice spear.
Wyra 님이 2022. 6. 2. 오후 2:00:56에 마지막으로 편집
rax4r 님이 작성:
I have bad single target DMG, what I'm doing wrong? I know my gems in weapon low lvl, but is it the only reason? Also what will give me more boost in DPS, awakened multiple projectiles, or getting >27 CDR? char name "девочка_пипец"

btw mapping with this build feels very nice, tyvm for this guide :)

There is an optimal distance from the boss to deal max damage with ice spear. You can't be too close to the boss, the projectiles need some distance to deal the best damage.
xikorita 님이 작성:
rax4r 님이 작성:
I have bad single target DMG, what I'm doing wrong? I know my gems in weapon low lvl, but is it the only reason? Also what will give me more boost in DPS, awakened multiple projectiles, or getting >27 CDR? char name "девочка_пипец"

btw mapping with this build feels very nice, tyvm for this guide :)

There is an optimal distance from the boss to deal max damage with ice spear. You can't be too close to the boss, the projectiles need some distance to deal the best damage.

great point, if you are using RF, we can keep the boss at the edge of the RF circle, that will work
okay made some more maps and really enjoying it and I look forward to further upgrading this for much more damage and survivability.

But just curious... is it only me or do the sentinels become basically useless with this build... since anything is dead before its in range of the sentinel? :D
Lightning damage to spells will shock and give you power charges from stormrider
And also yes sentinels is hard with this build

Try the new apex sentinel strategy

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