[3.24] CheapBunny's Artillery Ballista Deadeye | Wilma's Requital | Added MageBlood Version

AndyLovesHisBge 님이 작성:

This is great info! Thank you for sharing. Is there an easy way to get full conversion for LA? A horizontal skill would be fantastic in this setup.

Easiest ways would be phys to lightning support gem or the lightning mastery from arcing blows wheel with the final 10% from gloves

Edit: Also divergent lgoh gives 10 less life but 2 mana per hit making up for frenzy costing mana without inspiration if you want to be extra with it
Wigglezig 님이 2023. 1. 23. 오전 11:11:25에 마지막으로 편집
Wigglezig 님이 작성:
AndyLovesHisBge 님이 작성:

This is great info! Thank you for sharing. Is there an easy way to get full conversion for LA? A horizontal skill would be fantastic in this setup.

Easiest ways would be phys to lightning support gem or the lightning mastery from arcing blows wheel with the final 10% from gloves

ty. I may play around with this today. I will first try LA just as is in a T16 and see what it feels like.
ok, I just took the two recent interesting suggestions into 3 juiced T16's maps.

1) I can confirm Inspiration is no longer needed in the Frenzy setup (if you have the -mana on 3 pieces of gear). Power charges were at their max constantly. I used the LGOH support but I guess you could add anything you like here, especially if you are willing to recolor. Just need to watch your mana usage if you do something other than Divergent LGOH

2) I threw in a 20/20 Lightning Arrow and a 20/20 Ballista Support in place of Artillery Ballista and Cruelty.

Clearing was noticeably better, as expected, but to me there was a significant drop off in single target. Not that I couldn't kill the single's, just took much longer.

This makes sense since the build is not focused on getting the most out of Lightning Arrow.

I don't understand conversion well enough to see if the single target DPS could be improved for LA but the clearing was interesting enough that if anyone does experiment with this, please let the thread know.

I may play around in POB just for fun to see what I can learn if I have some time.
AndyLovesHisBge 님이 2023. 1. 23. 오전 11:39:33에 마지막으로 편집
AndyLovesHisBge 님이 작성:
OK I made level 90.

I ran chiseled/aclhed T16's, with full atlas juice, from 80 to 90 and had 1 death.

Those that may be afraid to try this due to the perceived glass cannonish, don't be, it is quite fun. Yes, you can't run into the middle of a pack and stop. But if you just keep moving and stay to the edges you will progress nicely.

I am going to take this to level 96, which finishes off my personal tree (I had a tiny deviation from the build guide) and then decide whether to invest more or not in it.

Great build Bunny, you should be very proud to create an entire build around one stat on one item.

Thanks :)
Dragonnik1 님이 작성:

Just for experiment, i was thinking which other skill might work with this.
For test purpose i used lvl 1-10 gems in Descerated Chamber (level 65 zone).
replaced cruelty with ballista and skill with below gems.
Below are just observations no number verifications, just the gameplay feel ( so could be completely off)

Galvanic Arrow
- clear: good
- boss dps: avg

Ice Shot
- clear: avg
- boss dps: bad

Explosive Arrow
- clear: good
- boss dps: bad/avg depends

Storm Rain
- clear: avg / bad
- boss dps: v.good

Lightning Arrow
- clear: good
- boss dps: good

Seems like LA doing well, am not sure of its mechanics. But this was without full lightning conversion i.e. just 50% + 10% from gloves => 60%

I did try with lvl 21 on normal map (conversion was still 60) clear was good and boos dps also seemed fine.
So question is LA good alternative with bit lower dps than Artilery Ballista? probably it will vary alot(i.e. not consistent) in DPS due to farshot and inherent lightning varying dps nature. But on pro side it had better clear, since it was shooting horizontal and covers more ground.

Conversion does not matter much, since we are using ele bow.
cheapbunny 님이 작성:

Conversion does not matter much, since we are using ele bow.

I can confirm this. Full conversion does almost nothing to LA's DPS in our current set up, when looking at POB.
Any Pantheon recommendations?
Nadragh 님이 작성:
Any Pantheon recommendations?

When mapping, Garukhan and Lunaris
When bossing, Arakaali and Ryslatha
Nice build. Sorry if I missed it, but I don't see which pantheons you're using. Mind posting those as well?
Nice build. Sorry if I missed it, but I don't see which pantheons you're using. Mind posting those as well?

look one post above yours :)

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