[3.25] CheapBunny's Artillery Ballista Deadeye | Wilma's Requital | Added MageBlood Version
" When I compare your POB to the build guide's latest POB, you are weaker across the board. You have significantly less DPS, which may be the main culprit in trying to fight the Uber's but your defenses are also worse. Do you have a sanctified relic that provides you Ghost Dance? If not, you are missing that defensive layer in your build (this won't make any difference for the Uber's but I just wanted to mention it). I personally am not skilled enough to take on the ubers so I don't think I am even going to attempt them. |
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" This build does not have the defenses to facetank all uber bosses' ability, you will need to dodge the lethal skill from uber bosses. Your spell suppress is actually 85% (the additional 10% is when full life), below is my suggestion to improve: i) Unspec "Life and Mana on hit" if you dont have mana issue ii) Spec into "Reflexes" iii) Get maximum life on your jewelries (make it at least 4k life) iv) Get another 60% crit mult total from your jewelries v) use Arakaali/Ryslatha pantheon with 2 life flask and a boss specific resistance flask for uber bosses fight cheapbunny#0890 님이 2023. 1. 22. 오후 3:31:30에 마지막으로 편집
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bruh, sublime vision is around 20 div rn. did not expect the price will go up that bad
i guess i should invest in gear first and hope the price will go down |
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" keep a active search running the whole time. There are a bunch for sale that are cheaper but that those players are offline. A very small % of those players may come back into the game and may have no idea about the price hike and you can snag one at a great price. And also check often, on even the expensive ones. There is one for sale live right now for 16d, which is much better than 20d. |
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OK I made level 90.
I ran chiseled/aclhed T16's, with full atlas juice, from 80 to 90 and had 1 death. Those that may be afraid to try this due to the perceived glass cannonish, don't be, it is quite fun. Yes, you can't run into the middle of a pack and stop. But if you just keep moving and stay to the edges you will progress nicely. I am going to take this to level 96, which finishes off my personal tree (I had a tiny deviation from the build guide) and then decide whether to invest more or not in it. Great build Bunny, you should be very proud to create an entire build around one stat on one item. |
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Just for experiment, i was thinking which other skill might work with this. For test purpose i used lvl 1-10 gems in Descerated Chamber (level 65 zone). replaced cruelty with ballista and skill with below gems. Below are just observations no number verifications, just the gameplay feel ( so could be completely off) Galvanic Arrow - clear: good - boss dps: avg Ice Shot - clear: avg - boss dps: bad Explosive Arrow - clear: good - boss dps: bad/avg depends Storm Rain - clear: avg / bad - boss dps: v.good Lightning Arrow - clear: good - boss dps: good Seems like LA doing well, am not sure of its mechanics. But this was without full lightning conversion i.e. just 50% + 10% from gloves => 60% I did try with lvl 21 on normal map (conversion was still 60) clear was good and boos dps also seemed fine. So question is LA good alternative with bit lower dps than Artilery Ballista? probably it will vary alot(i.e. not consistent) in DPS due to farshot and inherent lightning varying dps nature. But on pro side it had better clear, since it was shooting horizontal and covers more ground. |
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Played this build to level 79 so far and it's very fun and would definitely recommend it.
Went extra with the -cost of skills on rings and ammy and frenzy ended up being free so I actually dropped inspiration from it and replaced it with life gain on hit. Since we summon a totem every 4 seconds for onslaught anyway we keep max inspiration charges for the totem and the crit on frenzy is still good enough to keep power charges up I figured the extra recovery is nice. Also dropped the lifetap for a stone golem/minion life which just makes it more comfortable while mapping since I don't expect it to live through bosses even with minion life. Next big part I'm saving for is probably a rain of splinters, the flesh/flame jewels, or the helm enchant but I'll probably work on rolling a better bow and quiver before them since my quiver is trash and my bow is only like 1.1k ele dps. Wigglezig#7537 님이 2023. 1. 23. 오전 8:07:55에 마지막으로 편집
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[Edit] I fup'd
Albinochan#4211 님이 2023. 1. 23. 오전 8:11:18에 마지막으로 편집
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" The LGOH is a nice idea. I too have the minus mana on all three jewelry pieces so I am going to give that a shot, ty for the recommendation. I am using Lightning Golem. I have tried linking with Meat Shield, and then linking with Minion Life. In both cases he does not stay alive when things get hairy in T16's. I may try a lower level cwdt setup and see if that does any better for up time. |
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" This is great info! Thank you for sharing. Is there an easy way to get full conversion for LA? A horizontal skill would be fantastic in this setup. AndyLovesHisBge#5265 님이 2023. 1. 23. 오전 10:48:34에 마지막으로 편집
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