[3.24] CheapBunny's Artillery Ballista Deadeye | Wilma's Requital | Added MageBlood Version

cheapbunny 님이 작성:
Henaneitor 님이 작성:
Looking good this build!

2 questions:

How much is the maximum budget for the build? 30 divines would be enough?

How you calculate DPS on POB?

Thank you!

I spent about 30 divines on this build.
You need to go to "Configuration" to set the conditions, then go to "Calcs" and select the skill you want to check the dps.

Thank you for your answer. Regarding the damage I was referring to the total damage. I know that in the POB it says 600k DPS but obviously that's not the case. How do you get the maximum DPS of the build?
Henaneitor 님이 2023. 1. 10. 오후 3:49:13에 마지막으로 편집
cheapbunny 님이 작성:

I spent about 30 divines on this build.
You need to go to "Configuration" to set the conditions, then go to "Calcs" and select the skill you want to check the dps.

Which build did you use this league to get most of your achievements? Would you say it was this one?
Henaneitor 님이 작성:
cheapbunny 님이 작성:
Henaneitor 님이 작성:
Looking good this build!

2 questions:

How much is the maximum budget for the build? 30 divines would be enough?

How you calculate DPS on POB?

Thank you!

I spent about 30 divines on this build.
You need to go to "Configuration" to set the conditions, then go to "Calcs" and select the skill you want to check the dps.

Thank you for your answer. Regarding the damage I was referring to the total damage. I know that in the POB it says 600k DPS but obviously that's not the case. How do you get the maximum DPS of the build?

600k in POB is per projectile per totem, you need to multiply 600k with number of projectiles and number of totem to get total dps. I think this build has around 30m dps.
chrischoi 님이 작성:
cheapbunny 님이 작성:

I spent about 30 divines on this build.
You need to go to "Configuration" to set the conditions, then go to "Calcs" and select the skill you want to check the dps.

Which build did you use this league to get most of your achievements? Would you say it was this one?

I completed most of the challenge with my first build (not this), then finished off the remaining more grindy challenges with this build, especially those sanctum challenges. This build is very good for sanctum farming.
Nice build, ty <3 Made some changes for mapping. Very well clear speed

This cluster so helpful for onslaught effect
re3bution 님이 2023. 1. 11. 오후 6:11:08에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for the guide. Before fully committing to this build, I wanted to ask, is it able to do uber eater?
hey CheapBunny!

Somehow I got a Nimis, can you think of any ballista skill that could scale well with this build and interact with Nimis pretty well? Thanks!
Boned 님이 작성:
Thanks for the guide. Before fully committing to this build, I wanted to ask, is it able to do uber eater?

From personal experience, I die a few times but been able to clear it consistently.

I did not invest at all in defensive layers tho, so that's probably why. I almost always die only to the tentacles retreating after slam.
Boned 님이 작성:
Thanks for the guide. Before fully committing to this build, I wanted to ask, is it able to do uber eater?

Yes it can, I did all uber bosses with this build.
cheapbunny 님이 2023. 1. 12. 오전 12:20:53에 마지막으로 편집
Yan_n 님이 작성:
hey CheapBunny!

Somehow I got a Nimis, can you think of any ballista skill that could scale well with this build and interact with Nimis pretty well? Thanks!

Maybe ballista tornado shot? I am too sure tho.

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