[3.24] CheapBunny's Artillery Ballista Deadeye | Wilma's Requital | Added MageBlood Version

cheapbunny 님이 작성:
Yan_n 님이 작성:
hey CheapBunny!

Somehow I got a Nimis, can you think of any ballista skill that could scale well with this build and interact with Nimis pretty well? Thanks!

Maybe ballista tornado shot? I am too sure tho.

I tried, Tornado Shot is super goofy with nimis. Doesn't work very well.

I think I'm just going to sell it.
Yan_n 님이 2023. 1. 12. 오후 12:34:20에 마지막으로 편집
I jump around builds too much. I get bored or get stuck. Haven't really found a build I like in a few leagues. Would you be open to taking a look at mine? Wanted to make sure I'm on the right path before investing the little I have into it.


Maybe I'm missing something or I'm just that bad.
chrischoi 님이 2023. 1. 16. 오후 4:31:56에 마지막으로 편집
Hey thanks for this build, m on tight budget max 1 div (started league late and kinda on and off due to work). So can u suggest some low budget version only target is to do red maps no super high level content or bosses.

Also I was wondering since this build is more of attack speed, can we somehow use
Mokou's Embrace instead of on slaught ring? Probably using eye of innocence?
chrischoi 님이 작성:
I jump around builds too much. I get bored or get stuck. Haven't really found a build I like in a few leagues. Would you be open to taking a look at mine? Wanted to make sure I'm on the right path before investing the little I have into it.


Maybe I'm missing something or I'm just that bad.

You are little low on your max hp, and not capped res. You might want to upgrade your rare gear a bit first (refers to early/mid game gears in the build guide), should not cost too much to get life/resis gear at this point of time.

After you upgrade your rare gear, I would suggest to get 1000edps+ bow and the interrogation jewel, other unique jewels are quite costly and only needed for endgame content. You can use abyss jewels with bow ele attack and % cold ailment effect until you farm up.
Dragonnik1 님이 작성:
Hey thanks for this build, m on tight budget max 1 div (started league late and kinda on and off due to work). So can u suggest some low budget version only target is to do red maps no super high level content or bosses.

You can play with the same skill tree with budget gear. The jewels are not necessary for red map farming (except The Interrogation which cost about 25c), you may refer to my reply above.

Dragonnik1 님이 작성:

Also I was wondering since this build is more of attack speed, can we somehow use
Mokou's Embrace instead of on slaught ring? Probably using eye of innocence?

I actually thought of using Mokou's Embrace, but I find it pretty hard or not worth it to fit in this build, instead I made a new build using Mokou's Embrace + Wilma's Requital Combo.

Dude, why u take nod "life and mana on hit" (4 hp and 2 mana)? Its not working when balista kill mobs, or i dont get sometihng?
I'm a noob, how expensive is this?
Chocolattee 님이 작성:
Dude, why u take nod "life and mana on hit" (4 hp and 2 mana)? Its not working when balista kill mobs, or i dont get sometihng?

I take it mainly for mana on hit with frenzy, you might unspec this node if you dont have mana issue.
TrippleBUrst 님이 작성:
I'm a noob, how expensive is this?


(Edit : I guess not anymore, the jewel prices has gone up quite a bit)
cheapbunny 님이 2023. 1. 20. 오후 12:37:41에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for the reply :) one quick question is quill rain good till yellow maps or it is better to have rare now with high ele dps

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