[3.24] CheapBunny's Artillery Ballista Deadeye | Wilma's Requital | Added MageBlood Version

Cyrkles 님이 작성:
Any thoughts on cross strafe vs regular artillery ballista?

Haven't got chance to try transfigured AB, but I am remaking this build this league, will see how they feel

Edit : I tried Cross Strafe version, it didn't felt too much different from the default gem. I still recommend to go for default gem, because it is easier to get a level 21.
cheapbunny 님이 2024. 5. 1. 오전 5:07:02에 마지막으로 편집
Made some changes to the build and added MageBlood version.
cheapbunny 님이 2024. 5. 1. 오전 5:07:47에 마지막으로 편집
cheapbunny 님이 작성:
Made some changes to the build and added MageBlood version.

Cool looking.
I have some questions.

What is the DPS of the build? or how we calc it ~

Starter/Noob (Gameplay) friendly?
Dardroth 님이 작성:
Cool looking.
I have some questions.

What is the DPS of the build? or how we calc it ~

Starter/Noob (Gameplay) friendly?

I think it has 20+mil dps, you can level as any normal bow build, you can even level without using ballista.
Two questions
1: the 3 link for steelskin doesn't work, what am I missing
2: Do I ascend my artillery ballista gem, if so which option
Zedekial 님이 작성:
Two questions
1: the 3 link for steelskin doesn't work, what am I missing
2: Do I ascend my artillery ballista gem, if so which option

1. You need to activate Automation skill to make it work
2. Just use the normal version
No my point is with 3 link it won't work with automation?
Zedekial 님이 작성:
No my point is with 3 link it won't work with automation?

It works for me
So I put in the 3L of Steelsking, then I activate it in my hotbar, it does nothing. I do it without CoDT and it activateslike an aura, what am I missing

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