[3.24] CheapBunny's Artillery Ballista Deadeye | Wilma's Requital | Added MageBlood Version

Zedekial 님이 작성:
So I put in the 3L of Steelsking, then I activate it in my hotbar, it does nothing. I do it without CoDT and it activateslike an aura, what am I missing

No idea, you dont have enough unreserved mana to cast it is the only reason i can think of.
that's my try https://pobb.in/BYIAwML1XgWq

pob is right? must i change something for huge boost?
Beskaius 님이 2024. 6. 1. 오전 5:45:08에 마지막으로 편집
Beskaius 님이 작성:
that's my try https://pobb.in/BYIAwML1XgWq

pob is right? must i change something for huge boost?

Get a higher edps bow, crit chance on bow is not important on bow for this build.
cheapbunny 님이 작성:
Beskaius 님이 작성:
that's my try https://pobb.in/BYIAwML1XgWq

pob is right? must i change something for huge boost?

Get a higher edps bow, crit chance on bow is not important on bow for this build.

you're right but the 7th link seem's to compensate for the low edps

Beskaius 님이 2024. 6. 1. 오전 11:52:44에 마지막으로 편집
Beskaius 님이 작성:
cheapbunny 님이 작성:
Beskaius 님이 작성:
that's my try https://pobb.in/BYIAwML1XgWq

pob is right? must i change something for huge boost?

Get a higher edps bow, crit chance on bow is not important on bow for this build.

you're right but the 7th link seem's to compensate for the low edps

The reason why attack speed is important is because it helps to apply more wither stacks.
You could also get a better Lethal Pride jewel, chance to deal double damage is important for this build.

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