[3.24] Icicle Mines / Eye of Winter Deadeye - Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16

Themasterofw 님이 작성:
99prosorc 님이 작성:
ArrX8 님이 작성:
I've seen your video Face Tank mino and it's amazing.
Would it be possible for you to share the configuration of the atlas tree?

Surely you know this website (https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree), it would be amazing to have it, but also thanks for sharing the build.

I will only farm maps at League Start: T15 Tropical Island with Delirium.
My atlas tree progression (step by step) is at the bottom of the guide.

It will probably look like this when I unlocked every point:

I didn't think this would do delirium as I saw it took like 5 hits to slay a basic rare on t16. Neat to know I assume thats with the basic bitterdream setup?

Yes, it was gear worth ~10-20 chaos to just show that it's able to progress into T16 without investing into the build (besides Bitterdream, Heatshiver, Mutewind, which usually are a few chaos each)
So far so good, minus the items going up in prices, nothing you can do about that though lol. Thank you for sharing the build and the work you put into it!
In the beta thanks to Starcraft42.
SDCA 님이 2023. 4. 8. 오후 7:00:10에 마지막으로 편집
SDCA 님이 작성:
So far so good, minus the items going up in prices, nothing you can do about that though lol. Thank you for sharing the build and the work you put into it!

I'm not using Heatshiver yet, it's no big deal. This early, you can just upgrade any other item slot too. I posted my gear earlier. Just upgraded my gloves and belt:

- belt is essence crafted -> i only spammed a few shrieking essence of zeal till I hit life
- abyssal jewels like this cost 2-4c, just search for crit multi + life and take one which has anything else useful
- gloves like this (eva base + temple mod) are about 10c, I applied low tier eldricht currency, till I got something useful (dmg per frenzy or unnerve are good options too)
99prosorc 님이 2023. 4. 9. 오전 1:58:28에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks I'll keep an eye out for them, over my budget atm. If im using Icicle in my bitter dream do you have a single target 6 link recommendation for chest?
In the beta thanks to Starcraft42.
SDCA 님이 작성:
Thanks I'll keep an eye out for them, over my budget atm. If im using Icicle in my bitter dream do you have a single target 6 link recommendation for chest?

If you have a nice 6L chest (either +4 for full dps glasscannon, or high armour/evasion for tanky setup), get 2 wands next and put Icicle in your chest :D
99prosorc 님이 2023. 4. 9. 오후 9:34:18에 마지막으로 편집
99prosorc 님이 작성:
SDCA 님이 작성:
Thanks I'll keep an eye out for them, over my budget atm. If im using Icicle in my bitter dream do you have a single target 6 link recommendation for chest?

If you have a nice 6L chest (either +4 for full dps glasscannon, or high armour/evasion for tanky setup), get 2 wands next and put Icicle in your chest :D

Okay thanks again!
In the beta thanks to Starcraft42.
Aight im finally in t16 with exarch down( 2nd to last portal ) and mostly a full atlas. Not entirely sure if I should continue investing to get t16 comfortable or save for a new char. I have around 5 divs so I do have investment currency. Spent around 50 c crafting my scepter ( 20 for the base fracture). Found a sick amulet
so tempted to stick with the build or go something else cold.

I guess the gloves could be improved cheap ish I just rolled it with all my currency without buying any and didnt get it yet.
Themasterofw 님이 2023. 4. 10. 오전 12:24:34에 마지막으로 편집
I'm currently playing the build. Love it, it shreds and feels pretty quick and stable. One thing i'm wondering though. with all the empty socket we have, could we not fit in an extra 4L or maybe 2x2L to either pump some more damage or gain a bit more defensive layers? If so, what would you suggest? I've been trying Siphoning trap (Second wind + Inc. Duration + Ice Bite) since i wasn't sure what to try but it doesn't feel that good (although it's still low level and pretty sure i'd get more from Multiple Traps support instead of second wind)

What would you suggest? (You can check my setup, char. Name is IcicleMinor :) )

Again thanks for putting this build up I loved it from the get go! amazing work
Awesome build! I league started this and love it. What are your thoughts on "wind ward" vs "focal point"?
SDCA 님이 작성:
99prosorc 님이 작성:
SDCA 님이 작성:
Thanks I'll keep an eye out for them, over my budget atm. If im using Icicle in my bitter dream do you have a single target 6 link recommendation for chest?

If you have a nice 6L chest (either +4 for full dps glasscannon, or high armour/evasion for tanky setup), get 2 wands next and put Icicle in your chest :D

Okay thanks again!

But I recommend to stay Bitterdream and get a rare chest with 2k eva+armour.

A +4 chest + wands setup is very squishy and also very expensive, because the wands have to be really good.

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