[3.24] Icicle Mines / Eye of Winter Deadeye - Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16

SDCA 님이 작성:
Sorry still learning but does the Heatshiver helm bring that much dps?

You damage chills monsters with ~20-30% chill effect. Thats quite some bonus dmg.
Okay. really nice build so far!
In the beta thanks to Starcraft42.
How do you incorporate determination with the reservation? Just got lucky and got a drop I sold for 140c so going shopping tonight
Brian9824 님이 작성:
How do you incorporate determination with the reservation? Just got lucky and got a drop I sold for 140c so going shopping tonight

1. You should replace Belly with a high evasion / armour hybrid chest.
Just buy a i86 Triumphant Lamellar and use Dense fossils (in 1 socket resonator) on it, until you get 1500+ eva/arm (also make it 20% quality).
2. use Zeal Essences on a high ilvl stygian vise (adds mine throwing speed) until you get a high life mod or mid tier life + something else good
3. get a Gloomfang amulet with 40% proj speed and anoint Longshot on it
4. a sceptre as 2nd weapon
5. get a few cheap jewels with 2x crit multi for cold/ele/dual wield or 1x crit multi + res + life
6. frostbite ring
7. crit enchant on your mutewind
99prosorc 님이 2023. 4. 12. 오전 9:34:00에 마지막으로 편집
99prosorc 님이 작성:
Brian9824 님이 작성:
How do you incorporate determination with the reservation? Just got lucky and got a drop I sold for 140c so going shopping tonight

1. You should replace Belly with a high evasion / armour hybrid chest.
Just buy a i86 Triumphant Lamellar and use Dense fossils (in 1 socket resonator) on it, until you get 1500+ eva/arm (also make it 20% quality).
2. use Zeal Essences on a high ilvl stygian vise (adds mine throwing speed) until you get a high life mod or mid tier life + something else good
3. get a Gloomfang amulet with 40% proj speed and anoint Longshot on it
4. a sceptre as 2nd weapon
5. get a few cheap jewels with 2x crit multi for cold/ele/dual wield or 1x crit multi + res + life
6. frostbite ring
7. crit enchant on your mutewind

The leach from chaos damage doesn't apply to you right? Leach would apply to mines instead correct? Also the damage from gloomfang would apply to mines, not you right?

But yeah i'm definitely making several of those changes tonight, can upgrade almost everything
Brian9824 님이 2023. 4. 12. 오전 10:08:20에 마지막으로 편집
Brian9824 님이 작성:
99prosorc 님이 작성:
Brian9824 님이 작성:
How do you incorporate determination with the reservation? Just got lucky and got a drop I sold for 140c so going shopping tonight

1. You should replace Belly with a high evasion / armour hybrid chest.
Just buy a i86 Triumphant Lamellar and use Dense fossils (in 1 socket resonator) on it, until you get 1500+ eva/arm (also make it 20% quality).
2. use Zeal Essences on a high ilvl stygian vise (adds mine throwing speed) until you get a high life mod or mid tier life + something else good
3. get a Gloomfang amulet with 40% proj speed and anoint Longshot on it
4. a sceptre as 2nd weapon
5. get a few cheap jewels with 2x crit multi for cold/ele/dual wield or 1x crit multi + res + life
6. frostbite ring
7. crit enchant on your mutewind

The leach from chaos damage doesn't apply to you right? Leach would apply to mines instead correct? Also the damage from gloomfang would apply to mines, not you right?

But yeah i'm definitely making several of those changes tonight, can upgrade almost everything

You only care about the +1 chain and proj speed (don't forget to anoint Longshot). Leech / Life on hit doesn't work for you.
99prosorc 님이 2023. 4. 12. 오전 10:13:39에 마지막으로 편집
Updated my gear and still have over 100c left, so for now just working on atlas more while prices drop. Hit that belt on first roll.

Wanted to thank you for the build, enjoying it so far, too good for this budget!
Brian9824 님이 작성:
Updated my gear and still have over 100c left, so for now just working on atlas more while prices drop. Hit that belt on first roll.

Level 21 Icicle with 20% Quality and Divergent Charged Mines Support (Level + Qual doesn't matter, you can level it yourself) are super cheap now too!
I bought them yesterday.
99prosorc 님이 작성:
Brian9824 님이 작성:
Updated my gear and still have over 100c left, so for now just working on atlas more while prices drop. Hit that belt on first roll.

Level 21 Icicle with 20% Quality and Divergent Charged Mines Support (Level + Qual doesn't matter, you can level it yourself) are super cheap now too!
I bought them yesterday.

Does the projectile speed influence how far it travels? Why Divergent charged mine support over normal? Duh just read the wiki and it does
Brian9824 님이 2023. 4. 13. 오전 11:34:53에 마지막으로 편집

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