[3.24] Guide Power Siphon - Trikster - Afana (Full Unique)

Investment medium (90 divine updated 04/14/2024): [3.24] Power Siphon - Trikster - Afana (Full Unique)

Greetings, Exiles!

I'm thrilled to share with you the final version of my build, known as "Power Siphon - Full Unique." Throughout this journey, we faced significant challenges due to nerfs in movement speed and the absence of "Tincture," which directly impacted PERMA FREEZE and radius penetration. However, I faced these challenges head-on and rebuilt the build, surpassing all obstacles.

Above, you'll find details about all my choices and progressions during the first five days of the league, when I built this from scratch. I'm here to present an even more powerful and refined version of 3.23. I hope you're eager to check it out, and of course, I'm available to address any questions that may arise.

For reference, I've provided the Path of Building (Pob) link and a gameplay video, so you can see the build in action. Additionally, I've shared a video showcasing the final version of the build.

Pob reference: https://pobb.in/i9jFihdeIc-2
Gameplay video: https://youtu.be/9CgzBe02Hls
Final version video: https://youtu.be/gGJeQgh3HA4

I'm determined to push this build beyond the 100 million DPS mark, bringing forth a version with Mageblood and another with Mirror items. I'm excited to share these updates with all of you soon!

The Secret of Tier 17 Maps

Hey everyone,

I've recently discovered a farming method that yields an average of 2 divines per map (excluding drop luck) and up to 20 divines per hour. I'm here to share this method with you all. Firstly, these maps were introduced in League 3.23 and added as intermediate content between Pinnacle Bosses and Ubers, featuring unique mods and enemies, making it both enjoyable and profitable.

Here are some tips to start this farming:Build Testing: If you're unsure whether your build is suitable for these maps, I'll provide an "Atlas Tree" along with a set of scarabs that you can use to test the map mods. Avoid using debuffs that remove any offensive or defensive aspects of your build.

Atlas tree: https://poeplanner.com/a/CmC

Recommended Build: If you don't have a specific build for these maps, I recommend mine, detailed in this forum post.

Atlas Tree and Scarabs: Below is my current Atlas tree and the scarabs I use. Note that neither the Atlas tree nor the scarabs are mandatory, but I find them helpful for clearing and increasing the chances of dropping various unique items.

Video: https://youtu.be/p2UfXcZszI0
Atlas tree: https://poeplanner.com/a/Cme

Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone reading this post. Your feedback has been crucial for the growth of my YouTube channel. If possible, please leave a comment with "Build of the Week Season 14" here in this post; it would greatly assist me!

Thank you very much,


High investment (140 div +):Improving the build: How far can Power Siphon go? Mageblood!?? Headhunter!?
Despite having already shared the final version of my build, I've realized it's merely a stepping stone to something truly spectacular. This build exclusively utilizes unique items, but I believe that's just the beginning of its journey towards excellence.

I've lost count of the times this build has withstood attacks that I was certain would kill me. I vividly recall the battles against the Tier 17 boss "Sanctuary," where Lycia, with increased area of effect and casting speed, gave me precious fractions of a second to dodge its area-of-effect abilities.

Now, in version 3.24, with the addition of two uber uniques, this build has surpassed all imaginable limits. I never thought I'd have Berserk permanently active alongside Soul Eater, along with incredible clearing capability. However, the only flaw of this build is its movement speed, a problem I am determined to resolve.

So, I'm excited to share the beginning of this new journey for the build. Start by crafting a weapon that can provide up to 40% more damage. There's already a video demonstrating how to create this weapon. Then, it's time to confidently and determinedly tackle all of the game's content.

Link Craft Weapon: https://youtu.be/n4RXjDcK4ZU
Pob: https://pobb.in/MZvaYmpxZHg8

Adding Headhunter to build!!!

This build version utilizes the crafted weapon in conjunction with the Forbidden to provide a powerful and versatile experience. I recommend using the Forbidden "Opportunistic" for a solid defensive layer on maps, while also offering notable damage against bosses. However, for those seeking a more budget-friendly option, the "Unstable Infusion" is a viable alternative. This allows adjustments in the build, such as replacing the Belt with items like Headhunter or Mageblood, depending on availability and player preference.

To facilitate understanding and implementation of this build, I'm sharing a Path of Building and a demonstrative video for a budget-friendly version. I invite you all to try it out and enhance your gaming experience with this setup.

Pob Headhunter Budget:
Video: Power Siphon Vs Simulacrum - Headhunter!? Mageblood!?

Enhancing the Build for Mageblood

Hey everyone,

It's time to refine our build to accommodate Mageblood, and the first change is to incorporate Trinity Support + Ice Bite Support in place of Awa Lightining Pen and Volatility. With this alteration, we gain one of the most robust defensive mechanics in the game, in my opinion: Freezing. Yes, we're sacrificing 10% of damage and retiring my beloved amulet "Fury Valve," but the benefits outweigh the costs.

Now, it's crucial to add the "Piercing Shots" point to our skill tree, and the "Badge of the Brotherhood" amulet becomes an indispensable item for the build. From the perspective of its creator, this is one of the best versions I've ever developed and makes the build much more comfortable for facing Uber bosses, Sanctum, and Simulacrum.

Be sure to check out the Path of Building reference and the gameplay video below to see the new version in action.

Video Uber Boss/Sanctum:https://youtu.be/fRaTdBQFjbg?si=gReS7z9RtC0z52cT

[3.24] Power Siphon - Afana (With Mageblood)

[3.24] (9 Div Full-Unique) Budget Trickster - Power Siphon / Perfect build for Tier 17


"Hey everyone,

I'm back, and I'm incredibly grateful for the amazing support I received from the GGG team in recovering my account. I wanted to share a bit about what happened with my items and my account, so I've left an explanatory video in the links below. It's more of a vent than anything else, but I think it might help to understand what I've been through.

Additionally, I've also prepared a video demonstrating a more affordable version of my "Full Unique" Power Siphon build, capable of tackling Tier 17 content with ease. You'll find the link to the Discord chat, where I've compiled a list of all the unique items needed to assemble the build. I'm available both on Discord and here on the forum for any questions or suggestions you might have.

Link Video: https://youtu.be/wr_VNyJG60A
Link trade:https://discord.gg/6g5ct2NSju
Reference Pob: https://pobb.in/W3b4NGIS4BTm

Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone reading this post. Your feedback has been crucial for the growth of my YouTube channel. If possible, please leave a comment with "Build of the Week Season 14" here in this post; it would greatly assist me!

Thank you very much,


League Starter Power Siphon

Hello, exiles!

I'm Afana, and I'm here to share with you my incredible Power Siphon - Trickster build, which rocked in the 3.23 league and is ready to shine again in 3.24! I've prepared this build to be accessible from its early version to its most powerful form, so no matter where you are on your journey, there's something here for you.

Hello everyone,

I'd like to share some updates about my build in this league. First of all, I apologize for not being fluent in English, which may make communication challenging for some of you. I'm aware of this and I'm here to assist in the best way possible.

Recently, there was a change in my build that, while significant, didn't impact it as much as expected. The boots I was using were nerfed, but the nerf turned out to be irrelevant for my build.

This change, however small, had an almost insignificant impact on the overall effectiveness of my build. In fact, with this alteration, my build nearly doubled its movement speed when flasks are active, which is quite impressive.

Additionally, I've prepared three Path of Building (PoB) setups for the endgame:

1-A PoB without Mageblood, with an average investment of 65 div.
2-A PoB with Mageblood.
3-A PoB with Power Charge rings.

Example from the first pob:

All of these PoBs have proven to be superior to my strongest version in the last league (3.23), which leaves me very excited about this build's potential.

I plan to share more details about my planning and progress throughout this league. Stay tuned for further updates and discussions about the build. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Once again, I apologize for the language barrier and I appreciate your understanding.

Best regards,
Afana (Discord: @carlosteodoro)

First days of the league and the Starter version of the build.
Video: https://youtu.be/gqpFP7idfns?si=sqjuAMWuMTSzH2e8

1 - Leveling

Choose the Shadow class and, upon reaching town, acquire the "Explosive Trap" gem and the only support gem you'll add to it, "Swift Assembly Support". This combo of these two gems will carry you until at least level 12, where you'll have the option to use "Lightning Trap" instead, which I personally find better, along with the support gem "Added Lightning Damage Support" and then the support gem "Trap and Mine Damage Support". Use one of these two skills as your main until you can farm your first CHAOS ORB and buy two "Storm Prison Spiraled Wands", which will provide you with enough DPS to finish all your acts.

Other Gems:

-For movement skill, use "Frostblink".

-For guard skill, use "Steelskin".

-For auras, use:
-Clarity until level 57.
-Summon Skitterbots until level 31.
-Wrath from level 31.
-Grace from level 57.
-Spellslinger from level 40 in conjunction with "Warlord's Mark".
-To increase DPS, use "Berserk" from level 40.

To automate your gems, use:

Automation + Berserk + Steelskin.

Main Skill use:

Power Siphon + Elemental Damage with Attacks Support + Added Lightning Damage Support + Sacred Wisps Support

I recommend buying the "Fury Valve Turquoise Amulet" as soon as possible (level 40+), but if you can't get enough currency, just use GLOVES/RINGS/AMULET that add some form of lightning damage to the build; it helps a lot.

The entire build progression including the passive tree is detailed in the video, and in the pob below is the passive and item tree at the end of act 10.

Note: Don't add any source of cold damage to the build, this makes the Warlord's mark unfeasible


By using these gems, buying these items, and don't forget to upgrade rare items to get more life/attributes/resistances, your level becomes easy to start your journey into the endgame.

If you have any questions or suggestions, share them in the comments! I'm here to help. Good luck, exiles!

2 - First steps into the end game

Here we are, stepping into the end game. I believe you're around level 69 by now. It's time to craft resistances onto your items, purchase or craft a Body Armor with at least 1800 evasion, and acquire a "Crown of Eyes Hubris Circlet" with the highest ES/ACC possible. With these adjustments and items, you'll have at least 1500 LIFE/ES, making your gameplay much more comfortable to face all the challenges that the Atlas will throw your way until roughly level 85.

Now, let's also add a mechanic to your build that becomes more efficient when you remain stationary / Ghost Dance and Wind Dancer. These mechanics significantly enhance both your damage and defense (IT'S NOT SOMETHING THAT COMES EASILY, AS IT'S THROUGH TIME AND GAMEPLAY THAT YOU'LL LEARN TO UTILIZE THIS AS I DO).

Frost Shield + Sigil of Power
How does it work?
Whenever an event in the maps allows you to stay still, it's time to increase your defense and damage. Frost Shield enhances your defense, making your ES more effective when enemies are outside of it. As for Sigil of Power, it requires you to stand on a seal that intensifies as you spend more mana within it. Once charged, it provides you with damage and reduces the damage you receive. I've lost count of how many times this mechanism has saved me from an Uber boss or in the Ultimatum. I hope you learn to use it effectively.

Ghost Dance + Wind Dancer
How does it work?
Ghost Dance is a Keystone on the right side of the tree that activates when you're hit by any attack, providing ES based on your Evasion. This allows your character to avoid being killed by various hits, especially when combined with Wind Dancer, which reduces damage from the first hit you take every 4 seconds by 20%. Note that these two Keystones together provide a very strong combo, but if you don't pay attention to the number of charges on Ghost Dance when they decrease, you'll take more damage from attacks in the next 4 seconds, so stay vigilant.

Use this POB as a reference up to lvl 85:

If you're making headway in the Atlas, it's time to consider adding some items that can significantly boost your progression and ramp up your damage output. Here are a few suggestions:

Thunderfist Murder Mitts: These gloves can triple your DPS, making them a considerable upgrade. Compared to a 6-link setup, the difference is quite noticeable.

Allocates Overcharge: Slot the "Overcharge" enchantment on your Fury Valve. This not only enhances your damage but also allows for adjustments in your main skill links.

Gem Setup: Opt for Power Siphon 20/23 + Elemental Damage with Attacks Support + Volatility + Power Charge on Critical.

Body Armour: For increased defense, consider using The Restless Ward Carnal Armour. If you're looking for a balance between offense and defense, adding the Replica Hyrri's Ire Zodiac Leather is an excellent choice. Keep in mind that evasion and damage rolls are crucial here.

+1 Power Charge on Crown of Eyes Hubris Circlet: This addition can significantly benefit your build.

With these changes, your build will be ready to grab those Voidstones and transition into the "FULL UNIQUE" version. Give them a try and see how they elevate your gameplay to the next level!

Pob day 1:https://pobb.in/MJXMyIGtNXVY
Pob day 2: https://pobb.in/MJXMyIGtNXVY
Pob day 3:https://pobb.in/2c_b0bNCiqG8


Greetings, exiles!

Originally, the intention was to create a basic build aimed at facing Sanctum and the fearsome Uber bosses. However, this construction far exceeded my expectations.

After completing the build, I discovered that it not only fulfilled its primary function but also excelled in various other aspects of the game. In addition to tackling Sanctum and the challenges of Uber bosses using only Unique Items, this build also proved capable of handling Blight maps semi-afk, facing the Simulacrum simulation, and even surpassing maps with a 7k wisp challenge.

In the previous video, I shared a guide on how to level from 1 to 85 using exclusively basic leveling items and 3 Unique Items. In this thread, I will meticulously detail every aspect of the build's construction, offering tips so that everyone can replicate this successful experience.

Let's dive deep into the analysis of the items used, share gameplay strategies, and explore all possible optimizations to maximize the potential of this build.

I invite all of you to share your experiences, doubts, and suggestions in this forum and on the YouTube video.

Video: https://youtu.be/OLRClSWyDlI


1 Step
When you reach the point of surpassing Tier 10 map challenges, it's time to focus on enhancing your build and maximizing your farming potential and single-target damage. A key component to achieving this goal is the utilization of Thunderfist Murder Mitts. With just the addition of this item, your damage can skyrocket to 12 million in maps, but to achieve this, you must use these specific gem setup:

Power Siphon 20/23
Volatily 20/20
Awakened Elemental Damage With Attacks 5/20
Power Charge on Critical 20/0

2 Step
With the Thunderfist Murder Mitts already in your possession, you are about to witness a massive increase in your damage. However, our journey is far from over. Now is the crucial moment to integrate three unique items that will significantly transform your build:

-Ralakesh's Impatience Riveted Boots
-Malachai's Loop Harmonic Spirit Shield
-Graven's Secret Cloth Belt

NOTES: By adopting these three items into your build, you will experience a considerable increase in damage. However, it is important to note that your elemental resistances will be significantly reduced.

To mitigate this disadvantage, I suggest focusing on acquiring rings and jewels that offer increases in elemental resistances. This approach will help balance out the vulnerability resulting from the incorporation of these unique items.

3 Step
However, a challenge emerged: the need for more attributes, especially Strength (STR).

To tackle this issue, I decided to integrate a Lethal Pride Timeless Jewel into my build. I chose one that provides at least 2 notable passives of Fire resistance and allocated it to the Keystone Perfect Agony. This solution not only addresses the issue of Strength that the build is facing but also strengthens fire resistance, which is crucial in many situations.

In the video above, I've included a segment showing exactly how to find these jewels and integrate them into your build. I hope this solution helps other exiles facing similar challenges.

4 Step
As we gear up for the ultimate challenge of facing the Pinnacle Bosses and acquiring all the Voidstones, it's time to fine-tune our builds. To do so effectively, we need to make some significant adjustments, primarily focusing on transitioning our defenses from Life to Energy Shield.

For this crucial phase, I recommend reaching at least level 90 to ensure sufficient skill points for the necessary modifications. Here's the plan:

Respec from Life to Energy Shield: Remove all allocated passive points from Life nodes in your skill tree and reallocate them to nodes that enhance Energy Shield. This transition will provide a substantial boost to your survivability in high-stakes battles.

Acquire Chaos Inoculation (CI) Keystone: Invest in the Chaos Inoculation Keystone, which grants immunity to Chaos damage but sets your maximum Life to 1. This will complement our shift towards Energy Shield as the primary defensive layer.

Obtain Replica Hyrri's Ire Zodiac Leather: Acquire the Replica Hyrri's Ire Zodiac Leather body armor. This unique piece offers significant defensive bonuses, especially for Energy Shield-based builds, and will further enhance our survivability in combat.

5 Step
With the defeat of the Pinnacle Bosses, we have reached a pivotal point in our journey. However, now is the time to focus on acquiring the fundamental corruptions that will take our build to its ultimate form.

Here's the list of the necessary corruptions to complete the FULL UNIQUE version of our build:

-Crown of Eyes Hubris Circlet with +1 to Maximum Power Charges: This corruption will enhance our ability to accumulate Power Charges, further amplifying our offensive power.

-Graven's Secret Cloth Belt with +16% to all Elemental Resistances: This corruption will bolster our elemental resistances, making us more resilient to attacks of various damage types.

-One of the two rings with "Bleeding cannot be inflicted on you": This corruption will protect us against bleeding, preventing continuous damage that can be devastating in prolonged battles.

-Abyss Jewel with Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you: This corruption will shield us against the Corrupted Blood curse, ensuring our immunity to this harmful effect.

-Gloves or Boots with +1 to Level of Socketed Gems: This corruption will increase the level of gems we use in our gloves or boots, further maximizing the power of our skills.

-Malachai's Loop Harmonic Spirit Shield with 7% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage: This corruption will provide us with valuable damage conversion, mitigating some of the physical damage received and transforming it into Chaos damage.

-Enlighten lvl 4: This corruption will grant us a significant boost in the efficiency of our reserved activation gems, allowing us to use more powerful skills simultaneously.

With the acquisition of these corruptions, we will be ready to reach the pinnacle of our build, fully maximizing the potential of each carefully chosen unique item.

6 Step
Now it's time to finalize the build, and for that, we'll need a bit of luck. If you've noticed, the Body Armour you're using is the Replica Hyrri's Ire Zodiac Leather, which is from the Dexterity base, making it very difficult to use it as a 6-link for this build.

Gem setup for the 6-link:

Power Siphon 20/23
Volatility 20/20
Awakened Elemental Damage With Attacks 5/20
Power Charge on Critical 20/0
Damage on Full Life 20/20
Awakened Lightning Penetration 5/20 or Sacred Wisps Support 21/20

To use this gem configuration, you need to have your Body Armour 6-link OFF COLOUR, which can be expensive and sometimes even impossible. For this, you have 3 options:

-Purchase the item with a good roll, either 6-linked with the correct colors or fully white sockets.
-Leave the item 6-linked, then corrupt it to gain access to Tainted Chromatic Orbs.
-Use Jeweller's Orbs on the crafting bench to obtain all the required colors.
With this, you finalize your build.

I'm sharing here a step-by-step guide for creating the FULL UNIQUE version, a build that utilizes only unique items. It's important to emphasize that the success of this construction depends on the rolls of the items, so pay close attention to this aspect. Below, I provide a Path of Building (POB) with all the items not mentioned earlier and their respective rolls.


First week farm:


Welcome everyone! Today, I'm excited to share my farming strategy for the first week of the Ncropolis 3.24 league. In this farm, my focus is on gaining XP, acquiring oils, logbook, and snagging plenty of divines along the way. I hope this guide on the forum aids you in your progression and farming endeavors.

Atlas Tree: https://poeplanner.com/a/sjq


Discover the secret strategy for replicating the power of the ancient keystone 'Wandering Path' in this incredible farm! With this approach, I've already conquered 55 divines and two Apothecaries, and the numbers keep going up. Although this farm doesn't guarantee map support like the old keystone, it significantly boosts your farm in conjunction with any combination of scarabs.

Video: https://youtu.be/BJJOt91GCmI

Atlas Tree:https://poeplanner.com/a/ShK

Version 3.23
Trickster Build with Power Siphon - Afana

Hello Exiles!

I'm excited to share with you my latest creation: a Trickster build that maximizes the potential of the “Power Siphon” gem. With recent buffs, this build has become even more formidable, providing an incredible gaming experience, being able to do all of the game's content and Uber Boss, and has proven to be a great build for Sanctum. What sets this build apart is its exclusivity – each item used is unique and works without vials or clusters. The best part? It only costs me 7 divines to assemble!

Do not wear flasks and precious stones on your chest and boots. Also, consider item rolls as they play a crucial role in increasing your elemental resistance.

Build Highlights:

Tanky and Resilient: This build is surprisingly tanky, boasting an impressive Effective Hit Pool of up to 217,000. Say goodbye to those nerve-wracking close calls!


What Makes the Build So Resilient?

This build has been intricately designed to face challenges with both courage and safety, standing out for its remarkable resilience.

Stationary Attack:

The core strategy of this build revolves around performing stationary attacks. By adopting this approach, you take advantage of gems like "Sigil of Power," providing a substantial benefit of 24% less damage taken. This tactic allows you to maximize offensive effectiveness without compromising safety.

Frost Shield:

The inclusion of Frost Shield is crucial for further reinforcing defense. This gem significantly enhances the performance of your Energy Shield, providing an additional layer of protection for everyone within your reach. It is an essential component to ensure consistent resistance in the heat of battle.

Immortal Call:

In moments of panic, relying on Immortal Call can be the difference between life and death. This skill grants a brief but crucial immunity to physical damage, offering a valuable window to reassess the situation and react strategically.

Conscious Movement:

The build adopts a conscious movement approach, using the "W" key for navigation. This not only increases the character's agility but also allows for more precise control during intense encounters. The left mouse button is reserved for emergency use, ensuring effective execution of skills when needed.

Freezing Mechanic:

With the new mechanic allowing all damage to potentially cause freezing, this becomes a valuable tool for a skill that can hit all targets within a vast range. This provides comfortable gameplay, freezing enemies and providing a strategic advantage during encounters.

DPS Master: With approximately 10.5 million DPS (10.5M DPS), this build packs a punch. Watch enemies melt away as you unleash your power (basic version).

Main Items:

-Chest: Replica Hyrri's Ire Zodiac (Evasion: 3000+, Add Lightning Damage).
Additional Bonus: Achieves 6000 evasion and 1000 Energy Shield with "Oath of the Maji" and "Escape Artist."

-Lethal Pride: Solely for acquiring strength and fire resistance.

-Gloves: 6-link for defensive and offensive optimization.
Reason for Gloves: Tests showed greater efficiency compared to a 6-link chest, balancing defense and attack.

-Boots: Without gems to enjoy the 30% increased movement speed benefit (grace "Oath of the Maji").

-Rare Jewel: Only to assist with strength, dexterity, resistance if necessary, but most importantly, immunity to corrupted blood.

-Powerful Effects with Tinctures:

Elimination of flasks to ensure 300% increased effect.
Killing Blows: (17–25)% chance to make enemies explode, dealing Fire damage (with a 25% roll, 100% chance).

Killing Blows against Rare Monsters: (20–30)% chance to grant one of their modifiers for 60 seconds (25% roll for "Headhunter").
Penetration: 12%, reaching 48% without flasks.

-Recommended Rolls for Other Items:

Shield: 16% increased spell damage.
Rings: 38% resistance to all elements.
Amulet: 22% evasion, 20% resistance to all elements, 25% projectile speed.
Belt: 58% lightning resistance.

Leveling Strategy:

Start as Shadow: (kill all)

Acquire all life nodes near the passive tree path.

Leveling Skills:

Use a skill of your preference until level 24 (recommendation: Rolling Magma).
Level 24:

Add 2 Storm Prison, Spiraled Wand, and the Power Siphon gem + Add Lightning Damage + Add Cold Damage + Power Charge on Critical. This combination will propel your progression until level 67.
Level 68:

Remove all life nodes and allocate the remaining points to the passive tree, including the "Chaos Inoculation."

Cost-Efficient: It's budget-friendly! For a mere 7 divines, you can assemble a character that can tackle endgame content with ease.

Enjoyable Gameplay:
I'm loving playing with this build for its insane clear speed and remarkable survivability. It can handle whatever the 3.23 league throws at it, making the most of the current league's offerings.

Build of the Week Season 13 Consideration:
I believe this build has what it takes to stand out, and I would love the opportunity to be considered for Build of the Week Season 13. GGG, please take a closer look at what this Trickster build brings to the table!

[3.23] Final Version (Trickster - Power Siphon) Uber - All the game content



I would like to thank everyone for the valuable feedback on the build, as it helped me reach its final version. If you enjoyed the build, please don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel; it would greatly support me. Thank you!


Path of Building (PoB):
To access all the details of the build, including statistics, skills, and equipment, check out my Path of Building here:
(There may be bugs with the pob being constantly updated.)

Notes: The only alteration made from the basic version to the Sanctum version involves rings with higher resistance, reaching 48% for all elemental resistances, along with the amulet "Badge of the Brotherhood" with the Overcharge passive allocated.

It is not recommended to use the Sanctum version for maps. It is advised to use it exclusively for boss encounters or within the Sanctum.


Basic version:


Sanctun version / Pinnacle boss:

Final Version lvl 99 pob:

Uber boss setup:

Map setup:

MF Version:

MF version with HH, 7k wisp tank::

Version with the weapon crafted:
[3.23] Trickster - Power Siphon / Showcase vs Ubers

Builds from 3.23:

Immunity options:


In a gaming scenario, various afflictions can significantly impact gameplay, with freezing being one of the most troublesome. To address this challenge, the skill "One Step Ahead" provides almost immunity to chill and freezing effects.

Concerning physical afflictions, an effective strategy involves using an abyss jewel with the corruption "Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted by you," eliminating concerns about bleeding. Similarly, a corrupted ring with the property "Bleeding cannot be inflicted by you" resolves the bleeding issue.

Regarding fire afflictions, incorporating the "Soul of Abberath" Pantheon provides robust defense, while mastering charges is an effective solution for lightning effects. It is important to note that these choices are optional and should align with your gameplay strategy and character build.

It's worth emphasizing that when opting for an abyss jewel, it is advisable for it to have resistance and base damage to fire, maximizing its effectiveness in tackling the challenges of the game.

사용 불가

Take a look at the gameplay videos to see the build in action and understand how it can dominate challenges in Affliction.

Build Showcase:



Trickster - Power Siphon / Showcase vs Ubers

Blight Map Semi-AFK / Sem Torres - Power Siphon (Trickster)

Sanctum Farm (Low Budget Build - Power Siphon - Trickster):

[3.23] Version MF Trickster - Power Siphon (R 248 / Q 44)


[3.23] Final Version (Trickster - Power Siphon) Uber - All the game content

Contact Information:
I want to maintain open communication with the community and receive feedback on the build. If you have questions, suggestions, or just want to chat about Path of Exile, feel free to reach out.

Discord: carlosteodoro

YouTube: www.youtube.com/@afanapoe

I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions, exchanging ideas, and further refining this build. Together, we can explore the full potential of the Trickster with Power Siphon.
Best regards,

SexonFive 님이 2024. 4. 25. 오후 8:40:13에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2024. 6. 19. 오후 12:13:45
이 글에는 현재 사용할 수 없는 아이템이 포함되어 있습니다.
Parabéns Afana, ficou show!
otimo video e build
How to leveling with this build?
This build looks insane, I'm gonna try it, if i can't find a lethal pride like yours, what're the key passives on it to look out for?
How to improve resistances?
asskross 님이 2023. 12. 15. 오후 3:40:37에 마지막으로 편집
can you post a pob of how to scale the build?

what would you recommend for 6L in the chest?
ok fist off... the build is insanely fun and i am having a blast:D

probably one of the most fun builds i played in some time and very relaxed playstyle

I uses a lot of mechanics together to achieve nice tankyness and high damage, should be worthy of build of the week imo

but you should explain the gear a bit more, especially the lethal pride:
- you need one from Akoya with 2* or 3* 20% fire res and either 5% strength or 20 strength on any of the picked notables to cap res/have enough strength (you can use the calculator for timeless jewels to find suitable ones)
- if you only have 2* fire res you will need it on a rare jewel as well
- you also kinda need some form of fire damage for ignite to proc the 3rd ailment
- you should note its not a league starter or beginner friendly build i think^^
- you also need certain min res rolls to actually cap res
- you want max spell damage per power charge on shield and high evasion on chest
- you also want high lightning pen on the tincture, since the effect is tripled thanks to having no flask equipped, maybe even explain whats going on here
- you also definitively want immunity to corrupted blood somewhere
- as for corrupts, the one on helmet is super good to have^^
- another thing to note: dont socket chest/boots
- you want PS in your gloves (you marked it in the pob so i understood it but others might not^^)

As for leveling:
i leveled with power siphon and all the leveling uniques using a 4 link and it was super easy^^ but you need to pick some life notes
rough outline of what i did: https://pobb.in/ie_9DLFzpq6P (check gear -> lvling and the different trees)
i swapped to the taming as early as i could... rest of the items when i felt ok using it

as for suggestions:
i would pick up the regenerate 1% of evasion as ES every 4 sec on the evasion mastery... saved me quite a few times^^
Asura2468 님이 2023. 12. 15. 오후 6:02:04에 마지막으로 편집
Asura2468 님이 작성:
ok fist off... the build is insanely fun and i am having a blast:D

probably one of the most fun builds i played in some time and very relaxed playstyle

I uses a lot of mechanics together to achieve nice tankyness and high damage, should be worthy of build of the week imo

but you should explain the gear a bit more, especially the lethal pride:
- you need one from Akoya with 2* or 3* 20% fire res and either 5% strength or 20 strength on any of the picked notables to cap res/have enough strength (you can use the calculator for timeless jewels to find suitable ones)
- if you only have 2* fire res you will need it on a rare jewel as well
- you also kinda need some form of fire damage for ignite to proc the 3rd ailment
- you should note its not a league starter or beginner friendly build i think^^
- you also need certain min res rolls to actually cap res
- you want max spell damage per power charge on shield and high evasion on chest
- you also want high lightning pen on the tincture, since the effect is tripled thanks to having no flask equipped, maybe even explain whats going on here
- you also definitively want immunity to corrupted blood somewhere
- as for corrupts, the one on helmet is super good to have^^
- another thing to note: dont socket chest/boots
- you want PS in your gloves (you marked it in the pob so i understood it but others might not^^)

As for leveling:
i leveled with power siphon and all the leveling uniques using a 4 link and it was super easy^^ but you need to pick some life notes
rough outline of what i did: https://pobb.in/ie_9DLFzpq6P (check gear -> lvling and the different trees)
i swapped to the taming as early as i could... rest of the items when i felt ok using it

as for suggestions:
i would pick up the regenerate 1% of evasion as ES every 4 sec on the evasion mastery... saved me quite a few times^^

Tnx for explain!
Asura2468 님이 작성:
ok fist off... the build is insanely fun and i am having a blast:D

probably one of the most fun builds i played in some time and very relaxed playstyle

I uses a lot of mechanics together to achieve nice tankyness and high damage, should be worthy of build of the week imo

but you should explain the gear a bit more, especially the lethal pride:
- you need one from Akoya with 2* or 3* 20% fire res and either 5% strength or 20 strength on any of the picked notables to cap res/have enough strength (you can use the calculator for timeless jewels to find suitable ones)
- if you only have 2* fire res you will need it on a rare jewel as well
- you also kinda need some form of fire damage for ignite to proc the 3rd ailment
- you should note its not a league starter or beginner friendly build i think^^
- you also need certain min res rolls to actually cap res
- you want max spell damage per power charge on shield and high evasion on chest
- you also want high lightning pen on the tincture, since the effect is tripled thanks to having no flask equipped, maybe even explain whats going on here
- you also definitively want immunity to corrupted blood somewhere
- as for corrupts, the one on helmet is super good to have^^
- another thing to note: dont socket chest/boots
- you want PS in your gloves (you marked it in the pob so i understood it but others might not^^)

As for leveling:
i leveled with power siphon and all the leveling uniques using a 4 link and it was super easy^^ but you need to pick some life notes
rough outline of what i did: https://pobb.in/ie_9DLFzpq6P (check gear -> lvling and the different trees)
i swapped to the taming as early as i could... rest of the items when i felt ok using it

as for suggestions:
i would pick up the regenerate 1% of evasion as ES every 4 sec on the evasion mastery... saved me quite a few times^^

hey thanks for the explanation. may i know the reason why we dont need to socket chest/boots?

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