[3.24] Guide Power Siphon - Trikster - Afana (Full Unique)

worldpk 님이 작성:
SexonFive 님이 작성:
worldpk 님이 작성:
POB uses "of the archmage" but post doesnt.

POB has 3x less dmg with Of the archmage.

Which one should we use?

Bug pob

I see thanks.

For Tincture, Borealwood necessary or any works?

Best,12% Pen/Freeze + 25% HH
Why do you use Convocation in a helmet in pob?
Asura2468 님이 작성:
ok fist off... the build is insanely fun and i am having a blast:D

probably one of the most fun builds i played in some time and very relaxed playstyle

I uses a lot of mechanics together to achieve nice tankyness and high damage, should be worthy of build of the week imo

but you should explain the gear a bit more, especially the lethal pride:
- you need one from Akoya with 2* or 3* 20% fire res and either 5% strength or 20 strength on any of the picked notables to cap res/have enough strength (you can use the calculator for timeless jewels to find suitable ones)
- if you only have 2* fire res you will need it on a rare jewel as well
- you also kinda need some form of fire damage for ignite to proc the 3rd ailment
- you should note its not a league starter or beginner friendly build i think^^
- you also need certain min res rolls to actually cap res
- you want max spell damage per power charge on shield and high evasion on chest
- you also want high lightning pen on the tincture, since the effect is tripled thanks to having no flask equipped, maybe even explain whats going on here
- you also definitively want immunity to corrupted blood somewhere
- as for corrupts, the one on helmet is super good to have^^
- another thing to note: dont socket chest/boots
- you want PS in your gloves (you marked it in the pob so i understood it but others might not^^)

As for leveling:
i leveled with power siphon and all the leveling uniques using a 4 link and it was super easy^^ but you need to pick some life notes
rough outline of what i did: https://pobb.in/ie_9DLFzpq6P (check gear -> lvling and the different trees)
i swapped to the taming as early as i could... rest of the items when i felt ok using it

as for suggestions:
i would pick up the regenerate 1% of evasion as ES every 4 sec on the evasion mastery... saved me quite a few times^^

Huge thanks for leveling example
Mephirr 님이 2023. 12. 19. 오전 8:47:24에 마지막으로 편집
Unfortunately this build severely lacks in single target, you're going to struggle in yellow maps on blue mobs. I really gave it a fair shot and the clear speed is very good, but single target is abysmal.
Hawkly 님이 작성:
Unfortunately this build severely lacks in single target, you're going to struggle in yellow maps on blue mobs. I really gave it a fair shot and the clear speed is very good, but single target is abysmal.



I have no problems with single targets and maps with delirium, of course my build is finished, and the fact that it only uses unique items helps anyone get to the point my build is at, I hope I can get to that point too.
Hawkly 님이 작성:
Unfortunately this build severely lacks in single target, you're going to struggle in yellow maps on blue mobs. I really gave it a fair shot and the clear speed is very good, but single target is abysmal.

sir i dont even see ralakesh boots in your setup, [Removed by Support]
Lisa_GGG 님이 2023. 12. 30. 오후 8:43:07에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks Afana, spend around 3 divs and i'm doing red maps like a breeze with the league mechanic which 3 past builds couldnt even do yellow maps with the same investment.

The playstyle is very chill just press power siphon and everything explodes :D

and i'm still missing a lot of upgrades, i can see this build taking on all content I dunno about ubers cause I never even tried them.
marquesini 님이 작성:
Thanks Afana, spend around 3 divs and i'm doing red maps like a breeze with the league mechanic which 3 past builds couldnt even do yellow maps with the same investment.

The playstyle is very chill just press power siphon and everything explodes :D

and i'm still missing a lot of upgrades, i can see this build taking on all content I dunno about ubers cause I never even tried them.

Thank you, whatever subscribe to the YouTube channel for more builds like this and updates on it.

SexonFive 님이 2023. 12. 19. 오후 4:51:35에 마지막으로 편집
Onlylight_ 님이 작성:
Why do you use Convocation in a helmet in pob?

I was testing the Spectros and decided to remove it from the final guide so as not to complicate things, in the end I ended up forgetting to remove the Convocation gem.

I'm super happy with the build. A VERY pleasant clearing of maps and permafreezing of bosses. You don’t have to aim anywhere, you just stand there and press one button.

https://pobb.in/-SM0KzEWwR1q my build. 5mln dps Guardian/Pinnacle

You can use corruped "Graven's Secret" to +16% to all Elemental Resistances for resist

Can use Tincture to Steal Monsters modifiers, but i prefer use to Lightning Penetration and Onslaught.

That Which Was Taken is great jewel for this build. You can add the necessary modifiers for the build - attributes, resistances or damage.
Thzuful 님이 2023. 12. 20. 오전 12:59:18에 마지막으로 편집

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