[3.24] (UPDATED) Poor Man's Ward Loop: No Ward - 1 Button Auto-Caster - CWDT Saboteur

Enotov98 님이 작성:
Good afternoon, I tried your build, but I can't understand why there is no damage, I see that the chance of crit is not 100%, I see that the CDR is one lower than yours. Otherwise, I can't understand why there is such a strong difference in damage.

Can you look at the build and tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Dont expect a response anytime soon. i been waiting 3 days for the build guide writer to respond.
GamerNerdRage81 님이 작성:
How would you go about leveling this build? I wanna play this build.

There's old pob's in the guide ("demo" ones), you can use those as a template to run until you get the items to get the loop going and running. You need the ring to recover and eye of innocence to really keep the loop going, so you won't really loop until lvl 68. I league started based of those and it worked fine enough. Might want to buy few uniques and -mana cost ring to get a smooth start for leveling and -mana cost ring for spending loop mana.

Edit: Just be sure to get the Battlemage sceptre while leveling, it should help keep damage up while leveling to maps and loop start.
KekkoSlovakia 님이 2024. 4. 17. 오전 4:33:02에 마지막으로 편집
Enotov98 님이 작성:
Good afternoon, I tried your build, but I can't understand why there is no damage, I see that the chance of crit is not 100%, I see that the CDR is one lower than yours. Otherwise, I can't understand why there is such a strong difference in damage.

Can you look at the build and tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Get gloves with temple fire mods with damage against burning mobs and get the exposure on hit on those. Helmet Implicits with fire penetration and damage per power charge. Re-check your anoint on amulet. Implicits should be an easy and cheap increase in damage. Whole new gloves with the burning mod would be next cheapest increase, then i guess new belt with more cooldown recovery to hit the next breakpoint or more abyss jewels for flat added damage. After that, guess better watchers, but that's expensive.
KekkoSlovakia 님이 2024. 4. 17. 오전 4:44:48에 마지막으로 편집
GamerNerdRage81 님이 작성:
Dont expect a response anytime soon. i been waiting 3 days for the build guide writer to respond.

Well, excuse me for being too busy working on my own IRL projects and not lingering on the forum to answer every minor question. Last evening when I checked your character, he was lvl 8, and now he's lvl 63, so, clearly, you didn't need to wait 3 days for a reply to be able to level it. I see you managed just fine without my help.

KekkoSlovakia 님이 작성:
Enotov98 님이 작성:
Good afternoon, I tried your build, but I can't understand why there is no damage, I see that the chance of crit is not 100%, I see that the CDR is one lower than yours. Otherwise, I can't understand why there is such a strong difference in damage.

Can you look at the build and tell me what I'm doing wrong?



Thanks for taking the time to answer. You pretty much covered it. This is the most common type of question I get, and it usually boils down to people not having enough crit. I cannot stress enough how important a spell crit chest piece is.

There's a huge difference between having another ~300-500% increased crit chance and having a FLAT 1.5% or more base crit chance that gets scaled by said crit chance. That 1.5% becomes 6-9% crit chance in this case, and that is being generous. My final PoB has over 1100% increased crit chance. When you account for that, a base 1.5% becomes 18% crit chance, and 2% becomes 24%.

Say, you can reach ~60% crit chance right now with 5% base spell crit chance and 1100% increased crit chance. Now, add a chest piece with 1.8% spell crit. That's another 21.6% crit chance on top, totaling 81.6% crit chance. That's 36% MORE total crit chance than you had before. Going from 1.5% (max roll non-elevated) to 1.8% (elevated) is another ~4.62% more crit chance. Going from 1.8% to 2% (max roll) is another ~3% more crit chance. Going from 1.5% to 2% is roughly 7.7% more crit chance.

So, ideally, you want a chest piece with at least 1.5-1.8% base crit chance, if you can afford it. Those numbers are really important because they get added to the base crit chance of the spell.

A spell like Essence Drain of Wickedness with its meager 5% base crit, when adding a 1.5-2% spell crit chest piece, gets 30-40% MORE base critical strike chance. Which then gets scaled by any % increased crit chance modifiers, resulting in 30-40% MORE total crit chance. That can mean the difference between 77% and 100% crit, as 77 * 1.3 = 100.1. Meaning, you'll not crit roughly every 1 in 4 hits, reducing your overall loop performance by a quarter, which also means you'd have to take about a quarter more damage than you otherwise would have to. Every hit counts.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
KekkoSlovakia 님이 작성:
GamerNerdRage81 님이 작성:
How would you go about leveling this build? I wanna play this build.

There's old pob's in the guide ("demo" ones), you can use those as a template to run until you get the items to get the loop going and running. You need the ring to recover and eye of innocence to really keep the loop going, so you won't really loop until lvl 68. I league started based of those and it worked fine enough. Might want to buy few uniques and -mana cost ring to get a smooth start for leveling and -mana cost ring for spending loop mana.

Edit: Just be sure to get the Battlemage sceptre while leveling, it should help keep damage up while leveling to maps and loop start.

What ring is needed cause i have the amulet so just wondering what ring is needed to keep the loop going?
GamerNerdRage81 님이 작성:
What ring is needed cause i have the amulet so just wondering what ring is needed to keep the loop going?

They are outlined in the items section and in the PoBs. A ring with at least -10 Mana Cost and a 30 roll Ngamahu's Sign.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
Good afternoon, I wanted to ask why you don’t use these three additional points? It seems to me, on the contrary, the more we replenish our health, the better? Or will this 20% increase break our build?, we take 22% from the right side and 30% from above, without these 3 points we will have 52% health replenishment, and if we pump it up, it will be 72%. Damage taken is returned as life. Explain why this does not need to be pumped, and what will happen if you pump it, if possible in more detail
Arataka71 님이 2024. 4. 28. 오후 4:40:21에 마지막으로 편집
Arataka71 님이 작성:
Good afternoon, I wanted to ask why you don’t use these three additional points?

Because it's overkill, as outlined in the Update Notes:

Specced out of Vampirism and Nimbleness. Re-invested those 6 points into Heart of Flame and Fire Mastery (for another -5% Enemy Fire Resistance). 54% Recoup is enough to still easily tank Shaper beam. Tested & confirmed.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
What skill cooldown percentage do we need? 22%?
belt+bots 22%? 23%?.
What would be the common value with the subclass 30% + 22/23% = ?
Why is this listed in the guide and not on your character's belt no:D?
Will my build start and work if I only have 30% skill cooldown?.

I was just looking at your character in the current league and didn't notice the skill cooldown % on the belt and thought it wasn't needed?

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