[3.24] (UPDATED) Poor Man's Ward Loop: No Ward - 1 Button Auto-Caster - CWDT Saboteur

gustavobcs 님이 작성:
Hey! I followed this build but overall the char is very squishy. How did you built up the defenses?

Could you please make your characters public so I can have a look?

Yes, the build is a little squishy, but not as squishy as one might think. It simply has no PDR. Born in the Shadows and Petrified Blood together with Recoup do most of the heavy lifting. Wellspring of Creation helps. Not rolling too many damage mods helps.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
BaumisMagicalWorld 님이 작성:
gustavobcs 님이 작성:
Hey! I followed this build but overall the char is very squishy. How did you built up the defenses?

Could you please make your characters public so I can have a look?

Yes, the build is a little squishy, but not as squishy as one might think. It simply has no PDR. Born in the Shadows and Petrified Blood together with Recoup do most of the heavy lifting. Wellspring of Creation helps. Not rolling too many damage mods helps.

Looking over your mapping video, I think the knockback jewel is putting in a lot of work as well. With so many hits, mobs are consistently knocked back and sometimes interrupted.
Seufari 님이 작성:
Looking over your mapping video, I think the knockback jewel is putting in a lot of work as well. With so many hits, mobs are consistently knocked back and sometimes interrupted.

Yes, Knockback, Hinder, Chill are all playing a vital role. Knockback doesn't interrupt, though. Just to clarify. My guide isn't fully fleshed out yet as I'm mostly busy with making all the graphics and video editing, but it will be in due time.

On a sidenote: PoB has been updated again. Please make sure to get the latest version. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused if you've already bought a certain gem.


* Forbidden Rite of Soul Sacrifice (FRoSS) has been replaced by Ice Nova of Frostbolts

This is a mechanical interaction I missed after the changes to gems. The Ice Nova casts can overlap, adding a good amount of DPS. I gave it a go at Minotaur and it worked like a charm even with Vortex of Projection (destroys Frostbolts), except for the fact that it made my game lag so much more, so I could not get any appropriate DPS estimate from the recording.

Moreso, after doing a bit of basic math and more video analysis, I simply concluded that FRoSS was more of an inconvenience to the build rather than adding to it. I also figured that it'd make the build a lot easier to put together when people don't need to go looking for ES on their gear. I'm also just another human and mistakes/oversights can and do happen.

As I like to say: There's always room for improvement.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
if i cannot get ring with zealotry and 30 life gain is 27 enough ?
raanis 님이 작성:
if i cannot get ring with zealotry and 30 life gain is 27 enough ?

Technically, yes, once Recoup and Leech kick in, but this could pose a problem in less Recovery maps or when you encounter a huge pack for the first time with no Recovery going on, where all the instant Ignites could potentially get you killed within a second ("____ committed suicide") before said Recovery kicks in. I had that happen on a different character (same concept) with also a 27 roll.

You shouldn't forget that the build hits itself for hundreds of times per second, in some instances even way more. That's the downside of not building around Ward, but at least you get flexibility.

IMO you are better off taking out 1 gem, i.e. Ice Nova, rather than taking that risk. Keep vaaling them rings.

Edit: Actually, I need to clarify: A 27 roll is fine until you run a less Recovery map OR run into mobs that don't die within that second. Since Blood Siphon (10 Life on kill) and Blood Drinker (2% max HP on kill) will keep you alive there. But the moment you encounter a huge pack that is invulnerable from shrine/aura/totem, you will probably kill yourself. This doesn't happen with a 30 roll because you take 30 damage and gain 30 Life back. There's no net negative.

Alternatively, you can just not use catalysts on your amulet. 100 Fire damage taken -> 75% Fire resist -> 25 Fire damage taken -> +2 HP net positive.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
BaumisMagicalWorld 님이 2024. 1. 25. 오후 2:18:40에 마지막으로 편집


I did some troubleshooting today and found that Black Hole Frostbolt and Vortex, in particular the former, were causing severe performance issues with this build.

You can read more about this in my thread here.

Celestial Spark was another culprit, but to a lower extent.

I've since replaced them with Ghastly Vortex and Void Spark (Frostbolt has no other MTX). No severe performance issues of note. Can run maps mostly fine now.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
Hi, your build looks fun! Do you think it's possible to use in a league start scenario or is it better to make idk mine/trap sabo and reroll after?
KvysReaper 님이 작성:
Hi, your build looks fun! Do you think it's possible to use in a league start scenario or is it better to make idk mine/trap sabo and reroll after?

You are gonna need some specific items. While I do play this at league start, I play a standard spell caster until I can get the required items. Whatever you prefer, though best to use a tree similar to this build's. Makes it easier to respec.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
BaumisMagicalWorld 님이 작성:
KvysReaper 님이 작성:
Hi, your build looks fun! Do you think it's possible to use in a league start scenario or is it better to make idk mine/trap sabo and reroll after?

You are gonna need some specific items. While I do play this at league start, I play a standard spell caster until I can get the required items. Whatever you prefer, though best to use a tree similar to this build's. Makes it easier to respec.

So the main things are: staff, amulet, ring and jewel to be ignited? Also, what spell can you recommend for this?
KvysReaper 님이 작성:
So the main things are: staff, amulet, ring and jewel to be ignited? Also, what spell can you recommend for this?

Correct. Spells can be found in the ITEMS section (check the gear), my character profile, or look at the PoB. I don't like adding a separate section with a list of gems when most people will just click on the PoB anyway.

If you don't have enough sockets yet/lack the ring corruption, drop the Ice Nova CWDT setup and/or Essence Drain.

If you have trouble with sustaining Mana, drop the spells with the highest Mana Cost.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold

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