[3.24] (UPDATED) Poor Man's Ward Loop: No Ward - 1 Button Auto-Caster - CWDT Saboteur


Correct. Spells can be found in the ITEMS section (check the gear), my character profile, or look at the PoB. I don't like adding a separate section with a list of gems when most people will just click on the PoB anyway.

If you don't have enough sockets yet/lack the ring corruption, drop the Ice Nova CWDT setup and/or Essence Drain.

If you have trouble with sustaining Mana, drop the spells with the highest Mana Cost.

Thanks! I'll definitely try it for the next league. I hope GGG won't accidentally break it. Thank you one more time for such a cool build idea!
KvysReaper 님이 2024. 2. 4. 오후 4:44:12에 마지막으로 편집
Gonna give this a go. On the build now, how is pain attunement being utilized on the 32 pob?
chrischoi 님이 작성:
Gonna give this a go. On the build now, how is pain attunement being utilized on the 32 pob?

With Petrified Blood. This section isn't quite accurate as I got the gem from Lilly. You wouldn't have this at league start.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
Update: Last night I conquered all of the Maven's Invitations, including The Feared. Video will be up later today.

Iirc, that leaves Sirus and Maven as my final bosses, excluding Uber versions of bosses.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
So with Petrified Blood active, it's considered low life?
chrischoi 님이 작성:
So with Petrified Blood active, it's considered low life?

Petrified Blood prevents you from healing above Low Life, flasks excluded.

The Low Life threshold is normally at 50% of max HP, but with the mastery you can set it to 55%.

The damage you take from hits is staggered and dealt to you over time, allowing you to bump up your eHP by a bit. You never reach Full Life this way, so Leech doesn't stop like it normally does, but until its duration runs out.

And since you are always at Low Life once you reach that threshold, Pain Attunement and anything else related to Low Life will take effect.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
Disregard. Stat requirements.
chrischoi 님이 2024. 2. 6. 오후 5:52:11에 마지막으로 편집
So even when the +1 projectiles from the gloves apply to Spark of Nova, it doesn't account for the level requirement of a lvl 13 gem?

I was trying to see if I could catch it in the videos, but there was so much going on. Lol.
chrischoi 님이 작성:
So even when the +1 projectiles from the gloves apply to Spark of Nova, it doesn't account for the level requirement of a lvl 13 gem?

CWDT ignores mods that increase gem levels. It still respects the initial level the spell is at when you linked it to it.

I.e. (theoretically) if you had an item with +10 to levels of skills and used CWDT lvl 1 + lvl 1 Fireball, the level requirement would be lvl 1 but the skill itself would be gem lvl 11 with a level requirement of lvl 36. Except that CWDT will treat it as gem lvl 1 and not lvl 10. However, Mana Cost and stuff will be increased to whatever gem lvl 10 says.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
There’s no room for it at all but I was thinking today about all the flat damage available from Pyroclast mine of Sabotage aura…

It would probably be a single target only thing. Maybe a gem swap for pinnacle bosses?

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