[3.24] (UPDATED) Poor Man's Ward Loop: No Ward - 1 Button Auto-Caster - CWDT Saboteur

BaumisMagicalWorld 님이 작성:
sipsi32 님이 작성:
Thank you for replying man, let me ask you this, what do you think can be done to get the character ready for just white and yellow maps?

You need to switch to Eye of Innocence, like, 2 levels ago. It's the first thing you do once you hit lvl 68. Unfortunately, it's a shame the item has such a high level requirement. Wish we could use this from lvl 52 onwards.

The rest of your current gear is pretty similar to what I had when I was doing white and yellow maps. For red maps, I then switched to a 4L6S Martyr, otherwise it lags so much from the lack of damage.

Did you help Alira for the crit multi and resists? PoB doesn't tell me that when I import from your profile.

You gotta buy some better resist gear with triple resists. Too many wasted affixes here. You can get decent gear for a couple Chaos each. You can do unid'd Chaos recipe for 2c per set.

And use an Amethyst flask. The Granite flask is wasted; the build doesn't scale any Armour or Physical Damage Reduction (PDR), so its biggest weakness is Physical Damage anyway. The bit of Armour is practically useless here.

Alright, so I was lucky AF and got some currency.I changed to a 5L6S Martyr. Changed the gear as well a little bit. I did help Alira. I am working on my Flasks and also working on getting the Jewels and everything.

So far, since i made the change it has been incredibly fun to play this Build !, however, i feel like i am missing something because killing bosses is difficult because my casting stops and doesn't chain to kill a boss quickly unless there are other mobs around it. other than that pretty fun, already completed 1/3 of the atlas.

EDIT: After I typed that, I realized one of my flasks was making me immune to ignite which was stopping the whole thing. I upgraded my flasks to the ones in the lv 97 pob it is perfect now.
sipsi32 님이 2024. 3. 9. 오후 3:21:07에 마지막으로 편집
sipsi32 님이 작성:
So far, since i made the change it has been incredibly fun to play this Build !, however, i feel like i am missing something because killing bosses is difficult because my casting stops and doesn't chain to kill a boss quickly unless there are other mobs around it. other than that pretty fun, already completed 1/3 of the atlas.

At this point I feel like I have to make this very clear: This build is NOT suited for beginners, SSF or Ruthless. It's designed around trade and for people who can fully understand the mechanics behind the build. The flexibility is a result only from a solid foundation. That's why you can swap in pretty much any spell once this foundation is set.

I do not cover every single minor thing in any of my guides because your situation will always be different from mine. It's in your hands to fix the problems you may encounter along the way. I can only give rough pointers. It's simply not feasible to cover every nuance of a build.

Example: If you keep running out of Mana, you either drop a spell or two or drop the ones with the highest Mana Cost, maybe use Inspiration Support, certain unique items etc. to help you reach the point where you don't need them anymore.

These are things I cannot tell you how to fix at every step, you have to solve these yourself. It's a learning curve.

And I don't mean any offense when being this blunt, I just want you to understand:

You overspent on DEX because you felt the need to level gems that didn't need leveling. They don't need leveling because they provide mere functionality to the build. Remember, we are primarily scaling flat damage to overcome the downsides of damage penalties. They are multplicative and not additive, so a few extra % won't brick the build.

Then you spent (probably most of) your currency on a high DEX body armour because you were already investing into DEX at that point, and it had the right sockets with what you'd consider a few decent stats. However, every passive point is very valuable and you wasted about 6-7 to get a worse than mediocre chest piece that you could have crafted better yourself with a bunch of Essences (after using that currency to buy a proper base).

That, among other things, shows me that you do not (yet) fully understand all of the nuances. Again, I do not mean to offend.

While it pleases me to read that you are having fun with the build, I recommend you try and learn to understand these nuances. Then you can make the build again in another league without my help.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
So with all the mana reduction removals is the build dead now?
medlin1 님이 작성:
So with all the mana reduction removals is the build dead now?

How do you mean? I just glanced over the patch notes, and all I can see is that we will lose 30% with the flask and jewel mod removal. That's fixable. I just haven't looked at it yet.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
medlin1 님이 작성:
So with all the mana reduction removals is the build dead now?

All right. Just spent some time to fix the build.

I'm gonna be frank: it received a massive nerf. Not unplayable, but lower DPS. I'll update the PoBs for now, the rest comes later.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
Thank you for sharing this build, it's AWESOME!

Can you please tell us in which order should we buy skill effects microtransactions in order to get rid of lagging (even on 4090)? Currently their overal price around $120 -_-

What can be cause of loop doesn't sustains on single target?
Masterm1nd 님이 작성:
Can you please tell us in which order should we buy skill effects microtransactions in order to get rid of lagging (even on 4090)? Currently their overal price around $120 -_-

That's a first. Never had anyone ask this question before. You don't need any MTX at all on this build, and me telling you which ones to buy would make me open to backlash. Besides, doesn't matter what rig you have, you can't bypass the fact that this build is limited by the game engine itself. You will always have lag, even with a NASA PC. I tested it with a 1080 and a 4080, you can't fix the lag with a better PC.

Edit: However, I guess I can recommend Void MTX for both Desecrate and Volatile Dead. I haven't updated the guide with new MTX yet.

Masterm1nd 님이 작성:
What can be cause of loop doesn't sustains on single target?

I get this one a lot. It always boils down to: too few spells, too low crit chance, amulet without catalyst. Again, this build needs to crit to ignite and take damage.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
BaumisMagicalWorld 님이 2024. 4. 3. 오후 7:04:49에 마지막으로 편집
UPD: I've switched to DX12 instead of DX11, enabled Dynamic Culling, lowered some settings, no drastic lags so far.
I wanted to do blights.

Once I unlocked Immune Response notable, my blights started to lag like crazy. The server instance is not able to handle the build, the ping rises up to 4000 ms and nothing happens, monsters barely move and the pump does not take any damage.

It takes around 10 min for the monsters to finally die. I guess the issue is related to the ignite instances, which the server instance does not seeem to be able to handle ? I have read a post from you about that but the youtube videos are not available so I cannot confirm you had the same issue Baumi.

I don't think my computer setup has any relationship with the issue as it is only ping related. But I can also add that I have a very high end game pc.

I also tried lockstep but it is even worse.

Any suggestion ? should I stop doing blights ?

What content should be suitable for this build ?
Sitja 님이 작성:
I also tried lockstep but it is even worse.

I was about to ask whether you were on Lockstep. It makes the lag fest occur much worse and faster.

I currently I have the same issue in T14-T16 maps, which boils down to the fact that my DPS is currently still far too low, unsurprisingly.

Your issue is the same as mine. Do that type of content later when you have high enough damage. What's currently happening is that monsters live too long, so the ignites and other effects stack up until the game lags itself to death.

An unfortunate byproduct that I cannot solve, it's related to the game engine itself. You can try and switch to the AoE variant. It's less laggy because the game doesn't have to calculate projectiles on top.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold

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