[3.24] (UPDATED) Poor Man's Ward Loop: No Ward - 1 Button Auto-Caster - CWDT Saboteur

Arataka71 님이 작성:
Will my build start and work if I only have 30% skill cooldown?.

I was just looking at your character in the current league and didn't notice the skill cooldown % on the belt and thought it wasn't needed?

It will have lower DPS. It's all explained down in the MECHANICS section. 52% is needed for the breakpoints.

My "current" character doesn't have it because I stopped playing the league. You need to look at the PoBs, items or my lvl 99 character in Standard. I released this build in 3.23, not 3.24.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
hello everyone, please help me figure it out. I put together a build like pob Demo (lvl 65) <-click, and nothing works for me except the cyclone, what am I doing wrong?

eretik92 님이 작성:
hello everyone, please help me figure it out. I put together a build like pob Demo (lvl 65) <-click, and nothing works for me except the cyclone, what am I doing wrong?


Your Eye of Winter in the CWC setup is lvl 1, so you have no damage. It should be like lvl 15. At that point, CWC is carrying the build until Eye of Innocence. The CWDT setups are only complimentary, for when you take damage from enemies. The loop mechanic does not work until you get the amulet. And with your ring rolls, you will likely kill yourself anyway.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
BaumisMagicalWorld 님이 작성:
eretik92 님이 작성:
hello everyone, please help me figure it out. I put together a build like pob Demo (lvl 65) <-click, and nothing works for me except the cyclone, what am I doing wrong?


Your Eye of Winter in the CWC setup is lvl 1, so you have no damage. It should be like lvl 15. At that point, CWC is carrying the build until Eye of Innocence. The CWDT setups are only complimentary, for when you take damage from enemies. The loop mechanic does not work until you get the amulet. And with your ring rolls, you will likely kill yourself anyway.

I'm sorry, please help me understand a few more points
that is, did I understand correctly that at the current stage my DPS is only a cyclone and related skills? and the rest will be triggered by monster strikes? and how long does it take to swing in this setup? I'm currently on the aqueduct and it's moving very slowly because of the cyclone itself and the damage to the yellow monsters, I don't kill them very much for about a minute, but this is probably due to the low gem level of the eye of winter
eretik92 님이 작성:
BaumisMagicalWorld 님이 작성:
eretik92 님이 작성:
hello everyone, please help me figure it out. I put together a build like pob Demo (lvl 65) <-click, and nothing works for me except the cyclone, what am I doing wrong?


Your Eye of Winter in the CWC setup is lvl 1, so you have no damage. It should be like lvl 15. At that point, CWC is carrying the build until Eye of Innocence. The CWDT setups are only complimentary, for when you take damage from enemies. The loop mechanic does not work until you get the amulet. And with your ring rolls, you will likely kill yourself anyway.

I'm sorry, please help me understand a few more points
that is, did I understand correctly that at the current stage my DPS is only a cyclone and related skills? and the rest will be triggered by monster strikes? and how long does it take to swing in this setup? I'm currently on the aqueduct and it's moving very slowly because of the cyclone itself and the damage to the yellow monsters, I don't kill them very much for about a minute, but this is probably due to the low gem level of the eye of winter

Your mistake is that you pumped up points for damage at the beginning and you should have pumped up points to reduce the cost of skills, do something like I did in the screenshot

Hey! Thanks for cool build!

I trying to test the build on standart legue. Can you please add more info about loop starting? I don't really understand why my loop wan't start on mobs.(But clearing already is neat!)

If you have some time for it:

trying this on Standard, i'm not sure what i'm doing, but i'm not looping for whatever reason

please advice, thanks!
maddannik 님이 작성:
Hey! Thanks for cool build!

I trying to test the build on standart legue. Can you please add more info about loop starting? I don't really understand why my loop wan't start on mobs.(But clearing already is neat!)

If you have some time for it:


This got nothing to do with starting the loop. Starting the loop only requires Forbidden Rite. This is all about maintaining the loop, which you haven't worked out yet.

1.) You are using Sniper's Mark instead of Assassin's Mark.

2.) You don't have a spell crit chest.

3.) You are using Purity of Fire for some reason.

4.) Your rare ring doesn't have -12 to total Mana Cost.

5.) You don't have a Watcher's Eye with Zealotry crit chance mod.

6.) You are wasting sockets.

Your crit chance is far too low. Your Fireball (6% base crit) has a meager 50% crit chance. And Fireball is one of the spells with higher base crit, meaning all your lower base crit spells will have even less.

You are using Wise Oak, despite of my note of only using this when you can make your resists equal. Without Purity of Fire, you take reduced Fire Damage (with the flask active). With Purity of Fire, you have to disable Zealotry or else have no Mana to cast, and you take even less Fire Damage.

What it boils down to is simply this:

Your overall chance to crit is far too low. Which is the most common issue people are coming to me with questions about why the build isn't looping. You are using skills and items to reduce the damage you take, while not taking enough damage to begin with. You are wasting precious sockets for gimmicks such as Enlighten Support, but you need every socket you can get because every spell contributes to the loop in sequence. You don't have enough Mana Cost reduction or Mana to spare, so you are instantly out of Mana until Recoup kicks in after mobs deal enough damage to you.

Get a 6L spell crit chest. Get a 4L Eldritch helmet. Get a Mechanical Belt. Get an Unsocketed Ring. Get a corrupted Ngamahu's Sign with Zealotry implicit. Get a Diamond flask with the crit chance affix. Get rid of Purity of Fire. Pick a different major Pantheon in the meantime. Get a proper Watcher's Eye. Get above lvl 90 (you are still lvl 84). Get a ring with -12 Mana Cost (requires catalysts on a -10 base). Get a proper CDR belt and Eldritch boots; you are wasting a valuable resist suffix on the boots (CDR is a suffix). Get rid of Wise Oak for now. Drop Soulrend until you have enough Mana Cost reduction. Anoint your amulet. Etc.

This build requires work and improvement over time. It's not something that works out of the gate. Since I often only play 1 build in a league, progression builds like these are for such a purpose. It's not for everyone.

Bottom line is this:

Crit. Crit. Crit. You need >90% crit chance on every spell. Critting with spells means you take damage. Taking damage means you cast spells. Casting spells makes you crit. Rinse and repeat.
Mana Cost. Mana Cost. Mana Cost. You can't cast spells without Mana.
Sockets. Sockets. Sockets. Every socket counts, every spell hit counts.

If your loop isn't working, it's almost always either one or two of these or all three. In your case, it's all of them.

so1ek1ar 님이 작성:
trying this on Standard, i'm not sure what i'm doing, but i'm not looping for whatever reason

please advice, thanks!

See reply above.
Original creator of the "Poor Man's Ward Loop" build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480922
Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit, i7-13700K 5.30GHz
PNY RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36
Samsung 980 Pro, Seasonic Prime GX 850W Gold
Hello! Sorry for the stupid question but I don't understand. How did you make such a belt? Did you craft in the harvest or with resonators?

I did it! but I spent about 80 div. It's a lot?)

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