ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
Hi it's nice build
i have some questions. can u tell me what dps if you use bino dagger ? and Do i need mirror dagger for uber atiziri ? if i dont need mirror dagger, what minimum dps do i need for uber? |
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" average dps with bino is 70 - 80 k |
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" Yeah when I switch to Binos I get about 79K with Hatred and Herald of Ash. With Atziri Flask it goes to 96K. With 3 power charges + Atziri flask it goes to 115K. For Uber Atziri you will definitely need a high damage dagger to help with clearing the add phase, since you will mostly be using the projectiles with some proliferation on Herald of Ash to hit them at range. I will post more tips on Uber Atziri for this build specifically. |
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Background I realize several people wanted to try Uber on this build so here are some tips I compiled. First want to say that this build was NOT made with Uber Atziri in mind, and I doubted that I could do Uber but after Patch 1.2 we had a strong buff to our damage making it easier to do the fight, and tinchop and mGravitus encouraged me to try for Uber, so I was happy to find I was able to complete it! Simulation Alluring Abyss has 100% more monster life and 100% more monster damage, so even regular mobs can hit for A LOT of damage. A blue mob on Alluring Abyss can 1 shot you because most of them have extra elemental damage. If you want to practice how it feels to do Uber Atziri run I recommend you do regular Atziri run on 2.5K life and maybe 50% or so resistances. I highly recommend you only try Uber if you are comfortable doing regular Atziri on this build with these conditions. Please see video link at end for when I tried on ~2.7K life. Also tit is best to have a friend on hand who can complete Alluring Abyss in case you can't finish the set so that it does not go to waste. Mobs They hit extremely hard. You can easily get 1 shotted by a blue mob if you are not careful: 1. Always have Jade flask up 2. Use Enfeeble on the mobs 3. With high-DPS you can permanently freeze them but be careful of any mobs getting close to you 4. If you want to be SUPER SAFE - just switch to range and play only at range and let nothing get close to you. Uber Vaal These are relatively easy on this build because they are the only bosses on Alluring Abyss that can be shocked so we have very high DPS against the Vaal. They are mostly spell based so be careful of: - ice storms - which can freeze you - the ball lightnings which can cause you to undergo a lot of block/stun recovery - The laser will one shot you on this build, and the smash of course will one shot you so don't try to tank it. Recommendations: 1. If you have high enough DPS you can burst the 2 Vaal down pretty quickly and this fight is not an issue 2. Very important to start doing as much damage AT THE START because as the the fight starts dragging on they start using all their spells - you should pop Vaal Grace and keep your movement up if this starts to happen. If the Vaal start firing lasers you need to keep moving in an angular direction around them, and that way you will not be hit by the laser after they start firing. If the ice storms start being cast immediately whirling blades away from those areas, same for the ball lightnings. Just try and avoid as much as you can and DPS from range, and when safe go in close and DPS as much as you can. 3. Try to kill both Vaal at the same time because the other will be super dangerous and in turbo mode so highly recommend Vaal Grace to be cast if you ever get in that situation Overall though, this is probably the easiest part of Alluring Abyss for this build and it should be over pretty quickly so it is not that dangerous unless you make things drag out. I don't bother with elemental flasks because I expect to still get one-shotted even with those flasks. Uber Trio The only hard part of the trio with this build is A'alai because she is mostly spell based and her rain of quills does A LOT of damage - it is like firestorm so each quill undergoes a separate spell dodge/spell block check - she will rain so many quills that you are bound to get hit by a few which is almost instant death. So if A'alai is still alive you need to keep moving until you kill her first - standing in one spot will get you killed. So you will have to DPS for a bit, then move, then DPS, then move, etc. You will have to switch between range and melee depending on where the other 2 bosses are. I prefer to add damage curses to A'alai and add Enfeeble to the other 2 melee bosses. Once A'alai is dead, the other 2 melee bosses are easy to facetank: - Use Enfeeble on them - Use Jade flask - Take out the Cyclone guy first, but keep an eye out for any blood stacks he may apply to you and be sure to remove with Staunching flask. - Take out Dual Strike guy last. Ruby flask is recommended because he seems to do some part of damage as fire because he can ignite you. Easy way to do Trio: You will need to swap in some gems for this Immortal Call set up if you want to make Uber Trio faceroll: RBGB on gloves: Enduring Cry + Faster Casting + Enhance + Spell Echo BBR on dagger / shield: Immortal Call + Inc. Duration + Faster Casting You will need to walk around at the start and cast Enduring Cry twice to get 3 endurance charges, and then cast Immortal Call - you will get about max of ~6 seconds Immortal Call. You can then go into melee mode and DPS for a couple of seconds, then repeat Enduring Cry and recast Immortal Call - and just keep repeating this. I hate doing this because it feels clunky and not my style, but if you want to be super safe that is the recommended way to go. Uber Atziri At start when I enter I prefer to cast Enfeeble immediately and not use offensive curses since she goes almost right away to healing phase so there is no point to use offensive curse at start. For normal Uber Atziri form - manually avoid the flameblasts and lightning blasts with movement and whirling blades. The spear will miss A LOT, but it hits for about 2.2K regular hit and about 3.5K on crit and causes bleeding on hit so recommend you be alert in case that happens and stop bleed quickly with Staunching of flask. Split phase - focus the spear thrower so you can apply Blind to her. Also cast Enfeeble on her. DPS here down, while avoiding the blasts manually. Careful on how you line up with the clone holding the mirror because I have found that most of the time I die for Atziri it is because of the reflect when I hit that clone by mistake. Rhythm interval between the flame blast during this split phase is about 2.5s, so you will need to start moving BEFORE the flame blast appears otherwise you will not be able to walk out in time because the radius expands too quickly and it will detonate before you have exited the radius, if you get in that situation use whirling blades, but I don't like using whirling blades because there is some small recovery time after you use, however it is the fastest way to get out if you don't start early enough. The below is the example WITHOUT whirling blades on regular movement speed where you can see I already start to move before the flame blast appears. Important to note that Multistrike will lock you into position, so I only do 1 attack (3 hits with Multisrike), then move, and then come back and do 1 attack, then move, like so: ![]() Healing phase - make sure you have elemental proliferation linked to Herald of Ash like in regular guide. No need to switch gems just use LS range as best you can. Good thing with Lightning Strike is you have great range with pierce, and also when you hit your melee attack succesfully on a target, the projectiles cannot be evaded by any targets they meet. If you are having a lot of trouble use Temporal Chains or Elemental Weakness curse After Healing Phase there is some lag before Atziri gets out of her cocoon - this is when I add the offensive curses safely. She reflects curse so you will need flask with curse removal of course. All in all for Uber this will come down to how you play in terms of being able to manually avoid everything. If you make a mistake at least you will at least have 30% spell dodge and max spell block chance to save you, however if her spells bypass both spell dodge and spell block then expect to be one-shotted. Anyway, hope this helps anyone interested in trying to do Uber. The Uber videos and Atziri 2.7K life practice video are linked below: Before 1.2 Patch - Atziri Run on ~2.7K HP, no portals, no auras, no elemental flasks Uber Atziri: http://youtu.be/tq6ez2pd1g0 Uber Vaal: http://youtu.be/goy4JWs_gw4 Uber Trio: http://youtu.be/sidUoSfiW-4 I wish more people would get the chance to try Uber because it is exciting (and dangerous), but a good experience! Ceryneian#3541 님이 2014. 9. 26. 오전 9:24:17에 마지막으로 편집
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nice build!got some question here too.
for the dagger,you recommend platiunm kris or ambusher ? will mana be a problem using the latter? how much mana regen should I get for this build since I found 2% mana leech can't handle the expence well. plus I don't have a ranger char. can I start with duelist? SideColors#3557 님이 2014. 9. 25. 오후 11:01:25에 마지막으로 편집
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" Platinum Kris, because Ambusher has too high APS can cause some mana issues on low-regen maps. If you are talking about the mirror daggers please see page 100 for a detailed comparison. Mana is definitely not an issue if you are running Hatred and Herald of Ash. If you are running a 40% aura in addition to Hatred, like Purity, you can get some mana problems in low-regen maps, the same if you use a high APS weapon. See my latest vids - I have a lot of mana unreserved so I never have issues. 2% mana leech is enough on this build. Sorry but Duelist is too far and will not work well at all, it will take too many points to get to the main tree. Ceryneian#3541 님이 2014. 9. 25. 오후 11:57:28에 마지막으로 편집
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how can I reach a good amount accuracy?
Currently in 84 at 93% accuracy with additional accuracy gem and depth perception cluster. Do I need to gain around 1000 accuracy from gear? |
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" I think anything above 85% accuracy is good, and 90% accuracy is very good. Anything above 90% accuracy is extremely hard to get because accuracy effect on chance to hit has diminishing returns so it gets harder to increase the more you have. 93% is extremely good and you shouldn't need more. You also do not want too much accuracy because it can cause trouble against reflect depending on how much evasion you have. |
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Wanted to bring this up because it partially resulted in my death today. Please keep in mind that stun / block recovery can be dangerous, especially in situations where you need to move fast or when you get "locked" into stun/recovery and cannot leech or whirl out. It is pretty rare, but you can get a lot of this on maps with Vulnerability or on Uber Atziri map. It happened to me today on Uber Atziri resulting in my death. Just hope you guys can keep this mechanic in mind and don't take it lightly like I did. I started moving too late to whirl out of a flameblast, but got interrupted by stun recovery from a spear hit that cancelled my movement and I was unable to whirl out - that extra second of delay cost my life as the next instant the flameblast had exploded and I was killed xD. Really not much I could do about that, but I will try using more whirling blades and less running so that I can try and avoid this in the future because Whirling Blades is much less prone to interruption from block/stun recovery since it is quick. However as mentioned before big downsides to Whirling Blades is that it is a bit more difficult to use because you really have to be precise on where you whirl to and take care not to over-whirl into some of the other blasts. Vid below, it is different from the 1st Uber Atziri vid because I am using Honour Etcher instead of Dragon Hunger, and I am also using WED instead of Life Leech and bow curse on hit instead of manual curse like in first Uber video. I only use this when it is safe during the healing phase because I have no block when I switch to bow. Some funny YOLO moment when I got trapped and had to tank a double flameblast xD. Other changes from the 1st Uber Atziri vid include Whirling Blades with PCOC - you can see I generate a few power charges here and there; as well as change of of flasks: I just use 1 life flask, and instead of 2 Atziri flasks I use 1 Atziri flask and 1 Diamond flask for increased crit chance. If you want to build around reducing risk of stun/block recovery you can try and get stun/block recovery nodes on the tree to help reduce your recovery time, however they have diminishing returns on how much you can reduce your recovery time. Uber Atziri - Stun Recovery: http://youtu.be/Ap03Oy6QcnE OTHER NEW VIDS: Level 75 Necropolis - 2x Unique Bosses, Shocked Ground, Turbo: http://youtu.be/Osj-Ucg0A_8 Curse On Hit - Level 78 Palace Dominus Perma-Freezing: http://youtu.be/wIS1guf0780 Helps show how high the cold damage on this build can get because of the dagger crit + shock + curse set up on curse on hit. Ceryneian#3541 님이 2014. 10. 5. 오전 10:13:12에 마지막으로 편집
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How can I improve my gear with about 10 ex? I feel like I need more crit chance
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