ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" I'm also interested in perhaps running a variant build on gladiator with BoR and deeply appreciate the detailed response and input :D. Which skill would you use with facebreakers (can you use lightning strike lol)? Anbokr#4629 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오전 6:31:05에 마지막으로 편집
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Thanks for this build, having a lot of fun with it in Perandus league! :)
I noticed that you dont have any way of generating power charges, why is this? Or do you simply reach high enough crit chance without them? I'm sitting at 65% crit chance on my post haste build char, and I feel like power charges could help a lot. |
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" Nice congrats. For butterfly you should really be running both block and dodge. You will need a Rumi's flask. Sorry if this is not clear in the guide I will try and make it clearer for the butterfly builds you are aiming for high blocks plus high dodges Then use either an Onslaught flask to get the Raider ev bonuses on Onslaught, or use Quartz flask to get some dodge and then further dodge from the quartz ascension. Phys mitigation is best to use Lightning Coil and Taste of hate and Basalt flask. I know this stuff is hard to get self-found - so maybe use Granites + Basalt flasks in the meantime. This is why I suggested Pathfinder if you want high phys mitigation as she can boost these mitigation flasks by a lot, but she loses some dodge and the "more" ev bonuses that the other classes can get. You really need to be careful and not get close to any mobs (which is easy with LS). You are basically playing like a bow guy and kiting. Use as much defensive stuff as you can i.e cwdt frostwalls, good pots for fast/instant regen, temp chains spell casting totem etc Ceryneian#3541 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오전 9:48:57에 마지막으로 편집
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" Unfortunately you cannot use Lightning Strike with facebreakers =(. You are pretty much limited to melee type skills like Infernal Blow, Frenzy, Ice Crash, Cyclone. If you want damage with Facebreakers you would use Frenzy, for more survivability Cyclone is probably better. If you guys want I can try and make a tree for you. Gladiator would be the easiest class since it can maintain high block and high spell block at the same time. For other sub-classes you can do interesting things but I think the best way would be to focus more on attack-block shield as primary and then shield swap to Saffell's to abuse Facebreakers which will not change when you weapon swap so you can easily toggle very quickly between the different shields by pressing 1 button to customize your defense on the fly: Primary shield: EV shield with life to focus on attack avoidance (EV%, dodge, block) Secondary shield: Saffell's Frame to focus on spell defense (high spell block, +max res). Since you will lose block when you toggle to Saffell's Frame this will mainly be used for bosses were you need high spell avoidance only (i.e. Crematorium boss, Dominus 1st stage, Piety 1st stage etc.). Alternatively, you could toggle to Saffell's Frame for more spell defense, and then that is when you sip Stibnites for blind or Quartz flasks for more dodge so that your attack defense doesn't get reduced to much. Keep in mind facebreakers damage comes from mostly the "Adds X-Y physical damage" mods on gear like rings and amulet, so it is very gear dependent. Gladiator facebreaker key gear: - BofR - Regular high EV shield with life and res - Meginord's belt - rings and amulets with phys damage, res and life - Boots: rare with life and res Other Ascencion facebreaker gear is the same as above except you carry Saffell Frame on swap. Then you can trade the Gladiator's spell block for one of the following: - Champion's fortify - Slayer's impact to get an 8L BofR xD - Tricker's no mana cost for cyclone and some dodge/ev - Raider for facebreaker frenzy added buffs, or for more dodge/ev Ceryneian#3541 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오전 10:21:24에 마지막으로 편집
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" Hi, thanks for playing the build. For power charges usually when I REALLY need them (for bosses) - I cannot easily get them and they are hard to keep up. For regular mobs, the damage is already A LOT (even using ~230dps dagger), so you won't really need power charges. So this is why I don't use power charges unless I can fit Skyforth in. The best way to get PCs is with PCOC - but unless you are getting enough PCs on the tree the ICC gem will give you more crit chance. Another thing you can do is run a curse setup for Assassin's Mark - like Herald of Thunder + Curse on Hit. Or just use a Diamond flask. Ceryneian#3541 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오후 12:23:47에 마지막으로 편집
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" I dont quite understand the use of Phase run for butterfly in this case. I never ever get the utility portion of the skill because I don't have frenzy charges, whats it for then? So far bosses are very close to 1 shotting me already and I don't see how it will get any better as I progress into the game. Lightning coil is crazy expensive for a starter character, and since I'm already speced raider and can't really turn around, what other alternatives do I have? Also, my damage with a 209pdps dagger is really pathetic, even as i pop my Silver flask and right click to win, the rares die so slowly. Its like 9k tooltip dps with hatred+Herald. I'm only using a 4L so far. Will it get any better from here? Or will I just end up dying and remaking another build altogether. Should I look for another alternative to try and salvage my character? Go Bino's and go spectral throw? Spec out my acro/phase acro and go block reave? How do people even do damage with butterfly at all? | |
" Something seems way off because with Bino's as 230pdps dagger I was getting 60k+ damage easily. What level are you and what is your links? I think something is very wrong if you are only getting 9K dps with a 200pds dagger, even on a 4L. How much life do you have btw? Do you have a Rumi's? Also are you playing ranged as LS - or are you playing in melee mode? You should not have to facetank anything with LS. Phase Run is for the reduced aggro. In fact it is better to NOT have frenzy charges to be using it. All you do for Phase Run on butterfly is use it to for a break or to get into better position - if you are at range with Phase Run you will not be targeted by mobs. If you are in melee range and use Phase Run they will still target you. So you combine it in between DPS'ing from range to help reduce how much damage you face. I wish I could post a vid for you guys so you can see how I use it, but I'm on a slow PC these days. To get the hang of Phase Run I recommend you go to Normal Ledge (or standard) and try and just see how a group of monsters react when you have Phase Run - this will help you see the advantages. It depends on the boss but usually what I do is: - Attack for a second or two from RANGE with LS - This draws the bosses aggro and he will begin to move towards you/target you - Use Whirling Blades once to move to a different position and then cast Phase Run - You are now cloaked at range, so the boss won't attack you or target you at all, but may start walking towards you - You can now freely move to a new corner/location without taking ANY aggro or damage from the boss - Attack for a second or two from range with LS, and repeat. I wish I could explain it better but basically you can see the boss will have little time to target you because you are either at range or cloaked. I've done Village Ruin bosses like this for example and take zero damage from the bosses the whole fight. I think you should hold off on doing map bosses for now until we can figure out why you have such low DPS. Do you have a Basalt flask? Granite? Please post your full gear and tree so I can try and help. Ceryneian#3541 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오전 11:14:29에 마지막으로 편집
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I have been using phase run as a means to create distance when they get to melee range. Due to my low dps, I dont kill them fast enough to be kiting around getting 2 hits and then dashing away or something or 1 map would take me 8 minutes at least. I havent setup any cwdt and funky stuff but thats basically it. I'm level 67 right now. Nyxy#0310 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오전 11:25:10에 마지막으로 편집
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Post tree please. Again, you are only using Phase Run reduced aggro for bosses - you should not need it for clearing packs.
Also keep in mind that tooltip only shows the melee hit, so you are basically only seeing the 3L melee hit damage on the tooltip. Also post your flasks please. You are level 67 and already doing maps in hardcore? EDIT: how much life do you have as well? Ceryneian#3541 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오전 11:37:41에 마지막으로 편집
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" Dam thanks for the quick reply and detailed response man, I really appreciate it and will take your input to heart. Just a quick question, do you think a gladiator lightning strike dual wield build is viable? I've been kind of just thinking in the back my head, something like a dual wield Varunastra build (man i wish the two rigwald's 1h's were permanently added) around lightning strike, then getting max block from Rumi's; the theory sounds awesome, but I'm in no way experienced enough to know if the end result will be desirable or pursuit worthy or how exactly to go about it heh. Maybe champion would be better than gladiator also. Anbokr#4629 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오후 3:29:23에 마지막으로 편집
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