Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

Been using this build since yesterday and it's definitely enjoyable so far-
sitting at 4.8k hp with 44% eva; and st dps is 10089 - not the most optimal gear but good enough for the budget of gearing an alt- manage to find a spare foil in my storage that will last for now. trying to craft / buy one at the same time but having no luck- just blew through 567 alts a few minutes ago with no aspeed rolls that even passed 2.08 LOL rng op. so tempted to just buy that one guy's on poe (he set the b/o to 20 lol) which definitely would look attractive if the aps wasnt sitting at 2.08. anyways any optimization tips here would be appreciated.

ps: just using the ar boots until i can get the RRR roll on my ev ones for cwdt set up
xj1337 님이 2014. 1. 7. 오후 11:00:58에 마지막으로 편집
Well, hit level 84 and stats are 5,250 health and 11,950 dps. Still working on rolling aps on
(my back up foil). 3 Eternals and 6 exalts but no luck.

Anyway, wanted to show off an excellent purchase I made. 4 off color (do not try roll these colors). Paid my RRBG Alpha's Howl plus 4 exalts.

So the red socket is for Level 3 empower. Need to farm up 18-20 exalts to purchase one but this one upgrade should add about 12.5% to overall dps.

Level 24 anger and wrath are about 16% higher base than level 22. You lose 2 levels of haste but that is only 2% attack speed which would take Mathil from 6.02 aps down to 5.97. Not much of a loss.

80% of damage is from auras so this would take Mathil to about 16,000.

Now, off to farming.

Daarknight 님이 2014. 1. 7. 오후 9:56:09에 마지막으로 편집
I've never used Empower in anything but wouldn't the mana multiplier of 125% mean the auras cost extra and break the current build of 5 auras?
A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
Mathil 님이 작성:
I've never used Empower in anything but wouldn't the mana multiplier of 125% mean the auras cost extra and break the current build of 5 auras?

Damn. Didn't notice that. Thanks for saving me the 18-20 exalts. Hopefully I can sell this one for enough to get my old one back lol.

P.S. My day is ruined
Daarknight 님이 2014. 1. 7. 오후 10:26:46에 마지막으로 편집
Daarknight 님이 작성:

P.S. My day is ruined

That's what I'm here for.
A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
Have you tried mf farming with this build? It seems like you'd still have enough dps to clear pretty fast even if you replace the rings, necklace and maybe gloves belts boots and enough survivability because of the auras.
Nephalim 님이 작성:
Aufwiedersehen 님이 작성:
First off, sorry for derailing the thread a bit :)

Had an awesome time dominating 78 maps, but best part of this game is selling your toon and making a new one!

Anyway selling of my gear if anyone is interested please PM me with legit offers or visit
thread: 745776 or 569196


Most importantly, how much dps were you able to achieve with that set?

I am sure you have played several high level builds with top end gear. How would you say this compared?

It is cheap and stable and very surviviable but it of course will not reach the damage output of crit based builds particularly crit voltaxic and crit wander.

Dps was just under 15k tooltip of course. Build is very fun but as the OP says its not a stand and facetank :P Lots of fun either solo or group play. Especially in group with your powerfull auras and excellent dps you bring.

Anyway If anyone here is interested in the Mirrored sword lemme know, I'll sell cheap to someone building up for this awesome build :) Just PM me your offer and well talk.

Still have the sword btw, even tho it doesn't show its verified just moved it around a few times now.
IGN: Aufs_TR_Mine
Aufwiedersehen 님이 2014. 1. 8. 오전 1:07:26에 마지막으로 편집
just found a sword that could be useful to someone here

IGN: Perz | Reaver: view-thread/523959 | Wander: view-thread/742525 | Cycloner: view-thread/804489
@Aufwiedersehen , wish it was Domination sword :(. Noone on dom is selling any 300 edps swords, max on sale atm is 240 edps sigh. I want massive upgrade, will have to craft myself
Perz 님이 작성:
just found a sword that could be useful to someone here

mhm maybe i shouldn't have sold it. was just going through my gear and found this shield:

IGN: Perz | Reaver: view-thread/523959 | Wander: view-thread/742525 | Cycloner: view-thread/804489

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