Scion Builds List 1.0 - 2.4 (closed)

Bada_Bing 님이 2014. 7. 15. 오전 3:58:39에 마지막으로 편집
Bada_Bing 님이 2014. 7. 28. 오전 2:15:38에 마지막으로 편집
in light of the new patch coming out, can you please order these by versions to which they are built for as well
Bada_Bing 님이 2014. 7. 29. 오전 3:34:49에 마지막으로 편집
Discharge + Righteous Fire: Manual Righteous Discharger
What build can i do with my scion!

Im atm spectral trow and my dps suck a lot.
Bada_Bing 님이 2014. 8. 14. 오후 6:17:37에 마지막으로 편집
I'm gonna update the list with fixed builds without specifically mentioning when i move an old build from the "pre 1.2 broken tree"-section back to the main list. Have a look at the first page to check for changes.

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