Scion Builds List 1.0 - 2.4 (closed)

Thank you for this awesome tree thread. also

Got to level 75, and been going pretty well in maps with party. Still low on ES.
♥ ~ Praise The Sun ~ ♥ // Note I rarely log into Main Site.
ZiocxOmega 님이 2014. 9. 6. 오전 12:20:55에 마지막으로 편집
Bada_Bing 님이 2014. 8. 31. 오후 12:27:16에 마지막으로 편집
Hey there,

I posted a link to my build before. It's definitely not theorycraft. Up to level 78 now with my vaal stun build. Build pathing, gear, etc. in the description section. Please have a look -

If you want to see where I'm at currently, I'll be doing broadcasts with twitch.
Bada_Bing 님이 2014. 9. 9. 오전 4:30:57에 마지막으로 편집

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