새소식 보관소

커뮤니티 쇼케이스 소개

2020. 11. 2. 오후 7:18:57
Community Showcase 커뮤니티 쇼케이스 Our players never cease to amaze us not only with their builds but also with the Path of Exile inspired fan art they create. We've selected several entries recently submitted to our forum and social media as well as some Twitch clips that we found entertaining to share with the wider community. Check them out in this news post! 더 보기

대군주 무기 스킨 출시

2020. 11. 1. 오후 9:56:05
Feel the power with the Overlord Weapon! This microtransaction replaces the appearance of Swords, Axes or Two Hand Maces with a black weapon decorated with a moving blue eye. Check it out by watching this video or click here to get yours. 더 보기

은신처 제작 대회 하이라이트

2020. 11. 1. 오후 7:37:15
Hideout Competition Highlights 은신처 제작 대회 하이라이트 지난주 은신처 제작 대회 가 시작되었습니다.
지금까지 많은 분이 참여해 주셨으며, 멋진 은신처들이 접수되었습니다.
이 중 몇 가지를 영상을 통해 여러분께 소개해 드립니다.
해당 영상을 통해서 아직 은신처 대회에 참여하지 않으신 분들께 영감이 되기를 바랍니다.
영상에 포함된 은신처 목록은 아래에서 확인할 수 있습니다. , and have already received dozens of awesome submissions! To give you some inspiration, we'll be showcasing some of the entries in the coming weeks. For today's news post we recorded a video with several hideouts submitted by our players since the start of the competition. 더 보기

검 관통 투구 부착물 소개

2020. 10. 27. 오후 10:50:00

은신처 제작 대회 안내

2020. 10. 22. 오후 8:49:32

신규 포탈 이펙트 출시

2020. 10. 21. 오후 10:40:22

마라케스 캐릭터 이펙트 출시

2020. 10. 20. 오후 9:31:31
The Maraketh Character Effect 마라케스 캐릭터 이펙트 If you want your Exile to look majestic, check out the new Maraketh Character Effect! A shining golden crown above the head of your character sets the right tone for the whole outfit. Watch a video of the Maraketh Character Effect or click here to get yours. 더 보기

12월 리그 관련 개발 예정 안내

2020. 10. 20. 오후 6:15:30
How We're Developing Our Next Expansion Differently 12월 리그 관련 개발 예정 안내 This year has been tough for our team and has thrown a lot of unexpected challenges at us. This has caused us to adjust how we're developing Path of Exile, which will affect what's happening with our December expansion. We want to let you know what to expect and this post covers that in more detail. 더 보기

악마의 천공의 방패 출시

2020. 10. 19. 오후 9:37:03
The Demonic Celestial Shield 악마의 천공의 방패 The Demonic Celestial Shield introduces a new look for one of the popular shield skins. Designed in red colours with black visual effects, this shield matches a huge variety of microtransactions, including those that are fire or blood-themed. Check out the Demonic Celestial Shield by watching this video or get yours in the store. 더 보기

각성자 처치 이벤트 우승자 안내

2020. 10. 19. 오후 8:42:39
Winners of the Awakener Kill Event 각성자 처치 이벤트 우승자 안내 Earlier this week we concluded the Awakener Kill event, arranged with the support of Zizaran and Shopify. More than 200 players have defeated Awakener at the highest Awakening Level! Check out the winners of the event in this news post. 더 보기

명계의 화염벽 이펙트 출시

2020. 10. 18. 오후 10:53:32
The Stygian Flame Wall Effect 명계의 화염벽 이펙트 Burn your enemies down in mesmerising blue flames with the new Stygian Flame Wall Effect! This cosmetic effect replaces the standard orange flame of Flame Wall with a bright blue one. Watch this video or check it out in the store. 더 보기