[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
First of all, im playing that Build since Legacy start, and i never had so much problems in the late game like with this build.
In addition to that, i got friends which play 10 Chaos max starter Builds, and they clear faster, better and safer end game Maps. In my eyes: This Build like it is now, its just a experiment or even a advertisement for the Twitch Channel / Loot Filter. So much lack of information here. Here are some really confusing things and critism on this build: 1. The thing with the Lioneye's fall - I mean i personally read it the first time, when i watched over the build, and i knew it. But every 5th post is asking why we are skilling these claw nodes. Why isnt it mentioned anywhere else, everyone look over it, as example in the JEWEL section or the Q&A? There should it be at least too. Because that Jewel is mandatory for the Build. But no mentioning at all, just a small hint near the tree. 2. Since: " nothing changed here, nothing was updated. Just read the last 10 sites of this thread, so many confused people. but it was mentioned : " and this was posted on " but to understand why this build is so confusing and has so much lack of information, look at the equipment post, where the gear and so is mentioned: " Nearly a year ago!!!! The whole equipment section is not up to date. But then, so when it will be finally updated to BEGINNER FRIENDLY like suggested in the thread title? When the league is over? 3. This Tooltips / DPS Stats here : ![]() Is this buffed or unbuffed, with flasks or without ? Which auras where used and so on .... Just to post a tooltip without further information isnt helpful. 4. Defensive Mechanics if u open the long version spoiler : " We got exactly 170% with this passive Skill tree. " Where the hell are they? With your passive tree im only have 20% / 20% from the herbalism node. Where are the 80% / 45% from? And nope, no where is mentioned that this build is now for Pathfinders. 5. Offensive Mechanics if u open the long version spoiler : (and this is nearly ridiculous) " WTF where are this 450% from? What gems, that are mentioned here increasing the crit multiplier (which we should use in these build)? I got with gear, jewels and your tree just 420% !!! 6. " I had the whole leveling phase mana problems, because i skilled like ur tree was, and had no clue that here should be a "leveling tree". Beginner friendly? Nope. 7. It could be mentioned which items exactly are linked with what. I can imagine, many people has there problems with the gem setup, more -> Beginner friendly would be : 1x 6L gem1 - gem2 - gem3 - gem4 - gem5 - gem6 (at least the 6l TS is clear) 1x 4L gem1 - gem2 - gem3 - gem4/gem5 1x 4L gem1 - gem2 - gem3 - gem4/gem5 1x 3L gem1 - gem2 - gem3 As example, this would be more beginner friendly and not just "pick one combo" - like i said - just read the last 10 sites of this thread ..... These are my points of criticism. Overall i would say, that guide in that status right now isnt really playable for ->beginners<-. And my biggest point of criticsm is the 1 year old equipment section (also to mention there is no TS setup linked in that gear) . So it also came to that, i am stuck at t10-12 maps - yeah right the trash mobs are not a problem, but nearly every Boss or even rare mob is onehitting u, if he jumps on u as example. Or try to do a Breach on a t12 Map - u cant count to 3 and ur down. And i cant imagine how u will do the the vaal temple map ..... no fucking chance without a 500+ dps harbinger. These are my stats with hatred / Herald of ice and a ice golem - (actually lvl85 and all gems lvl19 without quali right now) with a 342 pDPS Harbinger Bow: ![]() Further then that, should be mentioned, that if u switch from a Lioneye's Glare to a Harbinger, u should take at least _minimum_ a 350dps Harbinger, because if not u will lose so much dps compared to that cheap unique version, because of missing accuracy (Lioneyes Glare Hits cant be evaded). And u need minimum 90% accuracy. The Point is: This Build is suggesting that u should use a Harbinger in best case, so like i said u need a minimum 350 pDPS one, and buy that on league start as a beginner, it costs 20ex+. Good luck. I also changed for me some things in the Build, for more DPS and also Accuracy to get at least the 90% Hit Chance (and lost nothing except +1 frenzy charges). This will be my final Version with lvl 92 - over lvl 92 i will take the Fanatic node for +1 Frenzy Charges. And with lvl 94 the Jewel Socket above Blood Drinker with the two INT nodes (because i want refund the "Wisdom of the Glade" node). With lvl 96 the Jewel Socket near Heartseeker. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIBAQBeAx4FtQYjCC4IiREvEvEUdRUgFf0WvxcmGY4ZtBqNH0EhdiLqI_Yk_SaVKjgtTS2DL3IwcTB8MfoyATKUNj051DpCQdBHfkp9S3hNklFHVUtW-lsmW69daGHiYetirGVNZ6BrkGyMb1dwUnXLdf1293fXeBl6U3qEexR9dX8Cfyt_-4RvhMWGzod2idOMNo19jYGNv5AKlQWa8ZuNm7WdqqCfoaSkeKbgp9SyGbTFtUi74702vqfBM8GgwdXC7MM6xKLKqc960K3TftQj1ELZxt0N3aje-OHb45_nVOjW6mLrY-2D73r2o_66_sj_3g== I took the Acuity node and Aspect of the Eagle, instead of the whole "Golem's Blood" line because we need that accuracy, we should at least have 90% (with a Harbinger) - every missing % here is a huge dps lost. (Instead of the 3 points in Acuity - u can also take the 3 points in Weathered Hunter - If u need those +14 to all resistances) These are just my 2 cents. And if anything will change with better gear, i will report it here. Meeki#3354 님이 2017. 3. 17. 오전 8:28:40에 마지막으로 편집
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" 2.6.0 version is still good, latest version of it is bad. " For shocking i would offer inserting PtL. Another option is Vinktar. Chest issue. Among chest i would give my vote for Queen of the forest-nice evasion, good HP roll, lots of resistances. Another options that actually surprised me was Daressos Defiance. Additional dodge, medium evasion, decent HP roll and a great savior with CWDT+IC combined. If playing raider you'll get 12% chance to dodge. And Belly ofc. Lots of HP, nice resistances, but tiny evasion 2Meeki.The answer for your complaints is one-guide isn't updated and still contains things from different patches. Only those who started playing this build since it was actually written can follow changes and be successful. " Accuracy isn't that critical for TS especially with GMP |
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" I don't say he is wrong,i say that it's pretty meaningless to criticize smth that is obviously outdated. Ofc it's NS fault that he is lazy enough to update it, but too many things in the guide scream about it's irrelevance. About accuracy, i think attack speed effectively compensates lack of accuracy, at least to some point. " Today Fall is pretty cheap.In the beginning of the league there are other worth-taking nodes. That's what i actually did. And yeah, old tree is still viable, especially defensive one. " Never tried Vinktar and adding it in Planner didn't give me any dps boost. Seems like Planner or me misses smth about conversion. " I don't do any of these-mostly because i am lazy, stingy and my in-game activity depends on game's ability to support my interest. I did Hydra, wasted few Minoutaur maps and haven't seen other guardians at all. In Legacy btw i am playing TS/barrage and see what will be the results. ZerotuL#1517 님이 2017. 3. 17. 오전 9:20:55에 마지막으로 편집
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" Ice Shot converts 60% to cold, Blast Rain 50% to fire, and Signal Fire 50%. So PtL is not really going to work here. I considered Vinktar and it's a great flask but man I'd really prefer not to be so close to things. If you have to do it you have to do it, but ugh. So am I correct in assuming that the lightning damage from Coil is insufficient? " QotF has no secondary defensive layer though, so I'm not considering it. " Err, the shock is a massive DPS boost provided you don't get it some other way. doctorsurgo#6574 님이 2017. 3. 17. 오전 10:00:03에 마지막으로 편집
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" That's why nobody plays IS and BR in endgame. IS lacks initial pierce, off-screen clearing and solo target multi-projectile hit. Blast rain has an unplesant delay and although Blast Rain does not fire projectiles (and therefore cannot benefit from projectile effects such as chaining and additional projectiles) |
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Shoud i still use frenzy charge? Zerotul u dont have it on ur legacy char.
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What Pathfinder nodes would you recommend with this build?
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" I don't go for frenzy for defensive purposes and other ways to generate frenzy charges. |
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So better dont use it at all and not invest point on tree? Frezy and blood rage is waste of slots?
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" It's all up to you to decide which way to gain frenzy charges. I would recommend going freenzy way in Taider tree only in case if you want to maximize qunatity of frenzy charges using corruption, boots etc. |
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