THOR'S RAINBOWNUKE: off to the Marauder forum

What buffs did you have on with your arc? I have nearly the same gear and talents but i only reach 6k, not 10K as you have.
What buffs did you have on with your arc? I have nearly the same gear and talents but i only reach 6k, not 10K as you have.

Just all the auras, might have had 4 power charges up also.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
tackle70 님이 작성:
bump for another genius who decided to necro the old thread.... *sigh*

LOL, I just checked that thread and it's the same guy asking for an "updated" tree every 2 weeks. Must be trolling.

Small Update: Just killed Abaxoth in T11, turbo + double damage mod. It probably took less than 15 seconds, insane. Thank God, Alira didn't detonate him. It's unreal how I managed to tank everything.
Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
rockmassif 님이 2016. 4. 15. 오전 1:27:32에 마지막으로 편집
I recently respecced into this build and so far it is not working out for me. I do not have a voll's devotion but according to OP it's not required until higher tier maps. I'm also aware that my jewels are not good. I'm not sure if I've missed any core items for this build but it doesn't seem to be as strong as it should be and I'm struggling to to mid-tier maps. My passive tree and bandits should be fine.

Would someone be able to take a look at my character and let me know if I'm missing something?

Thanks in advance
Hi im lvl 85 following all the guide ! but when i start using lighting strike i start wasting life and life and at final i have noo life to attack.... i try with life leech gem with vinktar flask... how i stop lossing HP ? or is this hows build works ?
Herbunker1 님이 작성:
Hi im lvl 85 following all the guide ! but when i start using lighting strike i start wasting life and life and at final i have noo life to attack.... i try with life leech gem with vinktar flask... how i stop lossing HP ? or is this hows build works ?

Life leech only applies to your energy shield due to Ghost Reaver keystone.

to sustain your life thats used for your main attack you need 1-4 jewels with 3 life gain on hit (depends on your helm here, if you use 4link main attack in vertex you only need 1 jewel with 3life gain on hit since its 4link cost is 10mana)
What are your thoughts on taking berserker + gladiator? You could reach 75/56 block

shield: 22
Gladiator: 3
Rumi's: 40
master craft: 3
passive flask buff: 30% of 40

Spell block:
Rumi's: 20
gladiator: 30% of total block
passive flask buff: 30% of 20

Cost: 6 passives and 3 ascendancy points

Here is a screen shot without the additional +7 spell block from the 3 passives mind barrier cluster.

I'm using the belt
Hey is it possible to use cyclone for this build instead of ls ?
What are your thoughts on taking berserker + gladiator? You could reach 75/56 block

shield: 22
Gladiator: 3
Rumi's: 40
master craft: 3
passive flask buff: 30% of 40

Spell block:
Rumi's: 20
gladiator: 30% of total block
passive flask buff: 30% of 20

Cost: 6 passives and 3 ascendancy points

Here is a screen shot without the additional +7 spell block from the 3 passives mind barrier cluster.

I'm using the belt

I don't have any survivability problems with the build at the moment, so investing in block seems to be to be irrelevant at this point in time. Several people have mentioned they prefer this variant though.

pobubas 님이 작성:
Hey is it possible to use cyclone for this build instead of ls ?

Sure. It's a bit slower than Molten Strike for clearing single target and a bit slower than Lightning Strike for clearing packs.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
I tried Cyclone just to see it, while you get stun immunity and probably can save 4-5 points on tree, it really does proc less than MS/LS considerably.

What are your thoughts on taking berserker + gladiator? You could reach 75/56 block

shield: 22
Gladiator: 3
Rumi's: 40
master craft: 3
passive flask buff: 30% of 40

Spell block:
Rumi's: 20
gladiator: 30% of total block
passive flask buff: 30% of 20

Cost: 6 passives and 3 ascendancy points

Here is a screen shot without the additional +7 spell block from the 3 passives mind barrier cluster.

I'm using the belt

You should get Reckless Defence jewel, combine that with Rainbowstride and now you have 75% of Block applied to Spell, with Rumi's you should be capped in both.
Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
rockmassif 님이 2016. 4. 16. 오후 11:23:18에 마지막으로 편집

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