[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

woodyfly7 님이 작성:
According to wiki, animate guardian base resists are 25%. Here in the guide it says 40%

which one is right?

I think the wiki might be right because my animate guardian kept getting owned in phoenix map. I made a new guardian with the assumption that base resists are 25%, he took much less damage from phoenix boss. Practically face tanked every AOE easy

The Wiki actually gives two different sets of values. In the main text body it says:

Guardians have 25% elemental resists and 0% chaos resist across all difficulties.

Further down, under 'Monster Stats' it says:

Animated Guardian


40% Fire, Cold and Lightning Resistance
20% Chaos Resistance

Which I assume is from the 2.5 patch notes:

Totems and all other minions now have 40% elemental resistance and 20% chaos resistance. This also includes minions that didn't have resistances previously, like wolves.
Question 1)

I'm playing HC and I really want to know which gem combinations are the best for a bone offering+cwdt setup

The guide says :

Option 1 : 2L CWDT(20)+ Bone Offering(20) + 1L Desecrate

In another guide I saw:

Option 2: 4L CWDT(1)+ Immortal Call(3)+ Desecrate(6)+ Bone Offering(8)

Which one should I choose? I dont have much gem slots left so I have to pick one and use it.

If the 1st option is chosen, why do I use max Level of CWDT? It won't proc much would it?

Please tell me the most useful CWDT setup for this build in HC mode, thank you for your time.

p.s This guide doesn't use Immortal Call, isn't it mandatory for HC? Thank you.

xiaxia004#6136 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오전 10:58:05에 마지막으로 편집
xiaxia004 님이 작성:

Question 2)

I don't have any sockets left to use Convocation and Decoy Totem on my gear, but the guide indicates that I can use them. Its not possible.

4L: Animate Guardian + Raise Zombie + Minion Life + MSplash/Empower ( HELMET )
4L: Ball lightning/Frostbolt/Arc + Curse on Hit + Curse + GMP/Culling Strike/Curse ( BOOTS )

4L: Flesh Offering + Bone Offering + Increased Duration + Faster Casting ( GLOVES )

3L: Whirling Blades or Shield Charge + Faster attacks + Fortify (MAIN HAND)
1L: Convocation ( NO SLOTS LEFT )
1L: Decoy Totem ( NO SLOTS LEFT )

1L: Clarity or some aura of Purity if needed
2-3L: Cast when damage taken (Max lvl) + Bone offering (Max lvl) (+ Desecrate) ( OFF HAND )

Unset rings.
Also, you won't use both flesh and bone offerings at same time, you can change flesh offering with something
So I've been having a great deal of success on this build with some very slight variations (less % regen nodes for more flat hp, etc). Use of belt of the deceiver to help w/ mitigating the crits from reckless defense as opposed to a shaper leather (haven't rolled a good one, yet...)

My real question, though, lies in the use of TVs for maps as opposed to solar guards (it's slower, but against some of these crazy red beasts in HC feels safer). Should I be using a wicker man to assist with the packs (I feel like the packs go down fairly quickly, but I can't tell if it's as a result of the WM or not as opposed to the TV totems)?

On the flip side, should I just stay mapping with SGs (up to 12s atm...this league sucks for maintaining a pool) and flip to vanguards only for 15+?
PrivateJoker13 님이 작성:
So I've been having a great deal of success on this build with some very slight variations (less % regen nodes for more flat hp, etc). Use of belt of the deceiver to help w/ mitigating the crits from reckless defense as opposed to a shaper leather (haven't rolled a good one, yet...)

My real question, though, lies in the use of TVs for maps as opposed to solar guards (it's slower, but against some of these crazy red beasts in HC feels safer). Should I be using a wicker man to assist with the packs (I feel like the packs go down fairly quickly, but I can't tell if it's as a result of the WM or not as opposed to the TV totems)?

On the flip side, should I just stay mapping with SGs (up to 12s atm...this league sucks for maintaining a pool) and flip to vanguards only for 15+?

Just use solar guards for anything mapping up and including t15. Only once you start doing T16 guardians, T17 Shaper or T17 Elder you want to consider changing to TV's. The singlet target of TV is great but wasted on low hp bosses of t15 and lower.

You want to clear maps fast and TV's are just slow for mapping and get outperformed by Solar Guards in 99% of the content, even with a Wicker Man and their tiny AoE. By the time TV's put down a totem and start dps'ing a mob in the pack, solar guards have killed the pack already and are working on clearing the next mob pack.
With the 200% dmg buff from our AG the TV's are bosskillers. Sure you can clear maps with them, at half speed of the solar guards. This might change once you get a shaped 6l/7l flame golem helmet to supplement 6l spectre's although I have not gotten there yet.
Cryonist#7335 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오전 9:22:54에 마지막으로 편집
Was figuring that might be the way to go. Playing in HC for the first time since a few leagues back has made me be a little overly cautious I think, ha!

On that note, I'm actually worried about doing elder because of the Zana glitches I've seen where she runs the bubble away... I feel confident doing damn near any fight in the game deathless as a summoner since I've run one for the last few leagues but instant one-shot bugs....Makes me nervous.
A'm i missing something? I have to upgrade few items but my block % is so much lower than yours, can you check my tree and gear please.


Build is working out great so far no issues
Which shield is the best for a HC character? Thanks for the reply.
rhaddomain 님이 작성:
A'm i missing something? I have to upgrade few items but my block % is so much lower than yours, can you check my tree and gear please.


Build is working out great so far no issues

You don't appear to be using Reckless defense jewels...
xiaxia004 님이 작성:
Question 1)

I'm playing HC and I really want to know which gem combinations are the best for a bone offering+cwdt setup

The guide says :

Option 1 : 2L CWDT(20)+ Bone Offering(20) + 1L Desecrate

In another guide I saw:

Option 2: 4L CWDT(1)+ Immortal Call(3)+ Desecrate(6)+ Bone Offering(8)

Which one should I choose? I dont have much gem slots left so I have to pick one and use it.

If the 1st option is chosen, why do I use max Level of CWDT? It won't proc much would it?

Please tell me the most useful CWDT setup for this build in HC mode, thank you for your time.

p.s This guide doesn't use Immortal Call, isn't it mandatory for HC? Thank you.

I started using Cast When Stunned instead of CWDT and doing quite well. The main advantage is that CWS also triggers when you block a hit, and does not have any level restrictions. The disadvantage is that it doesn't trigger 100% if you get stunned, and you can't trigger reliably desecrate + bone offering when taking a big hit.

CWS can only be triggered by big physical damage hits (min 10% of your HP), but this should not be an issue.

I'm using CWS with double IC and increased duration, and max lvl CWDT with Desecrate / Bone Offering.
6_din_49#4066 님이 2018. 3. 22. 오후 12:33:04에 마지막으로 편집

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