[3.11] Tesla Cyclone | Destroy the Game | All Content | Super Fast! | Spin 2 Win |

Oh also my advise for ppl gearing for this build at this time of the league,
aim for -15 mana cost and +crit chance astral plate straight away.
it's only +-10 ex, and it's super good
Also OP Vashseden, u said u were coming back this week, where r u?

--some moron, --some idiot!
JIambepT 님이 작성:
Still good c:
New jewels are good.

Another League. Another awesome video. /salute
Lowprofiled 님이 작성:
Also OP Vashseden, u said u were coming back this week, where r u?

--some moron, --some idiot!

How DARE YOU ask me!

haha j/k, Yeah after I finished my cert, some old friends had me play a game with them b/c they have all the time in the world now as I slave away w/ my studies QQ. I saw you post a pastbin, I'll check it out and then edit this post.

Edit: Wow! Hella nice set up and great explanation of your choices with the build. I honestly do not have a lot of "You should do..." at all tbh b/c I see the choices you made were deliberate and they totally work. Now if you have a certain goal from where you are in mind, I don't mind looking into it but I think the set up is very great! Any plans for the future? saviour sword etc?
Vashseden 님이 2020. 4. 2. 오후 1:45:35에 마지막으로 편집
Vashseden 님이 작성:
Lowprofiled 님이 작성:
Also OP Vashseden, u said u were coming back this week, where r u?

--some moron, --some idiot!

How DARE YOU ask me!

haha j/k, Yeah after I finished my cert, some old friends had me play a game with them b/c they have all the time in the world now as I slave away w/ my studies QQ. I saw you post a pastbin, I'll check it out and then edit this post.

Edit: Wow! Hella nice set up and great explanation of your choices with the build. I honestly do not have a lot of "You should do..." at all tbh b/c I see the choices you made were deliberate and they totally work. Now if you have a certain goal from where you are in mind, I don't mind looking into it but I think the set up is very great! Any plans for the future? saviour sword etc?

haha thx!
i'm pretty unambitious i'm afraid. apart from the two target i listed, i'll just start saving and hopefully get a headhunter first time ever.

prior to this league, my league goal was usually getting a 6 link for watever gears the build i followed recommended.

now with the unfortunate event, i actually pushed the contents further than i ever did.

i'm planning to get a watcher's eye with precision crit multi and vitality life gain on hit. In that case i'll drop pride for vitality, with about a million dps drop, but hopefully safe enuf to stop and pick things up in delirium. I'm a slow clicker and noticed i spent double the time back tracking and dying while back tracking :( do you think it's actually worth it?

edit: or do anyone think grace or haste would help survivability better
Lowprofiled 님이 2020. 4. 2. 오후 2:58:50에 마지막으로 편집
edit: or do anyone think grace or haste would help survivability better

Yes, grace/vaal grace will be fine .
I would appreciate if someone could take a look at my pob and tell me what I can improve next
I just cleared all the content with this build,build is very strong right now with my current gear.Theres still alot of things that i can urgrade for more dps but i don't really feel like theres a need to.
AceN1 님이 작성:
I would appreciate if someone could take a look at my pob and tell me what I can improve next
ur current chestplate looks good but you could get a -mana and attacks have crit chest like mine and get a tailwind+elusive two toned boots like mine.You could also get the circle of guilt ring with increase physical damage and herald of purity buff effect.Bottled faith flask could be a possible upgrade too
mengliang99 님이 2020. 4. 3. 오전 3:03:52에 마지막으로 편집
Hey there. Loving the build so far! Working on filling that atlas. Just wanted to see if someone could take a look at my PoB. ( https://pastebin.com/y4GqgKY4 ).

Trying to figure out where I can make some tweaks in the tree. Should I switch my anointment? and pick up a cluster gem? If so what talents should I shoot for. I would like to get a bit more HP without losing much DPS.

Thanks in advance.

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