[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Swag_Master_Alan 님이 작성:
Graiaule 님이 작성:
Swag_Master_Alan 님이 작성:
Could this build be HC viable? It has everything I'm looking for. I'm just not sure how good it would be on hardcore.

It's not a reliable hardcore build compared to a summoner, for example. I typically have about 10 deaths levelling up to maps.

But once you get to maps are you good? Is it just the leveling that sucks?

Well, if I were able to get past the usual roadblocks (Malachai, Innocence, Kitava) without dying, then I don't normally die again until I hit the low 90's (i.e., T15+ maps.) What usually gets me are high damage -resistances maps when I'm not paying attention to ensure I am always leeching.
Graiaule 님이 2019. 10. 28. 오전 12:32:23에 마지막으로 편집
Well, if I were able to get past the usual roadblocks (Malachai, Innocence, Kitava) without dying, then I don't normally die again until I hit the low 90's (i.e., T15+ maps.) What usually gets me are high damage -resistances maps when I'm not paying attention to ensure I am always leeching.

Well I already started a character so I'll see how it goes. I'm hoping it won't be too bad! Any tips or mistakes that can cause an easy death? or things I should be looking out for?
Amazing build/guide kelvynn. This league was a breeze, thank you
As far as leveling goes, is it just me or is Bated Breath better than Perandus Blazon by a fair bit (especially after switching to CI)?

King_Haart 님이 2019. 10. 29. 오전 2:50:34에 마지막으로 편집
Perandus help's to gain enough str and dex.
Ah, got it. Doing OK for Str and Dex right now but will keep that in mind later.

I'm having trouble with dying a lot in Act 9. I have full resists, pretty much maxed tree minus jewel nodes, ~1600ES and CI. I'm using Fortify on staff, Chaos Golem, Artic Armor, but I still find myself getting 1-shot fairly frequently and Blights are near-certain death. Am I just not killing things fast enough or do I just need to do better with positioning/reading enemies?
King_Haart 님이 작성:
Ah, got it. Doing OK for Str and Dex right now but will keep that in mind later.

I'm having trouble with dying a lot in Act 9. I have full resists, pretty much maxed tree minus jewel nodes, ~1600ES and CI. I'm using Fortify on staff, Chaos Golem, Artic Armor, but I still find myself getting 1-shot fairly frequently and Blights are near-certain death. Am I just not killing things fast enough or do I just need to do better with positioning/reading enemies?

If you are getting one-shot, try to get some gear with more ES and try to use a basalt flask.

If you feel like your ES is not filling up quickly enough, check whether your leech is sufficient (I ended up using an energy leech gem while leveling for a bit). The way leech works, your flat leech rate will grow the more ES you have. There is a cap on what percentage of your ES pool you can leech per second.

In any case, it sounds to me like you should invest a couple chaos in some mid-tier gear upgrades with high ES and Int. Don't forget rings + amulet, the flat ES can really have an impact due to the high %increase you get with all of your Intelligence.
EricHomeAlone 님이 2019. 10. 30. 오전 7:33:03에 마지막으로 편집
King_Haart 님이 작성:

I'm having trouble with dying a lot in Act 9. I have ... ~1600ES and CI.

There's your problem. You switched to CI a bit early. I normally don't switch to CI until level 68 or so (act 10 roughly) and will generally have 3500+ ES after buying the first tier of 1 chaos Int/ES/Resist gear.

So you can either switch back, or just get some cheap high int gear for now.
Graiaule 님이 2019. 10. 30. 오후 4:29:17에 마지막으로 편집
Sorry if this has already been asked, but how would this build fair as just a straight up Occultist ?

I saw 1 comment that said it wasn't quite as much damage as going Scion, but wasn't too in depth.

I guess I'm not seeing how much value we truly get out of the Inquisitor side? Is it so we can crit more easily on the Consecrated ground?

Anyway, love the build idea and thanks for answering in advance.
we pick Inq for the -% res. + Bonus from Pure Talent Jewel (res pen)

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