[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Thanks for taking the time to create this, have been really enjoying this build :)
I'd also like to give thanks for the build. It's been very fun and relaxing to play. Also gave me a goal for the league to craft a decent Regalia, and after a few thousand alts this happened

All in all a good ride.
Grawlix 님이 2019. 11. 12. 오후 3:00:44에 마지막으로 편집
That is one fine piece of armour - perhaps the best I've seen all league. Congrats! :)
Grawlix 님이 작성:
after a few thousand alts this happened

Well done! Looks like I will need to spend a few thousand more alts to catch up to that!
I got a question, can we put an anointment on the Astramentis amulet?
Redemption91 님이 작성:
I got a question, can we put an anointment on the Astramentis amulet?

Yup! On anything non-corrupted.
Thank you very much for the guide. I enjoyed the video a lot and immediately created a new Scion after it.

One question: If Elemental focus is used, we lose the ability to apply elemental status ailments, acording to the gem description. Does that mean no chilled/frozen enemies? It's a pitty having the whole screen covered in ice and not slowing enemies down.

Sorry if it's a noobish question... I just started playing PoE about one year ago and there a still a lot of things to learn and discover.

Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
Caligula_Exile 님이 작성:
Thank you very much for the guide. I enjoyed the video a lot and immediately created a new Scion after it.

One question: If Elemental focus is used, we lose the ability to apply elemental status ailments, acording to the gem description. Does that mean no chilled/frozen enemies? It's a pitty having the whole screen covered in ice and not slowing enemies down.

Sorry if it's a noobish question... I just started playing PoE about one year ago and there a still a lot of things to learn and discover.


You won't be able to chill enemies through cold damage alone, but the chilled ground generated by icestorm will still chill enemies standing on it.

So, no real downside to taking elemental focus as we don't crit enough to freeze consistently. :)
EricHomeAlone 님이 2019. 11. 13. 오전 6:00:17에 마지막으로 편집
Damn I love this build. I had a pile of Shaper's Realm fragments laying around so I did 12 Shaper runs in a row...no deaths and not even any close calls. Here are the results:

I didn't get rich and I was hoping for a Starforge but at least I got an amulet and a few flasks. One of those Voidwalkers did roll perfect mods which I'm not complaining about either. Just having a little fun while I save up maps for more Uber Elder runs. :)
Wow at the Uber Elder fight. I finally got the map set up, so tried the fight for the very first time.

10.2k ES isn't close to enough for my slacking reflexes, even with purity of ice. Was getting one-shot repeatedly by just about everything, half the time from nothing I could see.

Looks like I will need to swap in the Vigil and use Vigilant Strike to get some more defense.

I have to wonder if Cyclone is working against me here, since it slows down my movement quite a bit.

I suppose I should swap back to my Winter Orb staff that I think I still have somewhere.

I forgot to get my Yugul filled out, and am reluctant to do it now in case it cuts back on my Uber Elder available attempts.

How many tries do you get on the Uber Elder before it dissipates? It's still up on my Atlas.

I've read Kelvynn's advice on the fight, of course. I did get to the end of phase 3. I'm not going to be able to get my ES any higher any time soon. Any suggestions for someone with poor reflexes other than what I've said above?
Graiaule 님이 2019. 11. 14. 오전 1:38:33에 마지막으로 편집

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