[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Just saw this thing in a Standard Mirror Thread:

I know it is a dexterity amulet, but notice how it has Shapers %increased Attributes and Redeemers %increased Dexterity.

I didn't know an item could run suffixes of both influences.

This means if we have a Shaped Amulet and a Crusader Amulet we could combine them with an Awakener's Orb ond create something like:


The Shapers
1% increased Damage per 15 Intelligence


of Shaping
(6–9)% increased Attributes

of the Crusade
(9–12)% increased Intelligence

Propably something what only lilianmarius can achieve this league, but there you have a new goal. :'D

I didn't know on what to use the Awekener's orb for challenge so your idea was a good one:

lilianmarius 님이 2019. 12. 28. 오전 8:10:28에 마지막으로 편집
Downed Sirus on Awakened Level 4! Had the most deaths from clouds, but hey, it was better than my last 2 attempts :) I had him down to last phase deathless and then clouds was a little bit of a problem. Sadly nothing other than the helmet dropped.

And finally my first ever level 94 character, yay!
After Scrapping my Miner (to few ways to stay alive in this League) i leveld this one up to mid 80s now.
This guide is really niceley structured and well written, thank you for that.

Finally managed to Socket and Color my 18% Int Staff and started using Spell Cascade. While Icestorm was not really gentle to my hardware, spell cascade seems to want to tear it apart.

Every other Build in the past i could play with 60 FPS (VSync on), Moprhs with my Miner hat very short drops to like 40 FPS. Icestorm Drops it to a constant 10-12 FPS which is, not very nice to see nor makes playing easier.

My Graphics Card is not really up to date, hence i am not worried to spent some on a new mid range one. But Question is: Does is actually offers a solution or is Icestorm just that badly programmed? Semms to me that the ground effects of it are still the old ones they changed because of Performance issues a while back.
Anyone here able to play it smoothly, and if so, with what Spec and what settings?

Thank you for your Info.
Necrol 님이 작성:
My Graphics Card is not really up to date, hence i am not worried to spent some on a new mid range one. But Question is: Does is actually offers a solution or is Icestorm just that badly programmed?

Dont use Spell Cascade. The main problem is split between CPU (because that amount of hits per sec is not healthy) and GPU (because that amount of particles is not healthy too).
Necrol 님이 작성:

My Graphics Card is not really up to date, hence i am not worried to spent some on a new mid range one. But Question is: Does is actually offers a solution or is Icestorm just that badly programmed? Semms to me that the ground effects of it are still the old ones they changed because of Performance issues a while back.
Anyone here able to play it smoothly, and if so, with what Spec and what settings?

RTX 2080 @ 2ghz
3800x @ 4250mhz
16gb DDR 4 @ 3800mhz
3440x1440 @ 115hz

POE rarely (if ever) went under 100fps with cyclone, but with icestorm, i can hear my PC begging for help. I had to lower 2-3 graphics options because hitting 20-25fps wasn't fun...and that's without spell cascade.

Hello guys, I'm at lv 90 and I feel kinda stuck on what gear should I upgrade next. Any insights? Enjoying the build though. Sitting on around 7.5k ES at full buffs. Thank you very much.

Are either of these worth multimodding? The helm would hit about 220 ES, more with higher quality, but I don't know if the chest would even break 500 so it's probably not worth it. Should I recraft the chest or buy a new base and work with that? The influenced base cost me 1 ex so I might just buy a non-influenced and spam with Dense fossils.
Got a nice Hubris Circlet (320 ES. %4 Intelligence, T3 Fire resist and free suffix) from trade and decided to try my luck to get %increased intelligence on it using the new type of exalt currency : Hunter's Exalted orb

Had 25% chance to hit % intelligence since Hunter influence has for Int helmets only 4 suffixes available:

% increased Intelligence
You have Igniting Conflux for # seconds every # seconds
You have Chilling Conflux for # seconds every # seconds
You have Shocking Conflux for # seconds every # seconds

Result kinda disappointing but not that bad after all, maybe this suffix will be good for some builds:

20% more damage from shock with any type of damage dealt is an interesting prefix but for us using Elemental Focus in staff i think is not viable!
lilianmarius 님이 2019. 12. 28. 오후 1:37:57에 마지막으로 편집
got for 15c

now Leo or just slam exalted, +28% by Hillock and boom easy 80+int and 3.3k av hit in pob)
and just -183 ES in compare with old helmet)

lilianmarius i wana your amulet!it's crazy! +15% avg hit for me lol
archwerewolf 님이 2019. 12. 28. 오후 2:19:17에 마지막으로 편집
lilianmarius 님이 작성:

I didn't know on what to use the Awekener's orb for challenge so your idea was a good one:

Very very nice.

How do you proceed from here?

Alteration till 2 of the 3 affixes appear, and Beastcraft / Regal, or just Chaosspam?

I Imagine it takes a long time to get a worthwhile result.
Necro_42739 님이 2019. 12. 28. 오후 2:07:11에 마지막으로 편집

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