[3.10] The highest DPS miner - 1.5 shapers per second

Got the timeless jewel, but only have 4 Power charges, any chance to get more or is it die maximum we can get?
koerzz 님이 작성:
Got the timeless jewel, but only have 4 Power charges, any chance to get more or is it die maximum we can get?

I don't recommend grabbing any power charges on the tree because they cost 2 skill points each. They're better spent on other passives like life or grabbing jewel sockets.

The only time I would recommend power charge is on a Warlord base helmet.
3.9 Ball lightning miner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2722511
3.4 Scorching Ray totems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129884
3.4 Champion facebreaker warchief totem https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2240387
maniac_cro 님이 작성:

Hello guys, i have additional 10 ex to invest and i don't see where i could invest beside the Cortex flask.

Atm PoB says my Ball ligthning ticks for ~ 45.000 dps and in build it says it goes up to 85.000.

What should i change in order to get closer to those numbers?

Thank you.

>> Awakened Elemental Focus Support [Level 5]
>> 4 Mods damage Jewels
>> Aul's Uprising [Wrath Version]

Any of these upgrades seems appropriate.

Killed A8 10 or so times really really easy with this build basically one shot him every time he pops up.

Trying to get corrupted kaoms, culling + unnerve gloves and awakened lightning dmg to level 5 atm

Also toying with using a 8 passive skill large jewel and have 3 notables + 2 jewel sockets, then you you only have to path through 1 small passive before being able to pick up 2 notables and 2 medium jewel slots, but i need to hit an leo exalt first
Spliffor 님이 2020. 3. 21. 오후 12:28:43에 마지막으로 편집
Spliffor 님이 작성:

Killed A8 10 or so times really really easy with this build basically one shot him every time he pops up.

Trying to get corrupted kaoms, culling + unnerve gloves and awakened lightning dmg to level 5 atm

Also toying with using a 8 passive skill large jewel and have 3 notables + 2 jewel sockets, then you you only have to path through 1 small passive before being able to pick up 2 notables and 2 medium jewel slots, but i need to hit an leo exalt first

How's your clear speed?
seaside 님이 2020. 3. 21. 오후 1:44:37에 마지막으로 편집

Made few upgrades today and it feels great, can recommend Timeless Jewel for 20% ES (total 10k ehp).

Ye i know, need to reroll helmet but im lazy.

PoB with edited in Timeless Jewel:

groar 님이 2020. 3. 21. 오후 2:07:55에 마지막으로 편집
what is best way to 2 get staff 2 green and 4 blue ? spend so many chrome now and nothing xD
groar 님이 작성:

Made few upgrades today and it feels great, can recommend Timeless Jewel for 20% ES (total 10k ehp).

Ye i know, need to reroll helmet but im lazy.

PoB with edited in Timeless Jewel:


Is it worth losing acrobatics? been thinking about it but not sure
Spliffor 님이 2020. 3. 21. 오후 3:50:34에 마지막으로 편집
groar 님이 작성:

Made few upgrades today and it feels great, can recommend Timeless Jewel for 20% ES (total 10k ehp).

Ye i know, need to reroll helmet but im lazy.

PoB with edited in Timeless Jewel:


How do you sustain your ES? Do you have any way of getting it back apart from ES recharge?
Hey, can i just take this build as a league starter and spam T14+ blighted maps easy ?

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