[3.10] The highest DPS miner - 1.5 shapers per second

I'm enjoying the build so far, however, I feel extremely squishy, despite having 5k7 hp, IC+CWDT, Acro/Phase Acro and a Granite flask.

I get randomly shattered whenever there's more than 2 projectiles, and I attempted Sirus A5 which I failed, cause my build has no leech/regen.

Any tips ? (My character is Sabovino in Delirium SC)

Thanks :)
Hey, I have a question about single target damage.
How does multiple projectiles works with ball lightning? Does the helmet enchant with additional projectile doubles your single target damage? How about the dying sun flask?
Since i see nobody using it i think it doesnt work
Has anyone played a LL version of the build and could share the experience? How's survivability and how much more damage does one get out of the additional auras? I'm thinking of making a switch just to change things a bit to not get bored.

Another question regarding Awakened gems: in PoB, I don't really get much out of using an Awakened Added Lightning support over any of my gems - even at level 5. Is there some kind of hidden damage that does not get calculated? Here's my gem setup:

Any tips on which gems to switch to awakened are greatly appreciated. Obviously, changing Elemental Focus to Awakened Elemental Focus is better. But as for Awakened Added Lightning, I don't see a real benefit in the PoB numbers over using e.g. Trap and Mine Damage Support.
rainmeadow 님이 2020. 3. 22. 오후 9:13:57에 마지막으로 편집
Any opinion on Zealotry vs Wrath?
when using a medium cluster gem with Careful Handling and Expendability, would it be better to use Swift Assembly instead of Minefield with the 10% chance to to throw an extra trap?
rainmeadow 님이 작성:

Any tips on which gems to switch to awakened are greatly appreciated. Obviously, changing Elemental Focus to Awakened Elemental Focus is better. But as for Awakened Added Lightning, I don't see a real benefit in the PoB numbers over using e.g. Trap and Mine Damage Support.

you need awakened lightning damage level 5 to get +1 to Level of Supported Lightning Skill Gems

to Level of Supported Lightning Skill Gems
faytte 님이 작성:
Any opinion on Zealotry vs Wrath?

asked the same... no answers. I guess before watchers eye + bottled faith wrath is better.
Which PoB am I supposed to follow? There's ones with Kaom's Heart but going Pain Attunement??? Then another is cloak of defiance ??
SuBw00FeR 님이 작성:
Which PoB am I supposed to follow? There's ones with Kaom's Heart but going Pain Attunement??? Then another is cloak of defiance ??

that is for timeless jewel - militant faith - dominus version for inner conviction

and kaoms for hp
lordpikon 님이 2020. 3. 23. 오전 8:06:42에 마지막으로 편집
zug0 님이 작성:
faytte 님이 작성:
Any opinion on Zealotry vs Wrath?

asked the same... no answers. I guess before watchers eye + bottled faith wrath is better.

no it is not, because with zealotry you generate conc ground and that is crit on target. Wrath is good if you go low life or get Aul's amulet with wrath/zealotry

lordpikon 님이 2020. 3. 23. 오전 9:36:51에 마지막으로 편집

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