[3.18] 🔮☄️ Aura Stacking - EZ new Uber Content ☄️🔮

Hi, about get the 400% im trying to think how can get it, 28% from each cluster (using replesh and among) so 8x28 = 224, one cluster with replesh and purposeful = 60% (if all cluster have 35% small passive for boost the 3% aura small nodes) so right here we have 284% + 57% from tree = 341% + 15% from helmet = 356% + 10% from shield = 366% and 19% from Vanity = 385%, well all i can think is it, i dont see were get more aura of effect, only if u get 15% from champion and 25% from body armor, if do it 425%. im missing something ?
Kraisty#0457 님이 2021. 1. 14. 오후 5:38:55에 마지막으로 편집
So... Build dead with the patch notes?
andrew8448 님이 작성:
So... Build dead with the patch notes?

nope - will update soon :)
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
Jix_91 님이 작성:
andrew8448 님이 작성:
So... Build dead with the patch notes?

nope - will update soon :)

Hi! Looking forward for standard update.
rd6702 님이 작성:
Jix_91 님이 작성:
andrew8448 님이 작성:
So... Build dead with the patch notes?

nope - will update soon :)

Hi! Looking forward for standard update.

Me too!!! After the patched my in game DPS dropped from 2.5m to 800k and ES dropped from 8.3k to 7k. And the cast from 11+ to 10.
rd6702 님이 작성:
Jix_91 님이 작성:
andrew8448 님이 작성:
So... Build dead with the patch notes?

nope - will update soon :)

Hi! Looking forward for standard update.

Just saw your POB; it is not updated to 3.13 according to pob; u still have 6% on your clusters. U have edited text clusters, but pob community cannot read them. So i cannot see Aura effect mod. also using that jew:
Glorious Vanity - Ahuana, in the 3.13 doesn't grant Commanding Presence.
Can u verify & come back with appropriate values pls? Ty in advance, great work!

rd6702#7266 님이 2021. 1. 16. 오전 2:28:37에 마지막으로 편집
The POB in the OP has less than 4x Aura Effect...

I was able to play with the POB a little bit and got to 4.02 Aura Effect with RP/FAE cluster jewels instead of the 35% increased effect jewels. Not optimized, obviously, but it shows what's possible. Well, if you have perfect voices

HighWizardry 님이 작성:
The POB in the OP has less than 4x Aura Effect...

I was able to play with the POB a little bit and got to 4.02 Aura Effect with RP/FAE cluster jewels instead of the 35% increased effect jewels. Not optimized, obviously, but it shows what's possible. Well, if you have perfect voices


Just saw, seems correct, but still it is something i cannot understand about the Glorius Vanity jewel. Used on my ingame tree in the same position doesen't reveal that node called Commanding Presence. How so?
rd6702 님이 작성:
HighWizardry 님이 작성:
The POB in the OP has less than 4x Aura Effect...

I was able to play with the POB a little bit and got to 4.02 Aura Effect with RP/FAE cluster jewels instead of the 35% increased effect jewels. Not optimized, obviously, but it shows what's possible. Well, if you have perfect voices


Just saw, seems correct, but still it is something i cannot understand about the Glorius Vanity jewel. Used on my ingame tree in the same position doesen't reveal that node called Commanding Presence. How so?

I'd suggest you do some more research on Timeless Jewels. They'll pop different Notables depending on their seed. PoB can't replicate every seed, so you'll need to experiment in-game
HighWizardry 님이 작성:
The POB in the OP has less than 4x Aura Effect...

I was able to play with the POB a little bit and got to 4.02 Aura Effect with RP/FAE cluster jewels instead of the 35% increased effect jewels. Not optimized, obviously, but it shows what's possible. Well, if you have perfect voices


It has 369+32(from purposeful harbinger). This is not displayed and also explained in the guide.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007

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