[3.13] UPDATING... BladeBlast/Bladefall MoM Scion | Tanky | 🌟Nuke bosses 20M+

macsdf1 님이 작성:
WWBarb 님이 작성:
100M dps pob:


With the extreme tankiness of MoM, perma flask and 170%-200% movement speed.
One of the best BF/BB version imo.

Edit: other than one of the weapons, other stuffs are easily obtainable.

Where are you getting assassin's mark

just put one in trigger wand/sceptre.
Hey this might seem silly but how do I proc the fortify? and do we maintain being tanking by spamming foreboding mana flask? loving the build so far!!
What's the best annoints for us (budget/high-end) ?
SiriusFez 님이 작성:
Hey this might seem silly but how do I proc the fortify? and do we maintain being tanking by spamming foreboding mana flask? loving the build so far!!

Just use Vigilant Strike (melee skill) then hit mob. And as long as your mana is full, you're cool :D
krzkn 님이 2021. 1. 20. 오후 12:25:24에 마지막으로 편집
Anyone having trouble keeping up with the degen of Omeyocan? If I don't have the flask up, my mana always depletes, not that it's a problem really since I have infinite flask. Just kinda bugs me.

My POB so far: https://pastebin.com/1RJ8wfdF (4.8mil per 10 blades/19.3mil per 40 blades)
My character profiles are also set to public.
ickey_mickey 님이 작성:
Anyone having trouble keeping up with the degen of Omeyocan? If I don't have the flask up, my mana always depletes, not that it's a problem really since I have infinite flask. Just kinda bugs me.

My POB so far: https://pastebin.com/1RJ8wfdF (4.8mil per 10 blades/19.3mil per 40 blades)
My character profiles are also set to public.

Its all gonna depend on your actual mana regen that you see on PoB. Theres multiple ways to stop the degen. Boot enchant with mana regeneration, Dream fragment ring, mana regeneration on pieces of gear, watcher's eye with regen (i dont recommand it). Im sure theres more ways i just cant think of them right away. I personally dont mind the degen since im keeping flasks up all the time.
Lemonfresh 님이 작성:
What's the best annoints for us (budget/high-end) ?

Prodigal perfection until you can get crusader annoint.
How well does Cloak of Defiance perform on this build? Lots of mana, mana regen, and another 10% of MoM would make this build stupid tanky at a loss of damage. Or is it just not worth since we lose a lot of AoE and area damage?
Thoughts on including Dynamo?

edit: I was looking at wrong pastebin.
turkeysinflight 님이 2021. 1. 20. 오후 9:09:03에 마지막으로 편집
ickey_mickey 님이 작성:
How well does Cloak of Defiance perform on this build? Lots of mana, mana regen, and another 10% of MoM would make this build stupid tanky at a loss of damage. Or is it just not worth since we lose a lot of AoE and area damage?

The lost of AoE isnt worth it in my opinion. Otherwise i would of 100% went with cloak of defiance

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