[3.24] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Are Pain Attunement bugged it shall not work with CI, yet it gives a massive boost to the icestorm Cold Damage.

lol nice bug)
138k => 180k tooltip
i like it xD
archwerewolf 님이 작성:
lol nice bug)
138k => 180k tooltip
i like it xD

And now i feel sad, with my 25k tooltip :(
Mellers127 님이 2023. 4. 22. 오전 10:27:41에 마지막으로 편집
I wonder if it's purely visual or actually gives the extra damage. Anyone tested it yet?
I think im at 5000 chances on my 2nd staff, pretty insane :)
Firestrike9 님이 2023. 4. 22. 오전 11:38:49에 마지막으로 편집
WinterHiko 님이 작성:
I wonder if it's purely visual or actually gives the extra damage. Anyone tested it yet?

Hard to tell. Gave it a shot and went from 51k tooltip to 66.5k.

Nothing really lasts long enough to tell though - I gave it a go on a few metamorphs in Tane's lab and couldnt tell the difference. Hard to when it only lasts 3s though.
Thanks for the advice - heartstopper is allocated through jewels forbidden flame + forbidden flesh.

Watcher's eys is known, but better jewel means quite a lot more currency, which isnt so obvious as we know. =)
WinterHiko 님이 작성:

Yes, it's suggested int he "high-end" part of the gearing section to switch to Enlighten 4 and Whispers of Doom annoint. It's a great way to get more skill points!


I overread that!
Ye i spent already ~40 divs on chances/scours for second staff

Still i like this league and this kind of power justified for how hard it to get imo, just wish there would be better system for chancing, or mythic orb would not destroy item
lev1afun 님이 작성:
Ye i spent already ~40 divs on chances/scours for second staff

Still i like this league and this kind of power justified for how hard it to get imo, just wish there would be better system for chancing, or mythic orb would not destroy item

Now 7000, this is some quality content :D

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