[3.24] Guide Power Siphon - Trikster - Afana (Full Unique)

Really awesome build! Just got a rare wand with a nice DPS boost and I'll save up for enlighten 4 i guess
Also an awesome positive is this build basically does not care about every single red altar downside, you can just click 95% of them blind
Does Ralakesh Impatience and power charge stacking works with Militant faith (Dominius) Inner Conviction passive, that gives 3% more damage per power charge? Ingame numbers doesn't show any increase -_-
RoyalGuards 님이 2024. 1. 7. 오전 4:53:48에 마지막으로 편집
Granted the last time I played was 3.13, broken aurastackers were still a thing. I had a 300k ehp 200m dps summoner that literally could afk uber elder/maven while the golems did all the work.

I remember the aura stackers and carrion builds. They were fun but way too easy to do cheap. But you weren't afking Maven ;-)
RoyalGuards 님이 작성:
Does Ralakesh Impatience and power charge stacking works with Militant faith (Dominius) Inner Conviction passive, that gives 3% more dsmage per power charge? Ingame numbers doesn't show any increase -_-


Inner Conviction's effect is "3% MORE Spell Damage per Power Charge
Gain Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges"
the build only scales with INC
Cleared all ubers & the feared with this build tonight, while facetanking the majority of it. Holding my newborn in 1 hand for some of the fights.

Amazing build, possibly my favorite I've ever played. Thanks!!
can i share my little tree changes


Dont take 30 dex node, swap to 20 dex under Survivalist
and you can take accuracy nodes from here. they better then on top tree

to 99 lvl you can take jewel socket on top, or frenzy charge if you want

ALso accuracy mastery must be "int to accuracy"

Sry for bad english))

Thx afana for build.
Please tell me which forbidden flame, forbidden flesh are used?
Loving this build so far, so tanky. I was wondering if we can modify this build to work for kb of frag? We can use nimis and swap to other helm? Any idea?
ericchongws 님이 작성:
Loving this build so far, so tanky. I was wondering if we can modify this build to work for kb of frag? We can use nimis and swap to other helm? Any idea?

the critical cap of the build, and the idea of not using the 6 link, is only possible in PS, any change would lose defense in exchange for damage. PS has very strong clear and single target, follow the pobs where I indicate the best setup for maps and the best setup for bosses.
ericchongws 님이 작성:
Loving this build so far, so tanky. I was wondering if we can modify this build to work for kb of frag? We can use nimis and swap to other helm? Any idea?

The forbbiden I use are not simple to use, so I don't recommend them, but there are other ways to get more damage like the new unique jewel that gives 5% crit mult per power charge

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