[3.24] Guide Power Siphon - Trikster - Afana (Full Unique)

man, can i ask where you get Lightning exposure from?

my bad, aw light pen XD
Trunghxf 님이 2024. 4. 10. 오전 2:02:18에 마지막으로 편집
SexonFive 님이 작성:
Lhansk 님이 작성:
Have you ever considered Uul-Netol's Vow with awakened lightning damages ?
It could help fix resists thus.

I can't configure your PoB wwith Ephemeral Bond, tick or untick power charges do nothing, dunno why.

I'll check and get back to you

For Ephemeral Bons, the issue is probably the boots counting as maximum power charges.
I didn't pay attention when PoBing.

For Uul-Netol's vow, PoB DPS skyrocket but no change IG
I think i don't really know how to use it btw.
any other boots we can use, too slow with this ones?
Myzr43l 님이 작성:
any other boots we can use, too slow with this ones?

AFAIK if you dont use ralakesh, you cant use the graven belt. So thats up to you if u wanna go for tailwind onslaught boots and put in a HH or something since they so dirt cheap lol
Build of the week Season 14
Which POB should I follow? Theres ones with Crown of Eyes and one with Ravenous Passion. Sorry for the confusion.


Where's the Mageblood POB?
alantrik 님이 작성:
Where's the Mageblood POB?

domingo ou segunda, vou falar sobre mageblood, HH, e simulacrum
Build of the week Season 14!
Here is my Standard mageblood version, the reduced cost of skills flask craft is legacy only but its not vital by any means it mostly makes no regen and/or no leech maps less frustrating while also making it easier to sustain the top end mana costs, for some reason my PoB build doesn't include any of the 3.24 gems properly so its not calculating sacred wisps at all, sacred wisps is roughly 50% more damage against bosses and rares. Soul Ascension does make haste largely not worth swapping to, as it provides a truly absurd amount of ias although I've only ever hit the cap vs bosses with prolonged iphases where you can still hit them like the uber elder, 100% delirious soul eaters that spawned in the middle of a harbinger boss and running 5ways. I've looked into the possibility of running an uul-netols, however it is only slightly better than badge of brotherhood at 9 charges and with soul ascension maxed out, most of the time it will be roughly analogous to slightly worse in terms of dps and it will increase the mana cost, which without the flask craft can become an issue if you're running soul ascension and ravenous passion.

Edit: I also don't really think its reasonable to presume 50% shock without thunderfists, even with hitting 65% shock on pinnacles was very rare and that was a little easier than hitting 50% now iirc.

CarbotZergling123 님이 2024. 4. 11. 오후 10:19:25에 마지막으로 편집

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