[3.24] Guide Power Siphon - Trikster - Afana (Full Unique)

blademaster48 님이 작성:
Can someone explain how you get resists with all those uniques? Jewels slots dont seem to be enough

Mostly from flasks and jewels... and you can hit max if you got the right jewel combo without flasks on i believe (or with res corrupted belt)
Myst3ryMan99 님이 작성:
would be interesting to fit a watchers eye into the mageblood version, i dont think the hypnotic jewel is necessary?

Well, the forum will soon be updated with the strongest version of the build that uses mageblood, I believe it will answer all your questions
roeshamboner 님이 작성:
Hello, playing your build for a few days and it's very fun. I'm not sure what to do to upgrade my character, was wondering if you or someone could point me in a right direction. Thank you for your time

If you have any more complex questions, such as how to analyze your build or improve it, feel free to contact me on discord and I'll help.
Nadcel 님이 작성:

U could follow how i build my character.
I deeply upgraded it i think, still more to come but it's already insane.

On pob, 175k ehp, 13m dps, 4k ES

good, there will be more build updates soon
id like to see a mapping version with mageblood. flask rolls seem very bossing oriented
Build Poggers !!!
I get one-shot quite often in tier 16 maps. Can someone tell me what i need to improve in my build? I have about 3 divines worth of currency.
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got 50 div, should i upgrade helmet first? drop warlord's mark, turn on grace aura
Build of the Week Season 14

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