Crit Ele Split Ripper - Fastest map clearer? You decide! Up to 95 crit

KouGrizzle 님이 작성:
Well is there anyone that can direct me to a Bow guide/build that would work for Tempest?

You're already here. Done this twice already on HC and doing it again. It's a wonder I'm not bored of bow...
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon 님이 2015. 7. 14. 오후 6:29:59에 마지막으로 편집
Probably dumb question but why does he take additional Frenzy nodes when he doesn't appear to use any skill that grants frenzy charges?
I'm using Blood Rage to generate Frenzy charges on packs (that's why in all my trees I spend nodes on hp regen - I collect 3.6% hp regen to negate BR). For singletarget bosses I think to swap mirror arrow for Frenzy.
Right now I'm curious how new build with charges will perform against Atziri - it'll need huge micro to keep BR, golem, charges and avoid quite everything (Atziri's damage was buffed).
Kharantir 님이 작성:
I'm using Blood Rage to generate Frenzy charges on packs (that's why in all my trees I spend nodes on hp regen - I collect 3.6% hp regen to negate BR). For singletarget bosses I think to swap mirror arrow for Frenzy.
Right now I'm curious how new build with charges will perform against Atziri - it'll need huge micro to keep BR, golem, charges and avoid quite everything (Atziri's damage was buffed).

Well if you're using Frenzy it's quite simple to keep up charges. I was doing Atziri with this build pre-patch and it's not hardcore viable but it's not difficult.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
@Kharantir : Thank you for your Build suggestions ! I'm trying to play one of your combinations on my Scion. It's a little bit confusing for a new gamer like me.
Could you link your Gear? that would make the gem-settup and the build more understandable :)

keep up the good work :)
my gear was posted in the first part of testing, but nvm

for builds with Rat's nest


Anger+Wrath in Alpha's & HoI+CoH+AsMark


HoI+HoT+CoH+AsMark & Wrath for Rat's nest

BM-Ice Golem-BR-IncDuration-Blink arrow
Vaal Haste-IncDuration

CWDT-IC setup is now not so helpful (unless you use Daresso's defiance), can be changed to something like ?? ArcticBreath+Gmp+Blind ??, defensive curse or maybe even dropped at all.

Pre-patch for single bosses (Atziri) I've used Ice Shot+FA instead of TS+GMP, have to test what setup is better now: Frenzy, Ice shot, Burning arrow, trap setup. Ice shot was good for split phaze to freeze fire copy and not bother about flameblast.

Sidenote about my testing - I have Acuity, so I can get both instant Leech and hp regen. Without them you must take Vaal Pact, and probably replace life regen nodes into attack speed ones (to compensate loss of BR atkspd) and use Frenzy to generate charges, or live with 4% degen.
Kharantir 님이 작성:
my gear was posted in the first part of testing, but nvm

for builds with Rat's nest


Anger+Wrath in Alpha's & HoI+CoH+AsMark


HoI+HoT+CoH+AsMark & Wrath for Rat's nest

BM-Ice Golem-BR-IncDuration-Blink arrow
Vaal Haste-IncDuration

CWDT-IC setup is now not so helpful (unless you use Daresso's defiance), can be changed to something like ?? ArcticBreath+Gmp+Blind ??, defensive curse or maybe even dropped at all.

Pre-patch for single bosses (Atziri) I've used Ice Shot+FA instead of TS+GMP, have to test what setup is better now: Frenzy, Ice shot, Burning arrow, trap setup. Ice shot was good for split phaze to freeze fire copy and not bother about flameblast.

Sidenote about my testing - I have Acuity, so I can get both instant Leech and hp regen. Without them you must take Vaal Pact, and probably replace life regen nodes into attack speed ones (to compensate loss of BR atkspd) and use Frenzy to generate charges, or live with 4% degen.

Pre-patch for single bosses (Atziri) I've used Burning Arrow - best DPS or Ice Shot (very good skill too). And i used Fire Trap setup for split phase. If i good remember my trap setup was - Burning Arrow-Trap-WED-ICD-Point Blank-Additional Accuracy.
~A Women Can Change The World With A Single, Well-Placed Arrow~
tested Atziri (I'm super lazy, so died 3 times because of flameblast+something. Need to learn to RUN FASTER)
1. 4500 hp is enough to survive flameblast. and die in a fraction of second.
2. Spears deal about half-hp damage
3. Golems die after first stormcalls (it seems they run through ALL of them) - forget about them

Ice shot dps without charges is 73k, and is definetely not enough for comfortable kill? with 6 frenzy it's ~100k, but getting those charges at atziri is too inefficient (you'll shot more frenzy than Ice shot)

Frenzy dps is ~ 95k, and is more convinient right now.

Comparing to pre-patch, you'll need skill of dodging quite everything
can any1 give skill tree for scion?
Thats my Tree for Scion so far. i have to buy new Gear and im level 69, thats why my sustain is low. (5-Link Windripper + Tabalu Rasa). i use Tornadoshot in my 6L because you can still shotgun stronger monster (Split Arrow is good for clearing). i can't/dont use Blood Rage atm, so i have to use sometimes Frenzy to get my Frenzy Charges.
I use Herald of Ice and Warth atm, because i need some mana to respawn the golem during fights.
SexySammy 님이 2015. 7. 16. 오전 11:29:49에 마지막으로 편집

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