[3.0] Windripper Pathfinder - easy Shaper/Guardians & smooth mapping (Shaper video up)

why do you pick up Soul racker ? Only because of ll and ml ?
Am i missing something ?
IGN: SHUDO, MiraiMika, Completed_Edition
shudo 님이 2017. 9. 5. 오후 4:51:56에 마지막으로 편집
Just wanted to say I did a nemesis map and got headhunters on my third ancient orb and mapping with HH and this build is the most fun ive ever had in POE. Love this thank you
shudo 님이 작성:
why do you pick up Soul racker ? Only because of ll and ml ?
Am i missing something ?

Probably the jewel in the socket beneath it.

dhise 님이 작성:
Just wanted to say I did a nemesis map and got headhunters on my third ancient orb and mapping with HH and this build is the most fun ive ever had in POE. Love this thank you

Thank you for the flowers. I barely have time to play over the last 3-4 weeks but HH is next on the list ^^
Doing Raider variation, and I will use Chain Split Arrow for AoE clear.
Yes, Split Arrow, don't give me that look, it's just because I want to play Split instead of more popular choices.
Haven't played SA in years, so yeah.
Now, my question lies here, I'll buy Split Arrow enchant, just because Starkonja with barrage projectiles is expensive as fuck. I want to ask, which enchant would be better, considering that I'll be using chain in setup: should I go for +3 SA projectiles, +90% SA crit chance or +40% SA damage?
Again, it's for AoE clear only. Single target will still be barrage.
I currently do own Starkonja with +3 SA projectiles, but I wonder if that would be the best choice, since SA already will fire 6 projectiles by itself?

shudo 님이 작성:
why do you pick up Soul racker ? Only because of ll and ml ?
Am i missing something ?

He is most likely using Lioneye's Fall jewel socketed beneath, to convert claw nodes into bow nodes (crit and leech)

Songweaver 님이 2017. 9. 8. 오전 8:46:14에 마지막으로 편집
Hallo !!!

Loving the build :D Playing the Raider variant ,,, im a frenzy lover :D
But im reaching a point where i want moar dmg ... considering replacing Perfect Form for the Yriel's Fostering with the attack and mov speed. If uthink replacing / upgrading something would be better please let me know.

U can check my gear the character name it's NozferaT_Essence ... ye si play standard ... i dont have time to keep restarting :D this is my way to enjoy the game :D

thanks in advance for the cool build ... really enjoy it <3

thanks for ur time <3
NozferaT 님이 2017. 9. 8. 오후 7:57:18에 마지막으로 편집
NozferaT 님이 작성:
Hallo !!!

Loving the build :D Playing the Raider variant ,,, im a frenzy lover :D
But im reaching a point where i want moar dmg ... considering replacing Perfect Form for the Yriel's Fostering with the attack and mov speed. If uthink replacing / upgrading something would be better please let me know.

U can check my gear the character name it's NozferaT_Essence ... ye si play standard ... i dont have time to keep restarting :D this is my way to enjoy the game :D

thanks in advance for the cool build ... really enjoy it <3

thanks for ur time <3

Before everything else, can I ask how much HP you have? I'm in the process of making a Raider variant, and I'm debating with myself should I go for Scion life wheel or not.

WED - Elemental damage with attacks, I'm just to used to calling it WED like we all used to before the name change this patch.

If you want more AoE, I would suggest changing Tornado Shot to Lightning Arrow, and use Lightning Arrow hits 2 additional enemies helm enchant. It just feels nicer, but that's my personal opinion. Can always give it a try, and see which one do you like more, they just require gem swap, no change in link colors.
In any single target scenario, 2 additional barrage projectiles helm enchant is by far the best, and most expensive damage upgrade most likely.

For more damage, you can drop biscos and go with life/wed/crit/crit multi/added lightning/accuracy amulet. Any combo would work I'd say, but primary stats should be life, then crit multi, then wed, then flat lightning.
Could replace the rings with opal rings with life/wed/added lightning/resistances. Or diamond rings.
Those will by far be the largest damage boosts to your build.

Then you can upgrade your jewels if you can cap resistances, to use bow attack speed, 7% life and crit multi, possibly with global crit chance as well. Never underestimate the power of crit multi in crit builds.

Single Target:
If you can manage your resistances properly, Wise Oak flask + Forces of Nature + Primeval Force from skill tree should be enough and you can drop Lightning Penetration skill gem for crit damage gem, which will give tons of crit multi, because the Raider build with Ice Bite will get quite a bunch of cold damage as well as lightning, so properly managed resistances with Wise Oak and skill tree would give you benefits of equal both penetrations while having something like 480-500% crit multiplier with proper gear and jewels. You could always gem swap in Lightning Pen if you feel like it. Or recolor it and use Slower Projectiles.
According to PoB, my Barrage shall deal around 1.02 million with Lightning Pen, 1.08 million with Crit Damage and 1.13 million with Slower Proj, that's under 380-400 chaos budget, so no actual GG gear, just decent gear, with 20/20 gems.

Aoe clear:
Could swap Innervate with Ice Bite, since you are Raider, Ice Bite Raider with 7 frenzy charges will outdamage Innervate (approximate maximum of 382/2=191 for innervate, and approximate maximum with 7 frenzies up of 438/2=219 for ice bite)
It's not a huge difference, but it is difference, according to PoB, my chain split arrow raider with ice bite shall deal around 227k, and 209k with innervate.
Yes, I use split arrow and chain, don't give me that look xD

Songweaver 님이 작성:
NozferaT 님이 작성:
Hallo !!!

Loving the build :D Playing the Raider variant ,,, im a frenzy lover :D
But im reaching a point where i want moar dmg ... considering replacing Perfect Form for the Yriel's Fostering with the attack and mov speed. If uthink replacing / upgrading something would be better please let me know.

U can check my gear the character name it's NozferaT_Essence ... ye si play standard ... i dont have time to keep restarting :D this is my way to enjoy the game :D

thanks in advance for the cool build ... really enjoy it <3

thanks for ur time <3

Before everything else, can I ask how much HP you have? I'm in the process of making a Raider variant, and I'm debating with myself should I go for Scion life wheel or not.

WED - Elemental damage with attacks, I'm just to used to calling it WED like we all used to before the name change this patch.

If you want more AoE, I would suggest changing Tornado Shot to Lightning Arrow, and use Lightning Arrow hits 2 additional enemies helm enchant. It just feels nicer, but that's my personal opinion. Can always give it a try, and see which one do you like more, they just require gem swap, no change in link colors.
In any single target scenario, 2 additional barrage projectiles helm enchant is by far the best, and most expensive damage upgrade most likely.

For more damage, you can drop biscos and go with life/wed/crit/crit multi/added lightning/accuracy amulet. Any combo would work I'd say, but primary stats should be life, then crit multi, then wed, then flat lightning.
Could replace the rings with opal rings with life/wed/added lightning/resistances. Or diamond rings.
Those will by far be the largest damage boosts to your build.

Then you can upgrade your jewels if you can cap resistances, to use bow attack speed, 7% life and crit multi, possibly with global crit chance as well. Never underestimate the power of crit multi in crit builds.

Single Target:
If you can manage your resistances properly, Wise Oak flask + Forces of Nature + Primeval Force from skill tree should be enough and you can drop Lightning Penetration skill gem for crit damage gem, which will give tons of crit multi, because the Raider build with Ice Bite will get quite a bunch of cold damage as well as lightning, so properly managed resistances with Wise Oak and skill tree would give you benefits of equal both penetrations while having something like 480-500% crit multiplier with proper gear and jewels. You could always gem swap in Lightning Pen if you feel like it. Or recolor it and use Slower Projectiles.
According to PoB, my Barrage shall deal around 1.02 million with Lightning Pen, 1.08 million with Crit Damage and 1.13 million with Slower Proj, that's under 380-400 chaos budget, so no actual GG gear, just decent gear, with 20/20 gems.

Aoe clear:
Could swap Innervate with Ice Bite, since you are Raider, Ice Bite Raider with 7 frenzy charges will outdamage Innervate (approximate maximum of 382/2=191 for innervate, and approximate maximum with 7 frenzies up of 438/2=219 for ice bite)
It's not a huge difference, but it is difference, according to PoB, my chain split arrow raider with ice bite shall deal around 227k, and 209k with innervate.
Yes, I use split arrow and chain, don't give me that look xD

Morning <3

First ... thank's for sharing ur opinion ! I was/am a lil lost in priorities concerning upgrades hahaha

Im at 5.4k hp aTm with my dps amu that have the stats u mentioned actually :D

For the AoE Clear i prefer innervate cause it can boost the single target setup dmg, cause i was using ice bite before with Pathfinder. But swapped for Innervate when i changed to Raider. Like u said ... just a matter of preference.

So to conclude ... Rings > Jewels (Trying to fix/match Lightning and Cold Resist for wise Oak)> Helmet Enchant (Barrage for Life). Right ?
NozferaT 님이 작성:

Morning <3

First ... thank's for sharing ur opinion ! I was/am a lil lost in priorities concerning upgrades hahaha

Im at 5.4k hp aTm with my dps amu that have the stats u mentioned actually :D

For the AoE Clear i prefer innervate cause it can boost the single target setup dmg, cause i was using ice bite before with Pathfinder. But swapped for Innervate when i changed to Raider. Like u said ... just a matter of preference.

So to conclude ... Rings > Jewels (Trying to fix/match Lightning and Cold Resist for wise Oak)> Helmet Enchant (Barrage for Life). Right ?

Morning ^_^

Thank you for sharing your HP stats, I appreciate it. Theoretically, shouldn't feel too forced to delve into Scion life wheel then, 5.4-5.5k should satisfy my terms, since I'm making this build for farming only.

Yeah, amulet has capabilities to give quite the amount of dps, should be the first upgrade.
You will lose out on rarity and quantity from Bisco's, sure, but if you're going for more damage, it can easily be switched out for the rare amulet. When you want to farm just for fun, you can always switch Bisco's back in ;)

So yeah, next thing you could change is rings, look for the stats mentioned on diamond base, or opal base (diamond rings will grant more consistent crit, where opals will grant higher damage output).
If you can manage to balance out your resistances via gear, you can go all out on damage with jewels, like said, something like 7% life + attack speed with bows + crit multiplier will go a long way.
Barrage helm is for single target, it boosts your damage quite much, but at the same time, is very expensive (I don't know about standard prices, as I play temp leagues only), and we're talking for example, a Starkonja's Head (my favorite bow helm), with that enchants costs 22 ex, which equals to 660 chaos at the moment in Harbinger league. I can only imagine it's something like double the price in standard league, more or less.
So yeah, I'd say that helm enchant should be the last thing you get for an upgrade
thz for the inspiration. I changed the tree a bit, went raider and went for another supportsetup.
got in my bosssetup 1.45 mill shaper dps with flask and 720k without.
How do you feel about atziri's acruity?

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