[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)

Miffy23 님이 작성:
Unnatural Instinct usable somehow in this build to any great advantage? Maybe over the Might of the Meek clusters?

Because i just dropped one naturally and debating whether to sell and invest returns in proposed build, or adapt build to use it =)

give it to me and I'll test it for you
DotsandDashes 님이 작성:
Miffy23 님이 작성:
Unnatural Instinct usable somehow in this build to any great advantage? Maybe over the Might of the Meek clusters?

Because i just dropped one naturally and debating whether to sell and invest returns in proposed build, or adapt build to use it =)

give it to me and I'll test it for you

Oh my, a helpful fellow human being in the online world!
It's a christmas miracle! :O
Miffy23 님이 작성:
Unnatural Instinct usable somehow in this build to any great advantage? Maybe over the Might of the Meek clusters?

Because i just dropped one naturally and debating whether to sell and invest returns in proposed build, or adapt build to use it =)

Look at version 2 of the build it uses an unnatural instinct to grab some life, attacj speed and critical multiplier.
Uber Elder, Shaper and Uber Atziri down. 10/10 build

lzlucas 님이 2018. 12. 25. 오후 7:51:57에 마지막으로 편집
My PoB is showing worse dps when I put in unnatural instincts. (Yes I used the recommended stats that you mentioned to enter) Am i doing something wrong? lol
Very good and smooth build. Finishing challenges atm, then I will try to get upgrades for version 2. The only drawback I see is Scourge Arrow bug in indoor locations. Besides that amazing work, 10/10 ;]


hi , can u please check my pob and tell me were i can improve?

this is my pob https://pastebin.com/g1b8mfzR
can u pls help me
Loving the build so far. Need to hit 80 to equip the Mark of the Elder but already cruising through maps.

Joshuha 님이 2018. 12. 26. 오전 10:13:05에 마지막으로 편집
What to choose in the current meta Loreweave or Kaom?
Adushkaa 님이 작성:
What to choose in the current meta Loreweave or Kaom?

Loreweave will let you run a clearskill setup, Kaom gives you a bunch more life obviously. Your choice.

You will still get oneshot occasionally with a Kaom's, just not as often.

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