[3.18] 🔮☄️ Aura Stacking - EZ new Uber Content ☄️🔮

Budget Variant:
All my corruptions are already quite high end. You can leave out most corruptions on gear except the -1 reduced mana jewels. If you are not able to obtain ilvl84 cluster you can use lower level ones and roll them for 25% Effect, T2 ES, T2 Int and T2 Life regen. Having i84 Cluster is a big upgrade, since with 35% effect you gain 2% additional aura effect on each small node, which totals 60% aura effect.

THis calculation is wrong?
yoyuhave 7 cluster jewels i could see, depending on the build i look at.
5 nodes on ea. with the cheap 25% modifier:
6x1,25 = 7,5, rounded down to 7%? so 5 nodes x 7% is 35% ea cluster?
or with 35% its 6x1,35 = 8,1 rounded down to 8, so 5 nodes x 8% is 40% ?

so for ea medium cluster its 5% aura effect? and in case game dont round down its 3%? were does the 2% on ea SMALL node comes from? that would be 2x5 = 10% ea cluster jewel.

there is a good chance i dont understand how the calculation is done.
then plz enlightend me.
Nisseonbeer#5663 님이 2020. 10. 14. 오후 2:42:32에 마지막으로 편집
Dkodr 님이 작성:
If you make a build guide I think it is a good thing to share your characters tab so that players following the guide can see changes and progressions, and import to PoB.

I'm not playing the build in league... my standard character is not changing atm and the pob is posted.
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‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
Hello, i have a question - is it still actuall to use "First among equals" in cluster jewels, or it doesnt make any sence anymore?
Jix_91 님이 작성:
Dkodr 님이 작성:
If you make a build guide I think it is a good thing to share your characters tab so that players following the guide can see changes and progressions, and import to PoB.

I'm not playing the build in league... my standard character is not changing atm and the pob is posted.
I see. Don't you think you are setting yourself and other players up for some trouble by having the stats from items that are impossible to aquire in Heist in the build header/description?
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Dkodr#6088 님이 2020. 10. 14. 오후 5:21:56에 마지막으로 편집
Dkodr 님이 작성:
Jix_91 님이 작성:
Dkodr 님이 작성:
If you make a build guide I think it is a good thing to share your characters tab so that players following the guide can see changes and progressions, and import to PoB.

I'm not playing the build in league... my standard character is not changing atm and the pob is posted.
I see. Don't you think you are setting yourself and other players up for some trouble by having the stats from items that are impossible to aquire in Heist in the build header/description?

you can achieve better numbers in league since you have all alternate quality gems available... nothing, but my amulet is legacy... and that can be worked around by getting a 7% amulet in league and leaving out 1 aura or 2 heralds
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
YeS_SeX 님이 작성:
Hello, i have a question - is it still actuall to use "First among equals" in cluster jewels, or it doesnt make any sence anymore?

35% effect, fae + int is still good - flat es is obviously better
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
Jix_91 님이 작성:
YeS_SeX 님이 작성:
Hello, i have a question - is it still actuall to use "First among equals" in cluster jewels, or it doesnt make any sence anymore?

35% effect, fae + int is still good - flat es is obviously better

I think with the cluster jewels its worth pointing out that breakpoints exist for increased effect of non-curse auras. Decisions about which cluster is better differ based on how much aura effect you currently have. If you are just short of a breakpoint, the extra % from fae might just give you a large boost in phys damage reduction and cast speed. If you are over a breakpoint by enough, you could consider grabbing a notable with mana reduction so that you can run an additional aura.

You can get up to 57% from the tree.
At 275% you only need level 20 purities to cap 90% resist.
At 300% you get 4% physical damage reduction per aura from guardian and 8% attack and cast speed per aura from Necro.
At 350% you get 9% attack and cast speed per aura from Necro.
At 400% you get 5% physical damage reduction per aura from guardian and 10% attack and cast speed per aura from Necro.

atlasygg#0464 님이 2020. 10. 15. 오전 9:34:23에 마지막으로 편집
atlasygg 님이 작성:
Jix_91 님이 작성:
YeS_SeX 님이 작성:
Hello, i have a question - is it still actuall to use "First among equals" in cluster jewels, or it doesnt make any sence anymore?

35% effect, fae + int is still good - flat es is obviously better

I think with the cluster jewels its worth pointing out that breakpoints exist for increased effect of non-curse auras. Decisions about which cluster is better differ based on how much aura effect you currently have. If you are just short of a breakpoint, the extra % from fae might just give you a large boost in phys damage reduction and cast speed. If you are over a breakpoint by enough, you could consider grabbing a notable with mana reduction so that you can run an additional aura.

You can get up to 57% from the tree.
At 275% you only need level 20 purities to cap 90% resist.
At 300% you get 4% physical damage reduction per aura from guardian and 8% attack and cast speed per aura from Necro.
At 350% you get 9% attack and cast speed per aura from Necro.
At 400% you get 5% physical damage reduction per aura from guardian and 10% attack and cast speed per aura from Necro.

this is in the guide:

How does the Aura Effect scaling work? Aura Effect works on the bonuses your Auras give, as well as their quality and other Auras you have like the Guardian Ascendancy Bonus (Auras from your Skills grant +1% Physical Damage Reduction to you and Allies).
It is important to reach certain breakpoints of aura effect to reach new levels of power with this build. For example the above effect grants +1% Physical Damage Reduction for each aura you have. With 10 Auras that +10% Physical Damage Reduction. If your build gives you 300% increased Effect of Auras (generic!) this bonus is increased to +4% Physical Damage Reduction (300% increased) per Aura resulting in 40% Physical Damage Reduction.
This concept applies to all auras on you.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
so how does the 25% and 35% increased on the clustr get rounded up/down
how big is the diffrence? getting so many diffrent answers.
how you calculate how much total increased aura effect you have?

The calculations seems to be way off in the guide.
Nisseonbeer 님이 작성:
so how does the 25% and 35% increased on the clustr get rounded up/down
how big is the diffrence? getting so many diffrent answers.
how you calculate how much total increased aura effect you have?

The calculations seems to be way off in the guide.

all these questions are answered in the guide...

> so how does the 25% and 35% increased on the clustr get rounded up/down
how big is the diffrence?
its 7% vs 8% per small node

> how you calculate how much total increased aura effect you have?
you go to POB select precision or any aura that has no increased effect notables and check the aura effect

> The calculations seems to be way off in the guide

what is wrong?
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007

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